The copyright and license notice is already in the LICENSE file. There
is no justifiable reason to also require that it be included in every
file, since the individual files are not individually distributed except
as part of the entire package.
* isaacs, Robert Kowalski, Benjamin Coe: Test Improvements
* isaacs doc: Add canonical url
* isaacs view: handle unpublished packages properly
* Raynos (Jake Verbaten) do not log if silent
* Julian Gruber fix no such property error
* isaacs npmconf@0.1.14
* Thorsten Lorenz adding save-prefix configuration option
* isaacs npm-registry-client@0.4.7
* isaacs cache: treat missing versions as a 404
* isaacs cache: Save shasum, write resolved/etc data to cache
* isaacs cache: Always fetch root doc
* isaacs cache: don't repack unnecessarily from tmp
* Andrey Kislyuk Don't crash if shrinkwrap-dependencies were not passed in pkginfo
* Robert Kowalski fix link in faq
* Jean Lauliac Add a peerDependencies section in package.json doc
* isaacs read-installed@2.0.2
* Documentation upgrades
* Fix glob bug which prevents proper README publishing
* node-gyp upgrade to 0.13
* Documentation updates
* Add --save-exact to save an exact dep (instead of a range)
* alias 't' to 'test'