@ -70,6 +70,88 @@ const BLOCK_SCOPED_ERROR = 'Block-scoped declarations (let, ' +
'const, function, class) not yet supported outside strict mode' ;
class LineParser {
constructor ( ) {
this . reset ( ) ;
reset ( ) {
this . _ literal = null ;
this . shouldFail = false ;
this . blockComment = false ;
parseLine ( line ) {
var previous = null ;
this . shouldFail = false ;
const wasWithinStrLiteral = this . _ literal !== null ;
for ( const current of line ) {
if ( previous === '\\' ) {
// valid escaping, skip processing. previous doesn't matter anymore
previous = null ;
continue ;
if ( ! this . _ literal ) {
if ( previous === '*' && current === '/' ) {
if ( this . blockComment ) {
this . blockComment = false ;
previous = null ;
continue ;
} else {
this . shouldFail = true ;
break ;
// ignore rest of the line if `current` and `previous` are `/`s
if ( previous === current && previous === '/' && ! this . blockComment ) {
break ;
if ( previous === '/' && current === '*' ) {
this . blockComment = true ;
previous = null ;
if ( this . blockComment ) continue ;
if ( current === this . _ literal ) {
this . _ literal = null ;
} else if ( current === '\'' || current === '"' ) {
this . _ literal = this . _ literal || current ;
previous = current ;
const isWithinStrLiteral = this . _ literal !== null ;
if ( ! wasWithinStrLiteral && ! isWithinStrLiteral ) {
// Current line has nothing to do with String literals, trim both ends
line = line . trim ( ) ;
} else if ( wasWithinStrLiteral && ! isWithinStrLiteral ) {
// was part of a string literal, but it is over now, trim only the end
line = line . trimRight ( ) ;
} else if ( isWithinStrLiteral && ! wasWithinStrLiteral ) {
// was not part of a string literal, but it is now, trim only the start
line = line . trimLeft ( ) ;
const lastChar = line . charAt ( line . length - 1 ) ;
this . shouldFail = this . shouldFail ||
( ( ! this . _ literal && lastChar === '\\' ) ||
( this . _ literal && lastChar !== '\\' ) ) ;
return line ;
function REPLServer ( prompt ,
stream ,
eval_ ,
@ -193,7 +275,7 @@ function REPLServer(prompt,
debug ( 'domain error' ) ;
const top = replMap . get ( self ) ;
top . outputStream . write ( ( e . stack || e ) + '\n' ) ;
top . _ currentStringLiteral = null ;
top . lineParser . reset ( ) ;
top . bufferedCommand = '' ;
top . lines . level = [ ] ;
top . displayPrompt ( ) ;
@ -220,8 +302,7 @@ function REPLServer(prompt,
self . outputStream = output ;
self . resetContext ( ) ;
// Initialize the current string literal found, to be null
self . _ currentStringLiteral = null ;
self . lineParser = new LineParser ( ) ;
self . bufferedCommand = '' ;
self . lines . level = [ ] ;
@ -280,87 +361,22 @@ function REPLServer(prompt,
sawSIGINT = false ;
self . _ currentStringLiteral = null ;
self . lineParser . reset ( ) ;
self . bufferedCommand = '' ;
self . lines . level = [ ] ;
self . displayPrompt ( ) ;
} ) ;
function parseLine ( line , currentStringLiteral ) {
var previous = null , current = null ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < line . length ; i += 1 ) {
if ( previous === '\\' ) {
// if it is a valid escaping, then skip processing and the previous
// character doesn't matter anymore.
previous = null ;
continue ;
current = line . charAt ( i ) ;
if ( current === currentStringLiteral ) {
currentStringLiteral = null ;
} else if ( current === '\'' ||
current === '"' &&
currentStringLiteral === null ) {
currentStringLiteral = current ;
previous = current ;
return currentStringLiteral ;
function getFinisherFunction ( cmd , defaultFn ) {
if ( ( self . _ currentStringLiteral === null &&
cmd . charAt ( cmd . length - 1 ) === '\\' ) ||
( self . _ currentStringLiteral !== null &&
cmd . charAt ( cmd . length - 1 ) !== '\\' ) ) {
// If the line continuation is used outside string literal or if the
// string continuation happens with out line continuation, then fail hard.
// Even if the error is recoverable, get the underlying error and use it.
return function ( e , ret ) {
var error = e instanceof Recoverable ? e . err : e ;
if ( arguments . length === 2 ) {
// using second argument only if it is actually passed. Otherwise
// `undefined` will be printed when invalid REPL commands are used.
return defaultFn ( error , ret ) ;
return defaultFn ( error ) ;
} ;
return defaultFn ;
self . on ( 'line' , function ( cmd ) {
debug ( 'line %j' , cmd ) ;
sawSIGINT = false ;
var skipCatchall = false ;
var finisherFn = finish ;
// leading whitespaces in template literals should not be trimmed.
if ( self . _ inTemplateLiteral ) {
self . _ inTemplateLiteral = false ;
} else {
const wasWithinStrLiteral = self . _ currentStringLiteral !== null ;
self . _ currentStringLiteral = parseLine ( cmd , self . _ currentStringLiteral ) ;
const isWithinStrLiteral = self . _ currentStringLiteral !== null ;
if ( ! wasWithinStrLiteral && ! isWithinStrLiteral ) {
// Current line has nothing to do with String literals, trim both ends
cmd = cmd . trim ( ) ;
} else if ( wasWithinStrLiteral && ! isWithinStrLiteral ) {
// was part of a string literal, but it is over now, trim only the end
cmd = cmd . trimRight ( ) ;
} else if ( isWithinStrLiteral && ! wasWithinStrLiteral ) {
// was not part of a string literal, but it is now, trim only the start
cmd = cmd . trimLeft ( ) ;
finisherFn = getFinisherFunction ( cmd , finish ) ;
cmd = self . lineParser . parseLine ( cmd ) ;
// Check to see if a REPL keyword was used. If it returns true,
@ -393,9 +409,9 @@ function REPLServer(prompt,
debug ( 'eval %j' , evalCmd ) ;
self . eval ( evalCmd , self . context , 'repl' , finisherFn ) ;
self . eval ( evalCmd , self . context , 'repl' , finish ) ;
} else {
finisherFn ( null ) ;
finish ( null ) ;
function finish ( e , ret ) {
@ -406,7 +422,7 @@ function REPLServer(prompt,
self . outputStream . write ( 'npm should be run outside of the ' +
'node repl, in your normal shell.\n' +
'(Press Control-D to exit.)\n' ) ;
self . _ currentStringLiteral = null ;
self . lineParser . reset ( ) ;
self . bufferedCommand = '' ;
self . displayPrompt ( ) ;
return ;
@ -414,7 +430,7 @@ function REPLServer(prompt,
// If error was SyntaxError and not JSON.parse error
if ( e ) {
if ( e instanceof Recoverable ) {
if ( e instanceof Recoverable && ! self . lineParser . shouldFail ) {
// Start buffering data like that:
// {
// ... x: 1
@ -423,12 +439,12 @@ function REPLServer(prompt,
self . displayPrompt ( ) ;
return ;
} else {
self . _ domain . emit ( 'error' , e ) ;
self . _ domain . emit ( 'error' , e . err || e ) ;
// Clear buffer if no SyntaxErrors
self . _ currentStringLiteral = null ;
self . lineParser . reset ( ) ;
self . bufferedCommand = '' ;
// If we got any output - print it (if no error)
@ -971,7 +987,7 @@ function defineDefaultCommands(repl) {
repl . defineCommand ( 'break' , {
help : 'Sometimes you get stuck, this gets you out' ,
action : function ( ) {
this . _ currentStringLiteral = null ;
this . lineParser . reset ( ) ;
this . bufferedCommand = '' ;
this . displayPrompt ( ) ;
@ -986,7 +1002,7 @@ function defineDefaultCommands(repl) {
repl . defineCommand ( 'clear' , {
help : clearMessage ,
action : function ( ) {
this . _ currentStringLiteral = null ;
this . lineParser . reset ( ) ;
this . bufferedCommand = '' ;
if ( ! this . useGlobal ) {
this . outputStream . write ( 'Clearing context...\n' ) ;