Not necessary, since we can handle the error properly on the first tick
now, even if there are event listeners, etc.
Additionally, this removes the unnecessary "_needTickCallback" from
startup, since Module.loadMain() will kick off a nextTick callback right
after it runs the main module.
mainly to allow native addons to export single functions on
rather than being restricted to operating on an existing
Init functions now receive exports as the first argument, like
before, but also the module object as the second argument, if they
support it.
Related to #4634
So instead of:
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
You will now see:
throw new Error('bar');
This is a sub-set of isaacs patch here:
The difference is that this patch purely adresses the exception output,
but does not try to make any behavior changes / improvements.
The current behaviour will silently ignore any parsing errors
that may occur when loading a package.json file. This makes
debugging errors in the package.json file very difficult.
This changes the behaviour that that errors opening and reading
the file package.json file continue to be ignored, but errors
in parsing will throw an exception.
If hasOwnProperty is overridden, then calling `obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)`
can fail. Any time a dictionary of user-generated items is built, we
cannot rely on hasOwnProperty being safe, so must call it from the
Object.prototype explicitly.
Module.globalPaths is still set to a read-only copy of the global
include paths pulled off of the NODE_PATH environment variable.
It's important to be able to inspect this, but modifying it no longer
has any effect.
This adds support for a cache object to be passed to the
fs.realpath and fs.realpathSync functions. The Module loader keeps an
object around which caches the resulting realpaths that it looks up in
the process of loading modules.
This means that (at least as a result of loading modules) the same files
and folders are never lstat()ed more than once. To reset the cache, set
require("module")._realpathCache to an empty object. To disable the
caching behavior, set it to null.
This adds basic support for situations where there is a package.json
with a "main" field. That "main" module is used as the code that is
loaded when the package folder is required.