mirror of https://github.com/lukechilds/node.git
385 changed files with 7254 additions and 7701 deletions
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ |
npm-changelog(1) -- Changes |
=========================== |
### 1.1.3, 1.1.4 |
* Update request to support HTTPS-over-HTTP proxy tunneling |
* Throw on undefined envs in config settings |
* Update which to 1.0.5 |
* Fix windows UNC busyloop in findPrefix |
* Bundle nested bundleDependencies properly |
* Alias adduser to add-user |
* Doc updates (Christian Howe, Henrik Hodne, Andrew Lunny) |
* ignore logfd/outfd streams in makeEnv() (Rod Vagg) |
* shrinkwrap: Behave properly with url-installed deps |
* install: Support --save with url install targets |
* Support installing naked tars or single-file modules from urls etc. |
* init: Don't add engines section |
* Don't run make clean on rebuild |
* Added missing unicode replacement (atomizer) |
### 1.1.2 |
Dave Pacheco (2): |
add "npm shrinkwrap" |
Martin Cooper (1): |
Fix #1753 Make a copy of the cached objects we'll modify. |
Tim Oxley (1): |
correctly remove readme from default npm view command. |
Tyler Green (1): |
fix #2187 set terminal columns to Infinity if 0 |
isaacs (19): |
update minimatch |
update request |
Experimental: single-file modules |
Fix #2172 Don't remove global mans uninstalling local pkgs |
Add --versions flag to show the version of node as well |
Support --json flag for ls output |
update request to 2.9.151 |
### 1.1 |
* Replace system tar dependency with a JS tar |
* Continue to refine |
### 1.0 |
* Greatly simplified folder structure |
* Install locally (bundle by default) |
* Drastic rearchitecture |
### 0.3 |
* More correct permission/uid handling when running as root |
* Require node 0.4.0 |
* Reduce featureset |
* Packages without "main" modules don't export modules |
* Remove support for invalid JSON (since node doesn't support it) |
### 0.2 |
* First allegedly "stable" release |
* Most functionality implemented |
* Used shim files and `name@version` symlinks |
* Feature explosion |
* Kind of a mess |
### 0.1 |
* push to beta, and announce |
* Solaris and Cygwin support |
### 0.0 |
* Lots of sketches and false starts; abandoned a few times |
* Core functionality established |
* npm(1) |
* npm-faq(1) |
@ -1,209 +0,0 @@ |
npm-folders(1) -- Folder Structures Used by npm |
=============================================== |
npm puts various things on your computer. That's its job. |
This document will tell you what it puts where. |
### tl;dr |
* Local install (default): puts stuff in `./node_modules` of the current |
package root. |
* Global install (with `-g`): puts stuff in /usr/local or wherever node |
is installed. |
* Install it **locally** if you're going to `require()` it. |
* Install it **globally** if you're going to run it on the command line. |
* If you need both, then install it in both places, or use `npm link`. |
### prefix Configuration |
The `prefix` config defaults to the location where node is installed. |
On most systems, this is `/usr/local`, and most of the time is the same |
as node's `process.installPrefix`. |
On windows, this is the exact location of the node.exe binary. On Unix |
systems, it's one level up, since node is typically installed at |
`{prefix}/bin/node` rather than `{prefix}/node.exe`. |
When the `global` flag is set, npm installs things into this prefix. |
When it is not set, it uses the root of the current package, or the |
current working directory if not in a package already. |
### Node Modules |
Packages are dropped into the `node_modules` folder under the `prefix`. |
When installing locally, this means that you can |
`require("packagename")` to load its main module, or |
`require("packagename/lib/path/to/sub/module")` to load other modules. |
Global installs on Unix systems go to `{prefix}/lib/node_modules`. |
Global installs on Windows go to `{prefix}/node_modules` (that is, no |
`lib` folder.) |
If you wish to `require()` a package, then install it locally. |
### Executables |
When in global mode, executables are linked into `{prefix}/bin` on Unix, |
or directly into `{prefix}` on Windows. |
When in local mode, executables are linked into |
`./node_modules/.bin` so that they can be made available to scripts run |
through npm. (For example, so that a test runner will be in the path |
when you run `npm test`.) |
### Man Pages |
When in global mode, man pages are linked into `{prefix}/share/man`. |
When in local mode, man pages are not installed. |
Man pages are not installed on Windows systems. |
### Cache |
See `npm-cache(1)`. Cache files are stored in `~/.npm` on Posix, or |
`~/npm-cache` on Windows. |
This is controlled by the `cache` configuration param. |
### Temp Files |
Temporary files are stored by default in the folder specified by the |
`tmp` config, which defaults to the TMPDIR, TMP, or TEMP environment |
variables, or `/tmp` on Unix and `c:\windows\temp` on Windows. |
Temp files are given a unique folder under this root for each run of the |
program, and are deleted upon successful exit. |
## More Information |
When installing locally, npm first tries to find an appropriate |
`prefix` folder. This is so that `npm install foo@1.2.3` will install |
to the sensible root of your package, even if you happen to have `cd`ed |
into some other folder. |
Starting at the $PWD, npm will walk up the folder tree checking for a |
folder that contains either a `package.json` file, or a `node_modules` |
folder. If such a thing is found, then that is treated as the effective |
"current directory" for the purpose of running npm commands. (This |
behavior is inspired by and similar to git's .git-folder seeking |
logic when running git commands in a working dir.) |
If no package root is found, then the current folder is used. |
When you run `npm install foo@1.2.3`, then the package is loaded into |
the cache, and then unpacked into `./node_modules/foo`. Then, any of |
foo's dependencies are similarly unpacked into |
`./node_modules/foo/node_modules/...`. |
Any bin files are symlinked to `./node_modules/.bin/`, so that they may |
be found by npm scripts when necessary. |
### Global Installation |
If the `global` configuration is set to true, then npm will |
install packages "globally". |
For global installation, packages are installed roughly the same way, |
but using the folders described above. |
### Cycles, Conflicts, and Folder Parsimony |
Cycles are handled using the property of node's module system that it |
walks up the directories looking for `node_modules` folders. So, at every |
stage, if a package is already installed in an ancestor `node_modules` |
folder, then it is not installed at the current location. |
Consider the case above, where `foo -> bar -> baz`. Imagine if, in |
addition to that, baz depended on bar, so you'd have: |
`foo -> bar -> baz -> bar -> baz ...`. However, since the folder |
structure is: `foo/node_modules/bar/node_modules/baz`, there's no need to |
put another copy of bar into `.../baz/node_modules`, since when it calls |
require("bar"), it will get the copy that is installed in |
`foo/node_modules/bar`. |
This shortcut is only used if the exact same |
version would be installed in multiple nested `node_modules` folders. It |
is still possible to have `a/node_modules/b/node_modules/a` if the two |
"a" packages are different versions. However, without repeating the |
exact same package multiple times, an infinite regress will always be |
prevented. |
Another optimization can be made by installing dependencies at the |
highest level possible, below the localized "target" folder. |
#### Example |
Consider this dependency graph: |
foo |
+-- blerg@1.2.5 |
+-- bar@1.2.3 |
| +-- blerg@1.x (latest=1.3.7) |
| +-- baz@2.x |
| | `-- quux@3.x |
| | `-- bar@1.2.3 (cycle) |
| `-- asdf@* |
`-- baz@1.2.3 |
`-- quux@3.x |
`-- bar |
In this case, we might expect a folder structure like this: |
foo |
+-- node_modules |
+-- blerg (1.2.5) <---[A] |
+-- bar (1.2.3) <---[B] |
| +-- node_modules |
| | `-- baz (2.0.2) <---[C] |
| | `-- node_modules |
| | `-- quux (3.2.0) |
| `-- asdf (2.3.4) |
`-- baz (1.2.3) <---[D] |
`-- node_modules |
`-- quux (3.2.0) <---[E] |
Since foo depends directly on bar@1.2.3 and baz@1.2.3, those are |
installed in foo's `node_modules` folder. |
Even though the latest copy of blerg is 1.3.7, foo has a specific |
dependency on version 1.2.5. So, that gets installed at [A]. Since the |
parent installation of blerg satisfie's bar's dependency on blerg@1.x, |
it does not install another copy under [B]. |
Bar [B] also has dependencies on baz and asdf, so those are installed in |
bar's `node_modules` folder. Because it depends on `baz@2.x`, it cannot |
re-use the `baz@1.2.3` installed in the parent `node_modules` folder [D], |
and must install its own copy [C]. |
Underneath bar, the `baz->quux->bar` dependency creates a cycle. |
However, because `bar` is already in `quux`'s ancestry [B], it does not |
unpack another copy of bar into that folder. |
Underneath `foo->baz` [D], quux's [E] folder tree is empty, because its |
dependency on bar is satisfied by the parent folder copy installed at [B]. |
For a graphical breakdown of what is installed where, use `npm ls`. |
### Publishing |
Upon publishing, npm will look in the `node_modules` folder. If any of |
the items there are not in the `bundledDependencies` array, then they will |
not be included in the package tarball. |
This allows a package maintainer to install all of their dependencies |
(and dev dependencies) locally, but only re-publish those items that |
cannot be found elsewhere. See `npm-json(1)` for more information. |
* npm-faq(1) |
* npm-json(1) |
* npm-install(1) |
* npm-pack(1) |
* npm-cache(1) |
* npm-config(1) |
* npm-publish(1) |
@ -1,393 +0,0 @@ |
npm-index(1) -- Index of all npm documentation |
============================================== |
## npm-README(1) |
node package manager |
# Command Line Documentation |
## npm-adduser(1) |
Add a registry user account |
## npm-bin(1) |
Display npm bin folder |
## npm-bugs(1) |
Bugs for a package in a web browser maybe |
## npm-build(1) |
Build a package |
## npm-bundle(1) |
## npm-cache(1) |
Manipulates packages cache |
## npm-changelog(1) |
Changes |
## npm-coding-style(1) |
npm's "funny" coding style |
## npm-completion(1) |
Tab Completion for npm |
## npm-config(1) |
Manage the npm configuration file |
## npm-dedupe(1) |
Reduce duplication |
## npm-deprecate(1) |
Deprecate a version of a package |
## npm-developers(1) |
Developer Guide |
## npm-disputes(1) |
Handling Module Name Disputes |
## npm-docs(1) |
Docs for a package in a web browser maybe |
## npm-edit(1) |
Edit an installed package |
## npm-explore(1) |
Browse an installed package |
## npm-faq(1) |
Frequently Asked Questions |
## npm-folders(1) |
Folder Structures Used by npm |
## npm-global(1) |
Folder Structures Used by npm |
## npm-help-search(1) |
Search npm help documentation |
## npm-help(1) |
Get help on npm |
## npm-init(1) |
Interactively create a package.json file |
## npm-install(1) |
Install a package |
## npm-json(1) |
Specifics of npm's package.json handling |
## npm-link(1) |
Symlink a package folder |
## npm-ls(1) |
List installed packages |
## npm-npm(1) |
node package manager |
## npm-outdated(1) |
Check for outdated packages |
## npm-owner(1) |
Manage package owners |
## npm-pack(1) |
Create a tarball from a package |
## npm-prefix(1) |
Display prefix |
## npm-prune(1) |
Remove extraneous packages |
## npm-publish(1) |
Publish a package |
## npm-rebuild(1) |
Rebuild a package |
## npm-registry(1) |
The JavaScript Package Registry |
## npm-removing-npm(1) |
Cleaning the Slate |
## npm-restart(1) |
Start a package |
## npm-rm(1) |
Remove a package |
## npm-root(1) |
Display npm root |
## npm-run-script(1) |
Run arbitrary package scripts |
## npm-scripts(1) |
How npm handles the "scripts" field |
## npm-search(1) |
Search for packages |
## npm-semver(1) |
The semantic versioner for npm |
## npm-shrinkwrap(1) |
Lock down dependency versions |
## npm-star(1) |
Mark your favorite packages |
## npm-stars(1) |
View packages marked as favorites |
## npm-start(1) |
Start a package |
## npm-stop(1) |
Stop a package |
## npm-submodule(1) |
Add a package as a git submodule |
## npm-tag(1) |
Tag a published version |
## npm-test(1) |
Test a package |
## npm-uninstall(1) |
Remove a package |
## npm-unpublish(1) |
Remove a package from the registry |
## npm-update(1) |
Update a package |
## npm-version(1) |
Bump a package version |
## npm-view(1) |
View registry info |
## npm-whoami(1) |
Display npm username |
# API Documentation |
## npm-bin(3) |
Display npm bin folder |
## npm-bugs(3) |
Bugs for a package in a web browser maybe |
## npm-commands(3) |
npm commands |
## npm-config(3) |
Manage the npm configuration files |
## npm-deprecate(3) |
Deprecate a version of a package |
## npm-docs(3) |
Docs for a package in a web browser maybe |
## npm-edit(3) |
Edit an installed package |
## npm-explore(3) |
Browse an installed package |
## npm-help-search(3) |
Search the help pages |
## npm-init(3) |
Interactively create a package.json file |
## npm-install(3) |
install a package programmatically |
## npm-link(3) |
Symlink a package folder |
## npm-load(3) |
Load config settings |
## npm-ls(3) |
List installed packages |
## npm-npm(3) |
node package manager |
## npm-outdated(3) |
Check for outdated packages |
## npm-owner(3) |
Manage package owners |
## npm-pack(3) |
Create a tarball from a package |
## npm-prefix(3) |
Display prefix |
## npm-prune(3) |
Remove extraneous packages |
## npm-publish(3) |
Publish a package |
## npm-rebuild(3) |
Rebuild a package |
## npm-restart(3) |
Start a package |
## npm-root(3) |
Display npm root |
## npm-run-script(3) |
Run arbitrary package scripts |
## npm-search(3) |
Search for packages |
## npm-shrinkwrap(3) |
programmatically generate package shrinkwrap file |
## npm-start(3) |
Start a package |
## npm-stop(3) |
Stop a package |
## npm-submodule(3) |
Add a package as a git submodule |
## npm-tag(3) |
Tag a published version |
## npm-test(3) |
Test a package |
## npm-uninstall(3) |
uninstall a package programmatically |
## npm-unpublish(3) |
Remove a package from the registry |
## npm-update(3) |
Update a package |
## npm-version(3) |
Bump a package version |
## npm-view(3) |
View registry info |
## npm-whoami(3) |
Display npm username |
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ |
npm-config(1) -- Manage the npm configuration files |
=================================================== |
npm config set <key> <value> [--global] |
npm config get <key> |
npm config delete <key> |
npm config list |
npm config edit |
npm get <key> |
npm set <key> <value> [--global] |
npm gets its config settings from the command line, environment |
variables, `npmrc` files, and in some cases, the `package.json` file. |
See npmrc(5) for more information about the npmrc files. |
See `npm-config(7)` for a more thorough discussion of the mechanisms |
involved. |
The `npm config` command can be used to update and edit the contents |
of the user and global npmrc files. |
## Sub-commands |
Config supports the following sub-commands: |
### set |
npm config set key value |
Sets the config key to the value. |
If value is omitted, then it sets it to "true". |
### get |
npm config get key |
Echo the config value to stdout. |
### list |
npm config list |
Show all the config settings. |
### delete |
npm config delete key |
Deletes the key from all configuration files. |
### edit |
npm config edit |
Opens the config file in an editor. Use the `--global` flag to edit the |
global config. |
* npm-folders(5) |
* npm-config(7) |
* package.json(5) |
* npmrc(5) |
* npm(1) |
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ |
npmrc(5) -- The npm config files |
================================ |
npm gets its config settings from the command line, environment |
variables, and `npmrc` files. |
The `npm config` command can be used to update and edit the contents |
of the user and global npmrc files. |
For a list of available configuration options, see npm-config(7). |
## FILES |
The three relevant files are: |
* per-user config file (~/.npmrc) |
* global config file ($PREFIX/npmrc) |
* npm builtin config file (/path/to/npm/npmrc) |
All npm config files are an ini-formatted list of `key = value` |
parameters. Environment variables can be replaced using |
`${VARIABLE_NAME}`. For example: |
prefix = ${HOME}/.npm-packages |
Each of these files is loaded, and config options are resolved in |
priority order. For example, a setting in the userconfig file would |
override the setting in the globalconfig file. |
### Per-user config file |
`$HOME/.npmrc` (or the `userconfig` param, if set in the environment |
or on the command line) |
### Global config file |
`$PREFIX/etc/npmrc` (or the `globalconfig` param, if set above): |
This file is an ini-file formatted list of `key = value` parameters. |
Environment variables can be replaced as above. |
### Built-in config file |
`path/to/npm/itself/npmrc` |
This is an unchangeable "builtin" configuration file that npm keeps |
consistent across updates. Set fields in here using the `./configure` |
script that comes with npm. This is primarily for distribution |
maintainers to override default configs in a standard and consistent |
manner. |
* npm-folders(5) |
* npm-config(1) |
* npm-config(7) |
* package.json(5) |
* npm(1) |
@ -0,0 +1,403 @@ |
npm-index(7) -- Index of all npm documentation |
============================================== |
## README(1) |
node package manager |
# Command Line Documentation |
## npm(1) |
node package manager |
## npm-adduser(1) |
Add a registry user account |
## npm-bin(1) |
Display npm bin folder |
## npm-bugs(1) |
Bugs for a package in a web browser maybe |
## npm-build(1) |
Build a package |
## npm-bundle(1) |
## npm-cache(1) |
Manipulates packages cache |
## npm-completion(1) |
Tab Completion for npm |
## npm-config(1) |
Manage the npm configuration files |
## npm-dedupe(1) |
Reduce duplication |
## npm-deprecate(1) |
Deprecate a version of a package |
## npm-docs(1) |
Docs for a package in a web browser maybe |
## npm-edit(1) |
Edit an installed package |
## npm-explore(1) |
Browse an installed package |
## npm-help-search(1) |
Search npm help documentation |
## npm-help(1) |
Get help on npm |
## npm-init(1) |
Interactively create a package.json file |
## npm-install(1) |
Install a package |
## npm-link(1) |
Symlink a package folder |
## npm-ls(1) |
List installed packages |
## npm-outdated(1) |
Check for outdated packages |
## npm-owner(1) |
Manage package owners |
## npm-pack(1) |
Create a tarball from a package |
## npm-prefix(1) |
Display prefix |
## npm-prune(1) |
Remove extraneous packages |
## npm-publish(1) |
Publish a package |
## npm-rebuild(1) |
Rebuild a package |
## npm-restart(1) |
Start a package |
## npm-rm(1) |
Remove a package |
## npm-root(1) |
Display npm root |
## npm-run-script(1) |
Run arbitrary package scripts |
## npm-search(1) |
Search for packages |
## npm-shrinkwrap(1) |
Lock down dependency versions |
## npm-star(1) |
Mark your favorite packages |
## npm-stars(1) |
View packages marked as favorites |
## npm-start(1) |
Start a package |
## npm-stop(1) |
Stop a package |
## npm-submodule(1) |
Add a package as a git submodule |
## npm-tag(1) |
Tag a published version |
## npm-test(1) |
Test a package |
## npm-uninstall(1) |
Remove a package |
## npm-unpublish(1) |
Remove a package from the registry |
## npm-update(1) |
Update a package |
## npm-version(1) |
Bump a package version |
## npm-view(1) |
View registry info |
## npm-whoami(1) |
Display npm username |
# API Documentation |
## npm(3) |
node package manager |
## npm-bin(3) |
Display npm bin folder |
## npm-bugs(3) |
Bugs for a package in a web browser maybe |
## npm-commands(3) |
npm commands |
## npm-config(3) |
Manage the npm configuration files |
## npm-deprecate(3) |
Deprecate a version of a package |
## npm-docs(3) |
Docs for a package in a web browser maybe |
## npm-edit(3) |
Edit an installed package |
## npm-explore(3) |
Browse an installed package |
## npm-help-search(3) |
Search the help pages |
## npm-init(3) |
Interactively create a package.json file |
## npm-install(3) |
install a package programmatically |
## npm-link(3) |
Symlink a package folder |
## npm-load(3) |
Load config settings |
## npm-ls(3) |
List installed packages |
## npm-outdated(3) |
Check for outdated packages |
## npm-owner(3) |
Manage package owners |
## npm-pack(3) |
Create a tarball from a package |
## npm-prefix(3) |
Display prefix |
## npm-prune(3) |
Remove extraneous packages |
## npm-publish(3) |
Publish a package |
## npm-rebuild(3) |
Rebuild a package |
## npm-restart(3) |
Start a package |
## npm-root(3) |
Display npm root |
## npm-run-script(3) |
Run arbitrary package scripts |
## npm-search(3) |
Search for packages |
## npm-shrinkwrap(3) |
programmatically generate package shrinkwrap file |
## npm-start(3) |
Start a package |
## npm-stop(3) |
Stop a package |
## npm-submodule(3) |
Add a package as a git submodule |
## npm-tag(3) |
Tag a published version |
## npm-test(3) |
Test a package |
## npm-uninstall(3) |
uninstall a package programmatically |
## npm-unpublish(3) |
Remove a package from the registry |
## npm-update(3) |
Update a package |
## npm-version(3) |
Bump a package version |
## npm-view(3) |
View registry info |
## npm-whoami(3) |
Display npm username |
# Files |
## npm-folders(5) |
Folder Structures Used by npm |
## npmrc(5) |
The npm config files |
## package.json(5) |
Specifics of npm's package.json handling |
# Misc |
## npm-coding-style(7) |
npm's "funny" coding style |
## npm-config(7) |
More than you probably want to know about npm configuration |
## npm-developers(7) |
Developer Guide |
## npm-disputes(7) |
Handling Module Name Disputes |
## npm-faq(7) |
Frequently Asked Questions |
## npm-index(7) |
Index of all npm documentation |
## npm-registry(7) |
The JavaScript Package Registry |
## npm-scripts(7) |
How npm handles the "scripts" field |
## removing-npm(7) |
Cleaning the Slate |
## semver(7) |
The semantic versioner for npm |
Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff
Reference in new issue