The copyright and license notice is already in the LICENSE file. There
is no justifiable reason to also require that it be included in every
file, since the individual files are not individually distributed except
as part of the entire package.
Move `createCredentials` to `tls` module and rename it to
`createSecureContext`. Make it use default values from `tls` module:
Right now no default ciphers are use in, e.g. https.get, meaning that
weak export ciphers like TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA are
To reproduce:
node -e "require('https').get({hostname: '', \
path: '/a/check'}, function(res) {res.on('data', \
function(d) {process.stdout.write(d)})})"
test/simple/test-url.js:31:(0110) Line too long (82 characters).
test/simple/test-url.js:39:(0110) Line too long (85 characters).
test/simple/test-url.js:40:(0110) Line too long (92 characters).