@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ static bool EqualDetails(DescriptorArray* descriptors, int descriptor, |
class Expectations { |
static const int MAX_PROPERTIES = 10; |
Isolate* isolate_; |
ElementsKind elements_kind_; |
PropertyType types_[MAX_PROPERTIES]; |
PropertyAttributes attributes_[MAX_PROPERTIES]; |
Representation representations_[MAX_PROPERTIES]; |
@ -97,8 +98,15 @@ class Expectations { |
int number_of_properties_; |
public: |
explicit Expectations(Isolate* isolate, ElementsKind elements_kind) |
: isolate_(isolate), |
elements_kind_(elements_kind), |
number_of_properties_(0) {} |
explicit Expectations(Isolate* isolate) |
: isolate_(isolate), number_of_properties_(0) {} |
: Expectations( |
isolate, |
isolate->object_function()->initial_map()->elements_kind()) {} |
void Init(int index, PropertyType type, PropertyAttributes attributes, |
Representation representation, Handle<Object> value) { |
@ -143,6 +151,10 @@ class Expectations { |
os << "\n"; |
} |
void SetElementsKind(ElementsKind elements_kind) { |
elements_kind_ = elements_kind; |
} |
Handle<FieldType> GetFieldType(int index) { |
CHECK(types_[index] == DATA || types_[index] == ACCESSOR); |
@ -252,6 +264,7 @@ class Expectations { |
} |
bool Check(Map* map, int expected_nof) const { |
CHECK_EQ(elements_kind_, map->elements_kind()); |
CHECK(number_of_properties_ <= MAX_PROPERTIES); |
CHECK_EQ(expected_nof, map->NumberOfOwnDescriptors()); |
CHECK(!map->is_dictionary_map()); |
@ -279,6 +292,13 @@ class Expectations { |
// given |map|.
Handle<Map> AsElementsKind(Handle<Map> map, ElementsKind elements_kind) { |
elements_kind_ = elements_kind; |
map = Map::AsElementsKind(map, elements_kind); |
CHECK_EQ(elements_kind_, map->elements_kind()); |
return map; |
} |
Handle<Map> AddDataField(Handle<Map> map, PropertyAttributes attributes, |
Representation representation, |
Handle<FieldType> heap_type) { |
@ -1524,6 +1544,271 @@ TEST(ReconfigureDataFieldAttribute_AccConstantToDataFieldAfterTargetMap) { |
} |
// A set of tests for elements kind reconfiguration case.
// This test ensures that representation/field type generalization is correctly
// propagated from one branch of transition tree (|map2) to another (|map|).
// + - p0 - p1 - p2A - p3 - p4: |map|
// |
// ek
// |
// {} - p0 - p1 - p2B - p3 - p4: |map2|
// where "p2A" and "p2B" differ only in the representation/field type.
static void TestReconfigureElementsKind_GeneralizeRepresentation( |
Representation from_representation, Handle<FieldType> from_type, |
Representation to_representation, Handle<FieldType> to_type, |
Representation expected_representation, Handle<FieldType> expected_type) { |
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); |
Expectations expectations(isolate, FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS); |
// Create a map, add required properties to it and initialize expectations.
Handle<Map> initial_map = Map::Create(isolate, 0); |
initial_map->set_elements_kind(FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS); |
Handle<Map> map = initial_map; |
map = expectations.AsElementsKind(map, FAST_ELEMENTS); |
for (int i = 0; i < kPropCount; i++) { |
map = expectations.AddDataField(map, NONE, from_representation, from_type); |
} |
CHECK(!map->is_deprecated()); |
CHECK(map->is_stable()); |
CHECK(expectations.Check(*map)); |
// Create another branch in transition tree (property at index |kDiffProp|
// has different representatio/field type), initialize expectations.
const int kDiffProp = kPropCount / 2; |
Expectations expectations2(isolate, FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS); |
Handle<Map> map2 = initial_map; |
for (int i = 0; i < kPropCount; i++) { |
if (i == kDiffProp) { |
map2 = expectations2.AddDataField(map2, NONE, to_representation, to_type); |
} else { |
map2 = expectations2.AddDataField(map2, NONE, from_representation, |
from_type); |
} |
} |
CHECK(!map2->is_deprecated()); |
CHECK(map2->is_stable()); |
CHECK(expectations2.Check(*map2)); |
Zone zone; |
Handle<Map> field_owner(map->FindFieldOwner(kDiffProp), isolate); |
CompilationInfo info("testing", isolate, &zone); |
CHECK(!info.dependencies()->HasAborted()); |
info.dependencies()->AssumeFieldType(field_owner); |
// Reconfigure elements kinds of |map2|, which should generalize
// representations in |map|.
Handle<Map> new_map = Map::ReconfigureElementsKind(map2, FAST_ELEMENTS); |
// |map2| should be left unchanged but marked unstable.
CHECK(!map2->is_stable()); |
CHECK(!map2->is_deprecated()); |
CHECK_NE(*map2, *new_map); |
CHECK(expectations2.Check(*map2)); |
// |map| should be deprecated and |new_map| should match new expectations.
expectations.SetDataField(kDiffProp, expected_representation, expected_type); |
CHECK(map->is_deprecated()); |
CHECK(!info.dependencies()->HasAborted()); |
info.dependencies()->Rollback(); // Properly cleanup compilation info.
CHECK_NE(*map, *new_map); |
CHECK(!new_map->is_deprecated()); |
CHECK(expectations.Check(*new_map)); |
// Update deprecated |map|, it should become |new_map|.
Handle<Map> updated_map = Map::Update(map); |
CHECK_EQ(*new_map, *updated_map); |
// Ensure Map::FindElementsKindTransitionedMap() is able to find the
// transitioned map.
{ |
MapHandleList map_list; |
map_list.Add(updated_map); |
Map* transitioned_map = map2->FindElementsKindTransitionedMap(&map_list); |
CHECK_EQ(*updated_map, transitioned_map); |
} |
} |
// This test ensures that trivial representation/field type generalization
// (from HeapObject to HeapObject) is correctly propagated from one branch of
// transition tree (|map2|) to another (|map|).
// + - p0 - p1 - p2A - p3 - p4: |map|
// |
// ek
// |
// {} - p0 - p1 - p2B - p3 - p4: |map2|
// where "p2A" and "p2B" differ only in the representation/field type.
static void TestReconfigureElementsKind_GeneralizeRepresentationTrivial( |
Representation from_representation, Handle<FieldType> from_type, |
Representation to_representation, Handle<FieldType> to_type, |
Representation expected_representation, Handle<FieldType> expected_type, |
bool expected_field_type_dependency = true) { |
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); |
Expectations expectations(isolate, FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS); |
// Create a map, add required properties to it and initialize expectations.
Handle<Map> initial_map = Map::Create(isolate, 0); |
initial_map->set_elements_kind(FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS); |
Handle<Map> map = initial_map; |
map = expectations.AsElementsKind(map, FAST_ELEMENTS); |
for (int i = 0; i < kPropCount; i++) { |
map = expectations.AddDataField(map, NONE, from_representation, from_type); |
} |
CHECK(!map->is_deprecated()); |
CHECK(map->is_stable()); |
CHECK(expectations.Check(*map)); |
// Create another branch in transition tree (property at index |kDiffProp|
// has different attributes), initialize expectations.
const int kDiffProp = kPropCount / 2; |
Expectations expectations2(isolate, FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS); |
Handle<Map> map2 = initial_map; |
for (int i = 0; i < kPropCount; i++) { |
if (i == kDiffProp) { |
map2 = expectations2.AddDataField(map2, NONE, to_representation, to_type); |
} else { |
map2 = expectations2.AddDataField(map2, NONE, from_representation, |
from_type); |
} |
} |
CHECK(!map2->is_deprecated()); |
CHECK(map2->is_stable()); |
CHECK(expectations2.Check(*map2)); |
Zone zone; |
Handle<Map> field_owner(map->FindFieldOwner(kDiffProp), isolate); |
CompilationInfo info("testing", isolate, &zone); |
CHECK(!info.dependencies()->HasAborted()); |
info.dependencies()->AssumeFieldType(field_owner); |
// Reconfigure elements kinds of |map2|, which should generalize
// representations in |map|.
Handle<Map> new_map = Map::ReconfigureElementsKind(map2, FAST_ELEMENTS); |
// |map2| should be left unchanged but marked unstable.
CHECK(!map2->is_stable()); |
CHECK(!map2->is_deprecated()); |
CHECK_NE(*map2, *new_map); |
CHECK(expectations2.Check(*map2)); |
// In trivial case |map| should be returned as a result of the elements
// kind reconfiguration, respective field types should be generalized and
// respective code dependencies should be invalidated. |map| should be NOT
// deprecated and it should match new expectations.
expectations.SetDataField(kDiffProp, expected_representation, expected_type); |
CHECK(!map->is_deprecated()); |
CHECK_EQ(*map, *new_map); |
CHECK_EQ(expected_field_type_dependency, info.dependencies()->HasAborted()); |
info.dependencies()->Rollback(); // Properly cleanup compilation info.
CHECK(!new_map->is_deprecated()); |
CHECK(expectations.Check(*new_map)); |
Handle<Map> updated_map = Map::Update(map); |
CHECK_EQ(*new_map, *updated_map); |
// Ensure Map::FindElementsKindTransitionedMap() is able to find the
// transitioned map.
{ |
MapHandleList map_list; |
map_list.Add(updated_map); |
Map* transitioned_map = map2->FindElementsKindTransitionedMap(&map_list); |
CHECK_EQ(*updated_map, transitioned_map); |
} |
} |
TEST(ReconfigureElementsKind_GeneralizeRepresentationSmiToDouble) { |
CcTest::InitializeVM(); |
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); |
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); |
Handle<FieldType> any_type = FieldType::Any(isolate); |
TestReconfigureElementsKind_GeneralizeRepresentation( |
Representation::Smi(), any_type, Representation::Double(), any_type, |
Representation::Double(), any_type); |
} |
TEST(ReconfigureElementsKind_GeneralizeRepresentationSmiToTagged) { |
CcTest::InitializeVM(); |
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); |
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); |
Handle<FieldType> any_type = FieldType::Any(isolate); |
Handle<FieldType> value_type = |
FieldType::Class(Map::Create(isolate, 0), isolate); |
TestReconfigureElementsKind_GeneralizeRepresentation( |
Representation::Smi(), any_type, Representation::HeapObject(), value_type, |
Representation::Tagged(), any_type); |
} |
TEST(ReconfigureElementsKind_GeneralizeRepresentationDoubleToTagged) { |
CcTest::InitializeVM(); |
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); |
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); |
Handle<FieldType> any_type = FieldType::Any(isolate); |
Handle<FieldType> value_type = |
FieldType::Class(Map::Create(isolate, 0), isolate); |
TestReconfigureElementsKind_GeneralizeRepresentation( |
Representation::Double(), any_type, Representation::HeapObject(), |
value_type, Representation::Tagged(), any_type); |
} |
TEST(ReconfigureElementsKind_GeneralizeRepresentationHeapObjToHeapObj) { |
CcTest::InitializeVM(); |
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); |
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); |
Handle<FieldType> any_type = FieldType::Any(isolate); |
Handle<FieldType> current_type = |
FieldType::Class(Map::Create(isolate, 0), isolate); |
Handle<FieldType> new_type = |
FieldType::Class(Map::Create(isolate, 0), isolate); |
Handle<FieldType> expected_type = any_type; |
TestReconfigureElementsKind_GeneralizeRepresentationTrivial( |
Representation::HeapObject(), current_type, Representation::HeapObject(), |
new_type, Representation::HeapObject(), expected_type); |
current_type = expected_type; |
new_type = FieldType::Class(Map::Create(isolate, 0), isolate); |
TestReconfigureElementsKind_GeneralizeRepresentationTrivial( |
Representation::HeapObject(), any_type, Representation::HeapObject(), |
new_type, Representation::HeapObject(), any_type, false); |
} |
TEST(ReconfigureElementsKind_GeneralizeRepresentationHeapObjectToTagged) { |
CcTest::InitializeVM(); |
v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate()); |
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); |
Handle<FieldType> any_type = FieldType::Any(isolate); |
Handle<FieldType> value_type = |
FieldType::Class(Map::Create(isolate, 0), isolate); |
TestReconfigureElementsKind_GeneralizeRepresentation( |
Representation::HeapObject(), value_type, Representation::Smi(), any_type, |
Representation::Tagged(), any_type); |
} |
// A set of tests checking split map deprecation.
@ -1640,15 +1925,16 @@ static void TestGeneralizeRepresentationWithSpecialTransition( |
CHECK(map->is_stable()); |
CHECK(expectations.Check(*map)); |
Expectations expectations2 = expectations; |
// Apply some special transition to |map|.
CHECK(map->owns_descriptors()); |
Handle<Map> map2 = config.Transition(map); |
Handle<Map> map2 = config.Transition(map, expectations2); |
// |map| should still match expectations.
CHECK(!map->is_deprecated()); |
CHECK(expectations.Check(*map)); |
Expectations expectations2 = expectations; |
if (config.generalizes_representations()) { |
for (int i = 0; i < kPropCount; i++) { |
expectations2.GeneralizeRepresentation(i); |
@ -1720,13 +2006,15 @@ TEST(ElementsKindTransitionFromMapOwningDescriptor) { |
FieldType::Class(Map::Create(isolate, 0), isolate); |
struct TestConfig { |
Handle<Map> Transition(Handle<Map> map) { |
return Map::CopyAsElementsKind(map, DICTIONARY_ELEMENTS, |
Handle<Map> Transition(Handle<Map> map, Expectations& expectations) { |
Handle<Symbol> frozen_symbol(map->GetHeap()->frozen_symbol()); |
expectations.SetElementsKind(DICTIONARY_ELEMENTS); |
return Map::CopyForPreventExtensions(map, NONE, frozen_symbol, |
"CopyForPreventExtensions"); |
} |
// TODO(ishell): remove once IS_PROTO_TRANS_ISSUE_FIXED is removed.
bool generalizes_representations() const { return false; } |
bool is_non_equevalent_transition() const { return false; } |
bool is_non_equevalent_transition() const { return true; } |
}; |
TestConfig config; |
TestGeneralizeRepresentationWithSpecialTransition( |
@ -1744,7 +2032,7 @@ TEST(ElementsKindTransitionFromMapNotOwningDescriptor) { |
FieldType::Class(Map::Create(isolate, 0), isolate); |
struct TestConfig { |
Handle<Map> Transition(Handle<Map> map) { |
Handle<Map> Transition(Handle<Map> map, Expectations& expectations) { |
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); |
Handle<FieldType> any_type = FieldType::Any(isolate); |
@ -1756,12 +2044,14 @@ TEST(ElementsKindTransitionFromMapNotOwningDescriptor) { |
.ToHandleChecked(); |
CHECK(!map->owns_descriptors()); |
return Map::CopyAsElementsKind(map, DICTIONARY_ELEMENTS, |
Handle<Symbol> frozen_symbol(map->GetHeap()->frozen_symbol()); |
expectations.SetElementsKind(DICTIONARY_ELEMENTS); |
return Map::CopyForPreventExtensions(map, NONE, frozen_symbol, |
"CopyForPreventExtensions"); |
} |
// TODO(ishell): remove once IS_PROTO_TRANS_ISSUE_FIXED is removed.
bool generalizes_representations() const { return false; } |
bool is_non_equevalent_transition() const { return false; } |
bool is_non_equevalent_transition() const { return true; } |
}; |
TestConfig config; |
TestGeneralizeRepresentationWithSpecialTransition( |
@ -1779,7 +2069,7 @@ TEST(ForObservedTransitionFromMapOwningDescriptor) { |
FieldType::Class(Map::Create(isolate, 0), isolate); |
struct TestConfig { |
Handle<Map> Transition(Handle<Map> map) { |
Handle<Map> Transition(Handle<Map> map, Expectations& expectations) { |
return Map::CopyForObserved(map); |
} |
// TODO(ishell): remove once IS_PROTO_TRANS_ISSUE_FIXED is removed.
@ -1802,7 +2092,7 @@ TEST(ForObservedTransitionFromMapNotOwningDescriptor) { |
FieldType::Class(Map::Create(isolate, 0), isolate); |
struct TestConfig { |
Handle<Map> Transition(Handle<Map> map) { |
Handle<Map> Transition(Handle<Map> map, Expectations& expectations) { |
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); |
Handle<FieldType> any_type = FieldType::Any(isolate); |
@ -1845,7 +2135,7 @@ TEST(PrototypeTransitionFromMapOwningDescriptor) { |
prototype_ = factory->NewJSObjectFromMap(Map::Create(isolate, 0)); |
} |
Handle<Map> Transition(Handle<Map> map) { |
Handle<Map> Transition(Handle<Map> map, Expectations& expectations) { |
return Map::TransitionToPrototype(map, prototype_, REGULAR_PROTOTYPE); |
} |
// TODO(ishell): remove once IS_PROTO_TRANS_ISSUE_FIXED is removed.
@ -1879,7 +2169,7 @@ TEST(PrototypeTransitionFromMapNotOwningDescriptor) { |
prototype_ = factory->NewJSObjectFromMap(Map::Create(isolate, 0)); |
} |
Handle<Map> Transition(Handle<Map> map) { |
Handle<Map> Transition(Handle<Map> map, Expectations& expectations) { |
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); |
Handle<FieldType> any_type = FieldType::Any(isolate); |