Callbacks that were passed to the binding layer ran in the context of the
(internal) binding object. Make sure they run in the global context.
fs.symlink('a', 'b', function() {
console.log(this); // prints "{ oncomplete: [Function] }"
fs.symlink('a', 'b', function() {
console.log(this); // prints "{ <global object> }"
The server 'close' event was emitted before the last client 'close' event. Not
exactly fatal but potentially confusing.
Before this commit the order looked something like [client, server, client],
now it looks like [client, client, server].
See #3340 for more details.
In case a fd option is given to fs.createReadStream a read will instantly
happen. But in the edge case where fd point to an empty file and .pause()
was executed instantly, the end event would emit since no async wait was
between fs.createReadStream and the file read there emits end.
In case a worker would spawn a new subprocess with process.env, NODE_UNIQUE_ID
would have been a part of the env. Making the new subprocess believe it is a
worker, this would result in some confusion if the subprocess where to listen to
a port, since the server handle request would then be relayed to the worker.
This patch removes the NODE_UNIQUE_ID flag from process.env on startup so any
subprocess spawned by a worker is a normal process with no cluster stuff.
request.end() would sometimes try to write a zero-length buffer to the socket.
Don't do that, it triggers an unnecessary EPIPE when the other end has closed
the connection.
child_process.fork() support sending native hander object, this patch add support for sending
net.Server and net.Socket object by converting the object to a native handle object and back
to a useful object again.
Note when sending a Socket there was emitted by a net Server object, the server.connections
property becomes null, because it is no longer possible to known when it is destroyed.
This frees us from manually having to copy over functions to SlowBuffer's
prototype (which has bitten us multiple times in the past).
As an added bonus, the `inspect()` function is now shared between Buffer
and SlowBuffer, removing some duplicate code.
So instead of:
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
You will now see:
throw new Error('bar');
This is a sub-set of isaacs patch here:
The difference is that this patch purely adresses the exception output,
but does not try to make any behavior changes / improvements.