@ -2,46 +2,40 @@
const common = require ( '../common' ) ;
const assert = require ( 'assert' ) ;
const child = require ( 'child_process' ) ;
const util = require ( 'util' ) ;
const path = require ( 'path' ) ;
if ( process . env [ 'TEST_INIT' ] ) {
util . print ( 'Loaded successfully!' ) ;
} else {
// change CWD as we do this test so its not dependant on current CWD
// being in the test folder
process . chdir ( __ dirname ) ;
return process . stdout . write ( 'Loaded successfully!' ) ;
process . env . TEST_INIT = 1 ;
// slow but simple
var envCopy = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( process . env ) ) ;
envCopy . TEST_INIT = 1 ;
function test ( file , expected ) {
const path = ` " ${ process . execPath } " ${ file } ` ;
child . exec ( path , { env : process . env } , common . mustCall ( ( err , out ) => {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( out , expected , ` 'node ${ file } ' failed! ` ) ;
} ) ) ;
child . exec ( '"' + process . execPath + '" test-init' , { env : envCopy } ,
function ( err , stdout , stderr ) {
assert . equal ( stdout , 'Loaded successfully!' ,
'`node test-init` failed!' ) ;
} ) ;
child . exec ( '"' + process . execPath + '" test-init.js' , { env : envCopy } ,
function ( err , stdout , stderr ) {
assert . equal ( stdout , 'Loaded successfully!' ,
'`node test-init.js` failed!' ) ;
} ) ;
// change CWD as we do this test so it's not dependent on current CWD
// being in the test folder
process . chdir ( __ dirname ) ;
test ( 'test-init' , 'Loaded successfully!' ) ;
test ( 'test-init.js' , 'Loaded successfully!' ) ;
// test-init-index is in fixtures dir as requested by ry, so go there
process . chdir ( common . fixturesDir ) ;
test ( 'test-init-index' , 'Loaded successfully!' ) ;
child . exec ( '"' + process . execPath + '" test-init-index' , { env : envCopy } ,
function ( err , stdout , stderr ) {
assert . equal ( stdout , 'Loaded successfully!' ,
'`node test-init-index failed!' ) ;
} ) ;
// ensures that `node fs` does not mistakenly load the native 'fs' module
// instead of the desired file and that the fs module loads as
// expected in node
process . chdir ( common . fixturesDir + '/test-init-native/' ) ;
child . exec ( '"' + process . execPath + '" fs' , { env : envCopy } ,
function ( err , stdout , stderr ) {
assert . equal ( stdout , 'fs loaded successfully' ,
'`node fs` failed!' ) ;
} ) ;
process . chdir ( path . join ( common . fixturesDir , 'test-init-native' ) ) ;
test ( 'fs' , 'fs loaded successfully' ) ;