@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import tempfile
import time
import threading
import utils
import multiprocessing
from os . path import join , dirname , abspath , basename , isdir , exists
from datetime import datetime
@ -58,9 +59,13 @@ class ProgressIndicator(object):
def __init__ ( self , cases , flaky_tests_mode ) :
self . cases = cases
self . flaky_tests_mode = flaky_tests_mode
self . queue = Queue ( len ( cases ) )
self . parallel_queue = Queue ( len ( cases ) )
self . sequential_queue = Queue ( len ( cases ) )
for case in cases :
self . queue . put_nowait ( case )
if case . parallel :
self . parallel_queue . put_nowait ( case )
else :
self . sequential_queue . put_nowait ( case )
self . succeeded = 0
self . remaining = len ( cases )
self . total = len ( cases )
@ -87,11 +92,11 @@ class ProgressIndicator(object):
# That way -j1 avoids threading altogether which is a nice fallback
# in case of threading problems.
for i in xrange ( tasks - 1 ) :
thread = threading . Thread ( target = self . RunSingle , args = [ ] )
thread = threading . Thread ( target = self . RunSingle , args = [ True , i + 1 ] )
threads . append ( thread )
thread . start ( )
try :
self . RunSingle ( )
self . RunSingle ( False , 0 )
# Wait for the remaining threads
for thread in threads :
# Use a timeout so that signals (ctrl-c) will be processed.
@ -105,13 +110,19 @@ class ProgressIndicator(object):
self . Done ( )
return not self . failed
def RunSingle ( self ) :
def RunSingle ( self , parallel , thread_id ) :
while not self . terminate :
try :
test = self . queue . get_nowait ( )
test = self . parallel_ queue. get_nowait ( )
except Empty :
if parallel :
try :
test = self . sequential_queue . get_nowait ( )
except Empty :
case = test . case
case . thread_id = thread_id
self . lock . acquire ( )
self . AboutToRun ( case )
self . lock . release ( )
@ -381,6 +392,8 @@ class TestCase(object):
self . duration = None
self . arch = arch
self . mode = mode
self . parallel = False
self . thread_id = 0
def IsNegative ( self ) :
return False
@ -399,11 +412,12 @@ class TestCase(object):
def GetSource ( self ) :
return " (no source available) "
def RunCommand ( self , command ) :
def RunCommand ( self , command , env ) :
full_command = self . context . processor ( command )
output = Execute ( full_command ,
self . context ,
self . context . GetTimeout ( self . mode ) )
self . context . GetTimeout ( self . mode ) ,
env )
self . Cleanup ( )
return TestOutput ( self ,
full_command ,
@ -420,7 +434,9 @@ class TestCase(object):
self . BeforeRun ( )
try :
result = self . RunCommand ( self . GetCommand ( ) )
result = self . RunCommand ( self . GetCommand ( ) , {
" TEST_THREAD_ID " : " %d " % self . thread_id
} )
finally :
# Tests can leave the tty in non-blocking mode. If the test runner
# tries to print to stdout/stderr after that and the tty buffer is
@ -559,15 +575,22 @@ def CheckedUnlink(name):
PrintError ( " os.unlink() " + str ( e ) )
def Execute ( args , context , timeout = None ) :
def Execute ( args , context , timeout = None , env = { } ) :
( fd_out , outname ) = tempfile . mkstemp ( )
( fd_err , errname ) = tempfile . mkstemp ( )
# Extend environment
env_copy = os . environ . copy ( )
for key , value in env . iteritems ( ) :
env_copy [ key ] = value
( process , exit_code , timed_out ) = RunProcess (
context ,
timeout ,
args = args ,
stdout = fd_out ,
stderr = fd_err ,
env = env_copy
os . close ( fd_out )
os . close ( fd_err )
@ -1068,6 +1091,7 @@ class ClassifiedTest(object):
def __init__ ( self , case , outcomes ) :
self . case = case
self . outcomes = outcomes
self . parallel = self . case . parallel
class Configuration ( object ) :
@ -1224,6 +1248,8 @@ def BuildOptions():
default = False , action = " store_true " )
result . add_option ( " -j " , help = " The number of parallel tasks to run " ,
default = 1 , type = " int " )
result . add_option ( " -J " , help = " Run tasks in parallel on all cores " ,
default = False , action = " store_true " )
result . add_option ( " --time " , help = " Print timing information after running " ,
default = False , action = " store_true " )
result . add_option ( " --suppress-dialogs " , help = " Suppress Windows dialogs for crashing tests " ,
@ -1245,6 +1271,8 @@ def ProcessOptions(options):
VERBOSE = options . verbose
options . arch = options . arch . split ( ' , ' )
options . mode = options . mode . split ( ' , ' )
if options . J :
options . j = multiprocessing . cpu_count ( )
def CheckTestMode ( name , option ) :
if not option in [ " run " , " skip " , " dontcare " ] :
print " Unknown %s mode %s " % ( name , option )