@ -21,127 +21,121 @@
'use strict' ;
const common = require ( '../common' ) ;
const assert = require ( 'assert' ) ;
const path = require ( 'path' ) ;
const fs = require ( 'fs' ) ;
const path = require ( 'path' ) ;
const expectFilePath = common . isWindows ||
common . isLinux ||
common . isOSX ||
common . isAIX ;
let watchSeenOne = 0 ;
let watchSeenTwo = 0 ;
let watchSeenThree = 0 ;
const testDir = common . tmpDir ;
const filenameOne = 'watch.txt' ;
const filepathOne = path . join ( testDir , filenameOne ) ;
const filenameTwo = 'hasOwnProperty' ;
const filepathTwo = filenameTwo ;
const filepathTwoAbs = path . join ( testDir , filenameTwo ) ;
process . on ( 'exit' , function ( ) {
assert . ok ( watchSeenOne > 0 ) ;
assert . ok ( watchSeenTwo > 0 ) ;
assert . ok ( watchSeenThree > 0 ) ;
} ) ;
common . refreshTmpDir ( ) ;
fs . writeFileSync ( filepathOne , 'hello' ) ;
assert . doesNotThrow (
function ( ) {
const watcher = fs . watch ( filepathOne ) ;
watcher . on ( 'change' , function ( event , filename ) {
assert . strictEqual ( event , 'change' ) ;
if ( expectFilePath ) {
assert . strictEqual ( filename , 'watch.txt' ) ;
watcher . close ( ) ;
++ watchSeenOne ;
} ) ;
) ;
setImmediate ( function ( ) {
fs . writeFileSync ( filepathOne , 'world' ) ;
} ) ;
process . chdir ( testDir ) ;
fs . writeFileSync ( filepathTwoAbs , 'howdy' ) ;
assert . doesNotThrow (
function ( ) {
const watcher = fs . watch ( filepathTwo , function ( event , filename ) {
assert . strictEqual ( event , 'change' ) ;
if ( expectFilePath ) {
assert . strictEqual ( filename , 'hasOwnProperty' ) ;
watcher . close ( ) ;
++ watchSeenTwo ;
} ) ;
) ;
setImmediate ( function ( ) {
fs . writeFileSync ( filepathTwoAbs , 'pardner' ) ;
} ) ;
const filenameThree = 'newfile.txt' ;
const testsubdir = fs . mkdtempSync ( testDir + path . sep ) ;
const filepathThree = path . join ( testsubdir , filenameThree ) ;
assert . doesNotThrow (
function ( ) {
const watcher = fs . watch ( testsubdir , function ( event , filename ) {
const renameEv = common . isSunOS || common . isAIX ? 'change' : 'rename' ;
assert . strictEqual ( event , renameEv ) ;
if ( expectFilePath ) {
assert . strictEqual ( filename , 'newfile.txt' ) ;
} else {
assert . strictEqual ( filename , null ) ;
watcher . close ( ) ;
++ watchSeenThree ;
} ) ;
) ;
setImmediate ( function ( ) {
const fd = fs . openSync ( filepathThree , 'w' ) ;
fs . closeSync ( fd ) ;
} ) ;
const filepath = path . join ( testDir , 'watch.txt' ) ;
fs . writeFileSync ( filepath , 'hello' ) ;
assert . doesNotThrow (
function ( ) {
const watcher = fs . watch ( filepath ) ;
watcher . on ( 'change' , common . mustCall ( function ( event , filename ) {
assert . strictEqual ( event , 'change' ) ;
if ( expectFilePath ) {
assert . strictEqual ( filename , 'watch.txt' ) ;
watcher . close ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
) ;
setImmediate ( function ( ) {
fs . writeFileSync ( filepath , 'world' ) ;
} ) ;
const filepathAbs = path . join ( testDir , 'hasOwnProperty' ) ;
process . chdir ( testDir ) ;
fs . writeFileSync ( filepathAbs , 'howdy' ) ;
assert . doesNotThrow (
function ( ) {
const watcher =
fs . watch ( 'hasOwnProperty' , common . mustCall ( function ( event , filename ) {
assert . strictEqual ( event , 'change' ) ;
if ( expectFilePath ) {
assert . strictEqual ( filename , 'hasOwnProperty' ) ;
watcher . close ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
) ;
setImmediate ( function ( ) {
fs . writeFileSync ( filepathAbs , 'pardner' ) ;
} ) ;
const testsubdir = fs . mkdtempSync ( testDir + path . sep ) ;
const filepath = path . join ( testsubdir , 'newfile.txt' ) ;
assert . doesNotThrow (
function ( ) {
const watcher =
fs . watch ( testsubdir , common . mustCall ( function ( event , filename ) {
const renameEv = common . isSunOS || common . isAIX ? 'change' : 'rename' ;
assert . strictEqual ( event , renameEv ) ;
if ( expectFilePath ) {
assert . strictEqual ( filename , 'newfile.txt' ) ;
} else {
assert . strictEqual ( filename , null ) ;
watcher . close ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
) ;
setImmediate ( function ( ) {
const fd = fs . openSync ( filepath , 'w' ) ;
fs . closeSync ( fd ) ;
} ) ;
// https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/2293 - non-persistent watcher should
// not block the event loop
fs . watch ( __ filename , { persistent : false } , function ( ) {
assert ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
fs . watch ( __ filename , { persistent : false } , common . mustNotCall ( ) ) ;
// whitebox test to ensure that wrapped FSEvent is safe
// https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/6690
let oldhandle ;
assert . throws ( function ( ) {
const w = fs . watch ( __ filename , common . mustNotCall ( ) ) ;
oldhandle = w . _ handle ;
w . _ handle = { close : w . _ handle . close } ;
w . close ( ) ;
} , /^TypeError: Illegal invocation$/ ) ;
oldhandle . close ( ) ; // clean up
assert . throws ( function ( ) {
const w = fs . watchFile ( __ filename , { persistent : false } ,
common . mustNotCall ( ) ) ;
oldhandle = w . _ handle ;
w . _ handle = { stop : w . _ handle . stop } ;
w . stop ( ) ;
} , /^TypeError: Illegal invocation$/ ) ;
oldhandle . stop ( ) ; // clean up
let oldhandle ;
assert . throws ( function ( ) {
const w = fs . watch ( __ filename , common . mustNotCall ( ) ) ;
oldhandle = w . _ handle ;
w . _ handle = { close : w . _ handle . close } ;
w . close ( ) ;
} , /^TypeError: Illegal invocation$/ ) ;
oldhandle . close ( ) ; // clean up
assert . throws ( function ( ) {
const w = fs . watchFile ( __ filename , { persistent : false } ,
common . mustNotCall ( ) ) ;
oldhandle = w . _ handle ;
w . _ handle = { stop : w . _ handle . stop } ;
w . stop ( ) ;
} , /^TypeError: Illegal invocation$/ ) ;
oldhandle . stop ( ) ; // clean up