diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/.editorconfig b/deps/node-inspect/.editorconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..beffa3084e --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/node-inspect/.editorconfig @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +root = true + +[*] +indent_style = space +indent_size = 2 +charset = utf-8 +trim_trailing_whitespace = true +insert_final_newline = true + +[*.md] +trim_trailing_whitespace = false diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/.eslintrc b/deps/node-inspect/.eslintrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c731203df6 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/node-inspect/.eslintrc @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +root: true + +env: + node: true + es6: true + +parserOptions: + ecmaVersion: 2016 + +rules: + # Possible Errors + # http://eslint.org/docs/rules/#possible-errors + comma-dangle: [2, only-multiline] + no-control-regex: 2 + no-debugger: 2 + no-dupe-args: 2 + no-dupe-keys: 2 + no-duplicate-case: 2 + no-empty-character-class: 2 + no-ex-assign: 2 + no-extra-boolean-cast: 2 + no-extra-parens: [2, functions] + no-extra-semi: 2 + no-func-assign: 2 + no-invalid-regexp: 2 + no-irregular-whitespace: 2 + no-obj-calls: 2 + no-proto: 2 + no-template-curly-in-string: 2 + no-unexpected-multiline: 2 + no-unreachable: 2 + no-unsafe-negation: 2 + use-isnan: 2 + valid-typeof: 2 + + # Best Practices + # http://eslint.org/docs/rules/#best-practices + dot-location: [2, property] + no-fallthrough: 2 + no-global-assign: 2 + no-multi-spaces: 2 + no-octal: 2 + no-redeclare: 2 + no-self-assign: 2 + no-unused-labels: 2 + no-useless-call: 2 + no-useless-escape: 2 + no-void: 2 + no-with: 2 + + # Strict Mode + # http://eslint.org/docs/rules/#strict-mode + strict: [2, global] + + # Variables + # http://eslint.org/docs/rules/#variables + no-delete-var: 2 + no-undef: 2 + no-unused-vars: [2, {args: none}] + + # Node.js and CommonJS + # http://eslint.org/docs/rules/#nodejs-and-commonjs + no-mixed-requires: 2 + no-new-require: 2 + no-path-concat: 2 + no-restricted-modules: [2, sys, _linklist] + no-restricted-properties: [2, { + object: assert, + property: deepEqual, + message: Please use assert.deepStrictEqual(). + }, { + property: __defineGetter__, + message: __defineGetter__ is deprecated. + }, { + property: __defineSetter__, + message: __defineSetter__ is deprecated. + }] + + # Stylistic Issues + # http://eslint.org/docs/rules/#stylistic-issues + brace-style: [2, 1tbs, {allowSingleLine: true}] + comma-spacing: 2 + comma-style: 2 + computed-property-spacing: 2 + eol-last: 2 + func-call-spacing: 2 + func-name-matching: 2 + indent: [2, 2, {SwitchCase: 1, MemberExpression: 1}] + key-spacing: [2, {mode: minimum}] + keyword-spacing: 2 + linebreak-style: [2, unix] + max-len: [2, 80, 2] + new-parens: 2 + no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: 2 + no-multiple-empty-lines: [2, {max: 2, maxEOF: 0, maxBOF: 0}] + no-tabs: 2 + no-trailing-spaces: 2 + quotes: [2, single, avoid-escape] + semi: 2 + semi-spacing: 2 + space-before-blocks: [2, always] + space-before-function-paren: [2, never] + space-in-parens: [2, never] + space-infix-ops: 2 + space-unary-ops: 2 + + # ECMAScript 6 + # http://eslint.org/docs/rules/#ecmascript-6 + arrow-parens: [2, always] + arrow-spacing: [2, {before: true, after: true}] + constructor-super: 2 + no-class-assign: 2 + no-confusing-arrow: 2 + no-const-assign: 2 + no-dupe-class-members: 2 + no-new-symbol: 2 + no-this-before-super: 2 + prefer-const: [2, {ignoreReadBeforeAssign: true}] + rest-spread-spacing: 2 + template-curly-spacing: 2 + + # Custom rules in tools/eslint-rules + align-function-arguments: 2 + align-multiline-assignment: 2 + assert-fail-single-argument: 2 + new-with-error: [2, Error, RangeError, TypeError, SyntaxError, ReferenceError] + +# Global scoped method and vars +globals: + COUNTER_HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST: false + COUNTER_HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE: false + COUNTER_HTTP_SERVER_REQUEST: false + COUNTER_HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSE: false + COUNTER_NET_SERVER_CONNECTION: false + COUNTER_NET_SERVER_CONNECTION_CLOSE: false + DTRACE_HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST: false + DTRACE_HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE: false + DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_REQUEST: false + DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSE: false + DTRACE_NET_SERVER_CONNECTION: false + DTRACE_NET_STREAM_END: false + LTTNG_HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST: false + LTTNG_HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE: false + LTTNG_HTTP_SERVER_REQUEST: false + LTTNG_HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSE: false + LTTNG_NET_SERVER_CONNECTION: false + LTTNG_NET_STREAM_END: false diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/.gitignore b/deps/node-inspect/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..72e2c8c180 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/node-inspect/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +node_modules/ +npm-debug.log +/tmp +/.vs diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/.npmrc b/deps/node-inspect/.npmrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..38f11c645a --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/node-inspect/.npmrc @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +registry=https://registry.npmjs.org diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/.travis.yml b/deps/node-inspect/.travis.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..07418a91eb --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/node-inspect/.travis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +language: node_js +node_js: + - '6.8' +before_deploy: + - git config --global user.email "jan.krems@gmail.com" + - git config --global user.name "Jan Krems" +deploy: + provider: script + script: ./node_modules/.bin/nlm release + skip_cleanup: true + 'on': + branch: master + node: '6.8' diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/CHANGELOG.md b/deps/node-inspect/CHANGELOG.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0a7ba1be94 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/node-inspect/CHANGELOG.md @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +### 1.10.4 + +* [`1c31bf7`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/1c31bf7d1b3ea1b424ae0662526596670cb506c9) **chore:** Support embedded mode + + +### 1.10.3 + +* [`7b20379`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/7b20379069af692a9038a31a4465f72db9eb532f) **chore:** Mark .eslintrc as root + + +### 1.10.2 + +* Run tests on windows - **[@jkrems](https://github.com/jkrems)** [#16](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/pull/16) + - [`5a57f98`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/5a57f9865e02eef0763c2a7f26236c34a632ccdd) **chore:** Run tests on windows + - [`0a04b50`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/0a04b50cc8b4dc6ce868927c635c479d75ce71f4) **chore:** Bump nlm to get rid of postinstall + - [`4a8b27c`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/4a8b27cea814a37895effd2a0c1b85dbfee3a7f4) **test:** Remove unix path assumptions + + +### 1.10.1 + +* [`4ba3c72`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/4ba3c72270fae9a71343ddca11aa27980678a67c) **refactor:** Undo weird bundling into one file + + +### 1.10.0 + +* [`3e1a66a`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/3e1a66a489bef19beaa5f859e99e027274ff43cb) **feat:** Support CPU & heap profiles + + +### 1.9.3 + +* Move back to single file - **[@jkrems](https://github.com/jkrems)** [#15](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/pull/15) + - [`9877660`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/9877660a73ff0ec0885ad7f939ba62020a46b4b6) **refactor:** Wrap client in IIFE + - [`7795c53`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/7795c533f0605eb128db610a5874b27e555251ef) **refactor:** Move more code in createRepl scope + - [`be34a39`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/be34a398e823612bdf5ac90bad5222af27035a00) **refactor:** Move back to single file + - [`ab45b62`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/ab45b6273dc0d3a49d3cf46a80cb48ab79d1caf8) **refactor:** Remove single-use functions + - [`37a711e`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/37a711ed5334c06ed4d85f995e567a9f176a68d5) **style:** Stop using `new Buffer` + - [`d669dc5`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/d669dc593f5ad5ca7a48f19f0905ef66ec0e540d) **chore:** Switch to node eslint rules + - [`15e7917`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/15e79177918d96dcffd2384715faf0308e97a26c) **style:** Use var in classical for loops + + +### 1.9.2 + +* [`c9dc4be`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/c9dc4beb08236e33d64f19417682cf5b3f5aeed6) **doc:** Link directly to GOVERNANCE file + + +### 1.9.1 + +* Handle big ws frames correctly - **[@jkrems](https://github.com/jkrems)** [#14](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/pull/14) + - [`f80100e`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/f80100e932710d232d074b239cbf8fefa564c789) **fix:** Handle big ws frames correctly - see: [#10](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/issues/10) + + +### 1.9.0 + +* Support for low-level agent access - **[@jkrems](https://github.com/jkrems)** [#13](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/pull/13) + - [`90ed431`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/90ed4310c62d130637c12f8ecdb752075c43ac36) **feat:** Support for low-level agent access + + +### 1.8.4 + +* Use proper path for websocket - **[@jkrems](https://github.com/jkrems)** [#12](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/pull/12) + - [`3405225`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/3405225979dfc2058bcc6d1b90f41c060dbd1f92) **fix:** Use proper path for websocket - see: [#11](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/issues/11) + + +### 1.8.3 + +* [`6f9883d`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/6f9883d4b29419831133988981b83e891b19739a) **fix:** Breakpoints & scripts work when not paused +* [`ecb1362`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/ecb1362c842e6ed5bc28c091a32bfd540742db75) **chore:** Pin node to 6.8 + + +### 1.8.2 + +* [`4219a98`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/4219a98d6514f1068feabce2945c21a0d5ba6561) **refactor:** Decouple source snippet from repl + + +### 1.8.1 + +* [`95402ee`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/95402ee5dff04057f074677d39db2f61ec74c151) **refactor:** Move `list` into CallFrame + + +### 1.8.0 + +* [`d0e6499`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/d0e6499084f5d656ef0c5fd470d3ab21f2e9a6b4) **feat:** `exec .scope` + + +### 1.7.0 + +* `breakOn{Exception,Uncaught,None}` - **[@jkrems](https://github.com/jkrems)** [#8](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/pull/8) + - [`fa8c4c7`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/fa8c4c7d7bb6972733c92da4d04fdd62c02b0e3b) **feat:** `breakOn{Exception,Uncaught,None}` - see: [#6](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/issues/6) + + +### 1.6.0 + +* Add `help` command - **[@jkrems](https://github.com/jkrems)** [#7](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/pull/7) + - [`09b37a0`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/09b37a02e04e16a38ce27f69538d3b098548b47c) **feat:** Add `help` command - see: [#5](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/issues/5) + + +### 1.5.0 + +* [`7e0fd99`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/7e0fd99fcfc65d8b647a2259df78f4cabf1d3d63) **feat:** Add `r` shortcut for `run` + + +### 1.4.1 + +* [`484d098`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/484d0983f06d6ff9639ab5197ba0a58313f532df) **chore:** Remove old implementation + + +### 1.4.0 + +* Properly tested implementation - **[@jkrems](https://github.com/jkrems)** [#4](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/pull/4) + - [`ba060d3`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/ba060d3ef65ae84df2a3a9b9f16d563f3c4b29be) **feat:** Error handling w/o args + - [`b39b3bc`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/b39b3bc07c13adc48fc8bb720889285c51e62548) **feat:** Launch child + - [`481693f`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/481693f676ee099b7787cd2426b980858e973602) **feat:** Connect debug client + - [`3bba0f2`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/3bba0f2416b2e3b4e6010de675003fcc328b16e8) **chore:** Disable lint for inactive code + - [`cc7bdfc`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/cc7bdfcf7f21ef5cd5c32c7800407238b0d4f100) **feat:** Properly fail with invalid host:port + - [`73f34f9`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/73f34f902634e9778597e129f46895aa8b643d72) **refactor:** Remove unused field + - [`6a23e0c`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/6a23e0cf3179f43ca6fc5a0fa2b1dd18ebc044b5) **refactor:** Better debug output & support node 6.6 + - [`63b0f9b`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/63b0f9b6ef8bd9af0f7cb14a5938a45838731fc9) **test:** Add timeout to waitFor(pattern) + - [`cfa197b`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/cfa197bf8325a1a4ca1b296f8d6971d368bfbfbb) **refactor:** Move REPL setup into own file + - [`3f46c2c`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/3f46c2c43f836e1135b66871087aa74969f6b330) **feat:** Working repl eval + - [`6911eb1`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/6911eb1a00b964bc5683506d433fa4f665f5a82c) **feat:** Enter repeats last command + - [`7d20b7d`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/7d20b7deadf1b251ea8cf2cc9167c175624932c4) **chore:** Add missing license header + - [`23c62f8`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/23c62f8375ca7c8b71d032047e728dace02f4efa) 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Leverage util.inspect.custom + - [`5dcc319`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/5dcc31922d40f56c7435319d1538390a442e8e4b) **feat:** scripts and scripts(true) + - [`085cd5a`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/085cd5a76a961edfcaa342fff5eb09bf2f9c8983) **refactor:** Consistent import style + - [`1c60f91`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/1c60f91f233848c05d865617dc7f5aacb36270b6) **feat:** Set breakpoint before file is loaded + - [`bc82ecc`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/bc82eccb2a1a7c0f5332371254f6584e748216aa) **feat:** breakpoints to list breakpoints + - [`7f48c95`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/7f48c9510696ec400d51afaca8d23a9c292640f8) **feat:** watchers & exec + - [`0f8cd13`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/0f8cd13a092e5dbeb395ff04cbe2ed97cb986423) **feat:** clearBreakpoint + - [`0d31560`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/0d315603bdcb9f4da42fab24dc569c325151269e) **feat:** version to print v8 version + - [`df6b89d`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/df6b89df580a9afcb3b8883b0e4224cbcebb384f) **feat:** Paused & global exec + - [`9e97d73`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/9e97d73073ceffd70974d45887c84fadb9159d5c) **feat:** repl to enter exec mode + - [`9ee9f90`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/9ee9f903d6202f54ed2b3b3559da4006b65d39b5) **feat:** run & restart +* [`3a752aa`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/3a752aaa773968bfe16c5f543bd739feed598bea) **feat:** kill +* [`a67e470`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/a67e47018b20d46aeeaa7abd27eb8e7770fd0b8f) **feat:** Restore breakpoints on restart + + +### 1.3.3 + +* [`eb7a54c`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/eb7a54c6fa731ed3276072c72034046fc5ffbac6) **chore:** Switch to tap for tests + + +### 1.3.2 + +* Add notes about governance - **[@jkrems](https://github.com/jkrems)** [#3](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/pull/3) + - [`e94089d`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/e94089d93689cacf5c953e94563463d1e174452d) **chore:** Add notes about governance + + +### 1.3.1 + +* [`8767137`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/8767137c53a2f6b1d36970074ea95be9871e50e3) **style:** Remove rogue console.log + + +### 1.3.0 + +* [`3ac6232`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/3ac623219ba44b0af40ef66826610a26a46c7966) **feat:** Add `version` command + + +### 1.2.0 + +* [`86b5812`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/86b581218ccab44e6bde259a17ad1e71645a6137) **feat:** scripts & listScripts(true) + + +### 1.1.1 + +* [`feaea38`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/feaea385a981e6b72a8d99277fbf575c54e15fc6) **style:** Typo in comment + + +### 1.1.0 + +* [`c64155f`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/c64155faa552f71463842a26330aa5bcbfc31670) **feat:** repl command + + +### 1.0.0 + +* 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[`534e1e4`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/534e1e46b307d61d51eb4c0aab4a3b17c17aea3d) **chore:** Add bin entry +* [`8cff9cf`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/8cff9cfb0138b5ecff0f5f6a7839dbfddc0684fd) **style:** Use simpler key thingy +* [`720ec53`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/720ec53a5b251ab3caf27f06b60924efb9e03a92) **doc:** Add instructions +* [`b89ad60`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/b89ad601b885a417e6433b1609477d8453f498a1) **doc:** More helpful docs +* [`de9243c`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/de9243c95eabe733d05952229340808c3cebf129) **feat:** Watchers +* [`e16978f`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/e16978ff8e4b2b2bdccf88fd7d3905f525822981) **docs:** Working usage hints +* [`2dbc204`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/2dbc2042145fd97169fc7536186a449715e27810) **refactor:** Use proxies +* [`b8c9b14`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/b8c9b147713f63181396d5a7fe4c2f737b733b4c) **style:** Remove unused var +* [`f6b4b20`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/f6b4b20a1d28d91cfe452b995f7dbe5f7c749e89) **feat:** Nicer inspect of remote values +* [`36887c6`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/36887c66bbf26d540f087f80ddfec38462a33bdf) **fix:** Properly print watchers +* [`7729442`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/77294426157a28cc76e339cb13916a205182641e) **feat:** Add pause command +* [`e39a713`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/e39a7134873f06da37baaa9b6252cede4ad38d7a) **fix:** Properly format boolean properties +* [`f8f51d7`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/f8f51d7a01e8d74023306a08a3d6e2da63d123e1) **fix:** Properly format numeric properties +* [`89e6e08`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/89e6e087220f3c3cb628ac7541c44298485a2e04) **feat:** Add backtrace command +* [`82362ac`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/82362acfc7ce22b4cccc64889ec136dedc8895ec) **feat:** Add setBreakpoint() +* [`7064cce`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/7064ccec3b103683088d532abfe5b4e7c066948b) **feat:** Add `setBreakpoint(line)` +* [`360580e`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/360580eba4353e81311e56df018eec0ca233da11) **feat:** Add run/kill/restart +* [`b1b576e`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/b1b576e2645723a8575df544e0bfb672d60d9d91) **feat:** Add `help` command +* [`2db4660`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/2db46609cd1c8543d31ebd5dc47e4c27ec254841) **feat:** Add remaining sb() variants +* [`f2ad1ae`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/f2ad1aeedafb154043d70bb9195b10986d311d26) **fix:** Display breakpoints set into the future +* [`73272f9`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/73272f9ace1f8546f8cad1d53627dbffba50bb4e) **refactor:** Make breakpoints more inspect friendly +* [`507a71d`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/507a71de345a3de7fe144517e9f5ea264ff993e3) **feat:** Add breakpoints command +* [`5fb3e5d`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/5fb3e5d17bbcfd45b264431547b3cf0b781c7640) **docs:** Link to Command Line API docs +* [`81af501`](https://github.com/buggerjs/node-inspect/commit/81af501bbf85397e2078310c7f24a9ac5b7f02dc) **chore:** Fix license field diff --git a/deps/node-inspect/CONTRIBUTING.md b/deps/node-inspect/CONTRIBUTING.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08d333cce8 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/node-inspect/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +# Contributing + +🎉🏅 Thanks for helping us improve this project! 🙏 + +This document outlines some of the practices we care about. +If you have any questions or suggestions about the process, +feel free to [open an issue](#reporting-issues) +. + +## Code of Conduct + +The [Node.js Code of Conduct][] applies to this repo. + +[Node.js Code of Conduct]: https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md + +## Code Contributions + +The nodereport project falls under the governance of the diagnostics +working group which is documented in: +https://github.com/nodejs/diagnostics/blob/master/GOVERNANCE.md. + +## Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1 + +By making a contribution to this project, I certify that: + +* (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I + have the right to submit it under the open source license + indicated in the file; or + +* (b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best + of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source + license and I have the right under that license to submit that + work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part + by me, under the same open source license (unless I am + permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated + in the file; or + +* (c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other + 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What are the exact steps you took? This includes the exact versions of node, npm, and any packages involved. + 1. What result are you expecting? + 1. What is the actual result? + +### Improving Documentation + +For small documentation changes, you can use [Github's editing feature](https://help.github.com/articles/editing-files-in-another-user-s-repository/). +The only thing to keep in mind is to prefix the commit message with "docs: ". +The detault commit message generated by Github will lead to a failing CI build. + +For larger updates to the documentation +it might be better to follow the [instructions for contributing code below](#contributing-code). + +### Contributing Code + +**Note:** If you're planning on making substantial changes, +please [open an issue first to discuss your idea](#reporting-issues). +Otherwise you might end up investing a lot of work +only to discover that it conflicts with plans the maintainers might have. + +The general steps for creating a pull request are: + +1. Create a branch for your change. + Always start your branch from the latest `master`. + We often prefix the branch name with our initials, e.g. `jk-a-change`. +1. Run `npm install` to install the dependencies. +1. If you're fixing a bug, be sure to write a test *first*. + That way you can validate that the test actually catches the bug and doesn't pass. +1. Make your changes to the code. + Remember to update the tests if you add new features or change behavior. +1. Run the tests via `npm test`. This will also run style checks and other validations. + You might see errors about uncommitted files. + This is expected until you commit your changes. +1. Once you're done, `git add .` and `git commit`. + Please follow the [commit message conventions](#commits--commit-messages) described below. +1. Push your branch to Github & create a PR. + +#### Code Style + +In addition to any linting rules the project might include, +a few general rules of thumb: + +* Try to match the style of the rest of the code. +* We prefer simple code that is easy to understand over terse, expressive code. +* We try to structure projects by semantics instead of role. + E.g. we'd rather have a `tree.js` module that contains tree traversal-related helpers + than a `helpers.js` module. +* Actually, if you create helpers you might want to put those into a separate package. + That way it's easier to reuse them. + +#### Commits & Commit Messages + +Please follow the [angular commit message conventions](https://github.com/angular/angular.js/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#-git-commit-guidelines). +We use an automated tool for generating releases +that depends on the conventions to determine the next version and the content of the changelog. +Commit messages that don't follow the conventions will cause `npm test` (and thus CI) to fail. + +The short summary - a commit message should look like this: + +``` +: + + + + + +