Convert the Buffer to an ArrayBuffer. The typed_array.buffer property
should be an ArrayBuffer to avoid confusion: a Buffer doesn't have a
byteLength property and more importantly, its slice() method works
subtly different.
That means that before this commit:
var buf = new Buffer(1);
var arr = new Int8Array(buf);
assert.equal(arr.buffer, buf);
assert(arr.buffer instanceof Buffer);
And now:
var buf = new Buffer(1);
var arr = new Int8Array(buf);
assert.notEqual(arr.buffer, buf);
assert(arr.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer);
This is commit 01ee551, except for the DataView type this time.
Make the behavior of DataView consistent with that of typed arrays:
make a copy of the backing store.
Follow browser behavior, only share the backing store when it's a
ArrayBuffer. That is:
var abuf = new ArrayBuffer(32);
var a = new Int8Array(abuf);
var b = new Int8Array(abuf);
a[0] = 0;
b[0] = 1;
assert(a[0] === b[0]); // a and b share memory
var a = new Int8Array(32);
var b = new Int8Array(a);
a[0] = 0;
b[0] = 1;
assert(a[0] !== b[0]); // a and b don't share memory
The typed arrays spec allows both `a[0] === b[0]` and `a[0] !=== b[0]`
but Chrome and Firefox implement the behavior where memory is not
Copying the memory is less efficient but let's do it anyway for the
sake of the Principle of Least Surprise.
* It incorrectly uses assert(a, b) instead of assert.equal(a, b), meaning all
relevant assertions will pass regardless of whether they're supposed to when
a == true.
* It makes the assumption that elements in typed arrays for numerical types
spanning more than one byte, like Uint32Array, are stored little-endian first
on all machines.
* It contains assorted mistakes like assert(Int32Array, typeof v4) (that one
only passes thanks to point 1).