This is an incredibly useful thing to know about, and it
will likely never change. I can't remember why we
didn't ever document it, and people keep suggesting we
do so.
note options now align with url.parse
added note that hostname is preferred over host.
added auth
added not that setting an explicit Authorization header will override basic authentication with 'auth'
Made a link to http.request and noted that all http.request options are valid.
added path option
Mostly quite minor edits. Those possibly of more interest are:
That the limit is per event name for an emitter.
Not a path, but rather the symbolic link's string value, which
would be at best a partial path, certainly not a 'resolvedPath'
This may be "well-known" but this is a full path to the module
that referencing code is running in. It is not the main program's
path, unless you are in the main program. Each module knows only
its own path.
I actually needed this functionality... "gimme just _any_ next port"
Yeah, everybody knows what happens to the queued data, but let's
make it *really* explicit for the first readers.
moved 'continue' event from http.Agent to http.ClientRequest.
added 'close' event to http.ClientResponse.
added 'open' event to fs.ReadStream.