smalloc.alloc now accepts an optional third argument which allows
specifying the type of array that should be allocated. All available
types are now located on smalloc.Types.
Flags and modes aren't the same, symlinks are followed in all of the
path but the last component, docs should say something about what the
mode argument is for and when its used, fs.openSync should point to the
function that contains the docs for its args, as fs.writeSync does.
Don't throw an exception when the argument to %j is an object that
contains circular references, it's not helpful. Catch the exception
and return the string '[Circular]'.
Prior, strings would first be converted to a Buffer before being written
to disk. Now the intermediary step has been removed.
Other changes of note:
* Class member "must_free" was added to req_wrap so to track if the
memory needs to be manually cleaned up after use.
* External String Resource support, so the memory will be used directly
instead of copying out the data.
* Docs have been updated to reflect that if position is not a number
then it will assume null. Previously it specified the argument must be
null, but that was not how the code worked. An attempt was made to
only support == null, but there were too many tests that assumed !=
number would be enough.
* Docs update show some of the write/writeSync arguments are optional.
Passing the number of sent bytes to the callback is superfluous;
datagram sockets operate in atomic mode: either the sendmsg() system
call succeeds or it fails but it never does partial writes.
Instead, report send errors to the callback. UDP error reporting is
fairly haphazard on most platforms. You should not expect reliable
delivery of anything besides EMSGSIZE and (possibly) ENETDOWN and
In streams2, there is an "old mode" for compatibility. Once switched
into this mode, there is no going back.
With this change, there is a "flowing mode" and a "paused mode". If you
add a data listener, then this will start the flow of data. However,
hitting the `pause()` method will switch *back* into a non-flowing mode,
where the `read()` method will pull data out.
Every time `read()` returns a data chunk, it also emits a `data` event.
In this way, a passive data listener can be added, and the stream passed
off to some other reader, for use with progress bars and the like.
There is no API change beyond this added flexibility.
It will be confusing if later on we add Buffer#dispose(), and smalloc is
its own cpp api anyways. So instead create a new require('smalloc') to
expose the previous Buffer.alloc/dispose methods, and expose copyOnto
and kMaxLength as well.
Other changes:
* Added documentation and additional tests.
* smalloc::CopyOnto has changed from using assert() to throwing errors
on bad argument values because it is not exposed to the user.
* Minor style fixes.
The Streams API doc is now broken up into 3 sections:
1. API for Consumers
2. API for Implementors
3. Details and Extras
This addresses one of the biggest points of confusion for new users who
start to consume streams, and get the impression that they have to do
lots of extra work and implement classes and such, just to get some data
out of a file.
While the new Buffer implementation is much faster we still have the
necessity of using Buffer pools. This is undesirable because it may
still lead to unwanted memory retention, but for the time being this is
the best solution.
Because of this re-introduction, and since there is no more SlowBuffer
type, the SlowBuffer method has been re-purposed to return a non-pooled
Buffer instance. This will be helpful for developers to store data for
indeterminate lengths of time without introducing a memory leak.
Another change to Buffer pools was that they are only allocated if the
requested chunk is < poolSize / 2. This was done because allocations are
much quicker now, and it's a better use of the pool.
Memory allocations are now done through smalloc. The Buffer cc class has
been removed completely, but for backwards compatibility have left the
namespace as Buffer.
The .parent attribute is only set if the Buffer is a slice of an
allocation. Which is then set to the alloc object (not a Buffer).
The .offset attribute is now a ReadOnly set to 0, for backwards
compatibility. I'd like to remove it in the future (pre v1.0).
A few alterations have been made to how arguments are either coerced or
thrown. All primitives will now be coerced to their respective values,
and (most) all out of range index requests will throw.
The indexes that are coerced were left for backwards compatibility. For
example: Buffer slice operates more like Array slice, and coerces
instead of throwing out of range indexes. This may change in the future.
The reason for wanting to throw for out of range indexes is because
giving js access to raw memory has high potential risk. To mitigate that
it's easier to make sure the developer is always quickly alerted to the
fact that their code is attempting to access beyond memory bounds.
Because SlowBuffer will be deprecated, and simply returns a new Buffer
instance, all tests on SlowBuffer have been removed.
Heapdumps will now show usage under "smalloc" instead of "Buffer".
ParseArrayIndex was added to node_internals to support proper uint
argument checking/coercion for external array data indexes.
SlabAllocator had to be updated since handle_ no longer exists.
The console module has always been called 'stdio' in the
table-of-contents, but nowhere else, since its name is
'console'. This makes it difficult to find.
This is a back-port of commit 226a20d from the master branch.
The console module has always been called 'stdio' in the
table-of-contents, but nowhere else, since its name is
'console'. This makes it difficult to find.
Resolves minor discrepancies between android and standard POSIX systems.
In addition, some configure parameters were added, and a helper-script
for android configuration. Ideally, this script should be merged into
the standard configure script.
To build for android, source the android-configure script with an NDK
source ./android-configure ~/android-ndk-r8d
This will create an android standalone toolchain and export the
necessary environment parameters.
After that, build as normal:
make -j8
After the build, you should now have android-compatible NodeJS binaries.
Split `tls.js` into `_tls_legacy.js`, containing legacy
`createSecurePair` API, and `_tls_wrap.js` containing new code based on
`tls_wrap` binding.
Remove tests that are no longer useful/valid.