@ -16,23 +16,30 @@ assert.strictEqual(params + '', 'a=b'); |
params = new URLSearchParams(params); |
assert.strictEqual(params + '', 'a=b'); |
// URLSearchParams constructor, empty.
// URLSearchParams constructor, no arguments
params = new URLSearchParams(); |
assert.strictEqual(params.toString(), ''); |
assert.throws(() => URLSearchParams(), TypeError, |
'Calling \'URLSearchParams\' without \'new\' should throw.'); |
// assert.throws(() => new URLSearchParams(DOMException.prototype), TypeError);
assert.throws(() => { |
new URLSearchParams({ |
toString() { throw new TypeError('Illegal invocation'); } |
}); |
}, TypeError); |
// URLSearchParams constructor, undefined and null as argument
params = new URLSearchParams(undefined); |
assert.strictEqual(params.toString(), ''); |
params = new URLSearchParams(null); |
assert.strictEqual(params.toString(), ''); |
// URLSearchParams constructor, empty string as argument
params = new URLSearchParams(''); |
assert.notStrictEqual(params, null, 'constructor returned non-null value.'); |
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties
assert.notEqual(params, null, 'constructor returned non-null value.'); |
// eslint-disable-next-line no-proto
assert.strictEqual(params.__proto__, URLSearchParams.prototype, |
'expected URLSearchParams.prototype as prototype.'); |
// URLSearchParams constructor, {} as argument
params = new URLSearchParams({}); |
// assert.strictEqual(params + '', '%5Bobject+Object%5D=');
assert.strictEqual(params + '', '%5Bobject%20Object%5D='); |
assert.strictEqual(params + '', ''); |
// URLSearchParams constructor, string.
params = new URLSearchParams('a=b'); |
@ -128,3 +135,56 @@ params = new URLSearchParams('a=b%f0%9f%92%a9c'); |
assert.strictEqual(params.get('a'), 'b\uD83D\uDCA9c'); |
params = new URLSearchParams('a%f0%9f%92%a9b=c'); |
assert.strictEqual(params.get('a\uD83D\uDCA9b'), 'c'); |
// Constructor with sequence of sequences of strings
params = new URLSearchParams([]); |
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties
assert.notEqual(params, null, 'constructor returned non-null value.'); |
params = new URLSearchParams([['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]); |
assert.strictEqual(params.get('a'), 'b'); |
assert.strictEqual(params.get('c'), 'd'); |
assert.throws(() => new URLSearchParams([[1]]), |
/^TypeError: Each query pair must be a name\/value tuple$/); |
assert.throws(() => new URLSearchParams([[1, 2, 3]]), |
/^TypeError: Each query pair must be a name\/value tuple$/); |
[ |
// Further confirmation needed
// https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/4523#discussion_r98337513
// {
// input: {'+': '%C2'},
// output: [[' ', '\uFFFD']],
// name: 'object with +'
// },
{ |
input: {c: 'x', a: '?'}, |
output: [['c', 'x'], ['a', '?']], |
name: 'object with two keys' |
}, |
{ |
input: [['c', 'x'], ['a', '?']], |
output: [['c', 'x'], ['a', '?']], |
name: 'array with two keys' |
} |
].forEach((val) => { |
const params = new URLSearchParams(val.input); |
assert.deepStrictEqual(Array.from(params), val.output, |
`Construct with ${val.name}`); |
}); |
// Custom [Symbol.iterator]
params = new URLSearchParams(); |
params[Symbol.iterator] = function *() { |
yield ['a', 'b']; |
}; |
const params2 = new URLSearchParams(params); |
assert.strictEqual(params2.get('a'), 'b'); |
assert.throws(() => new URLSearchParams({ [Symbol.iterator]: 42 }), |
/^TypeError: Query pairs must be iterable$/); |
assert.throws(() => new URLSearchParams([{}]), |
/^TypeError: Each query pair must be iterable$/); |
assert.throws(() => new URLSearchParams(['a']), |
/^TypeError: Each query pair must be iterable$/); |
assert.throws(() => new URLSearchParams([{ [Symbol.iterator]: 42 }]), |
/^TypeError: Each query pair must be iterable$/); |