In order to do this, buffer data management was moved out of the
JS entry-point New, and into Replace.
Secondly, the constructor makes an immediate call to Replace, and
in order for ArrayData calls to work, wrapping must already be set
up. Now, the constructor takes the wrappee as a parameter.
However it's not working very well: Hitting a 'hello world' server with many
requests (ab -t 60 -c 10) will cause it to crash with the following error.
Obtained 3 stack frames.
./node(_Z11print_tracev+0x1c) [0x80d1b3c]
./node(_ZN4node6Parser7ExecuteERKN2v89ArgumentsE+0x69) [0x80d3759]
./node [0x811f44b]
TypeError: Already parsing a buffer
at Socket.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/lib/http2.js:393:20)
at IOWatcher.callback (/home/ryan/projects/node/lib/net.js:81:12)
at node.js:985:9
at node.js:989:1