Prevent test-process-kill-pid.js tests suite from sending SIGHUP
to its process group, which was causing the test runner to terminate.
Fix jenkins' jobs for nodejs-master.
Signed-off-by: Timothy J Fontaine <>
Between 0.11.1 and 0.11.2, the message and error events stopped
being usable via the cluster.worker object. This commit makes
them usable again. Closes#7998.
Signed-off-by: Fedor Indutny <>
Currently, invalid usage such as:
all coerce the pid to 0, and signal the current process.
Signed-off-by: Fedor Indutny <>
Currently, stringification of an empty array outputs a single
separator character. This commit causes an empty array to output
the empty string.
Signed-off-by: Fedor Indutny <>
When TLS Alert is occured in handshake, ClearOut only write it into
wbio and does not flush to socket. TLS Alert should be written to
socket with EncOut before socket is destroyed within its error
Signed-off-by: Fedor Indutny <>
Currently, checkExecSyncError() attempts to access the contents
of stderr. When stdio is set to 'ignore', this causes a crash.
This commit adds a check on the access of stderr. Closes#7966.
Signed-off-by: Fedor Indutny <>
A ReadableStream with a base64 StringDecoder backed by only
one or two bytes would fail to output its partial data before
ending. This fix adds a check to see if the `read` was triggered
by an internal `flow`, and if so, empties any remaining data.
Signed-off-by: Fedor Indutny <>
Emits on every call to cluster.setupMaster(), even if no new settings
are given. This is because calling cluster.setupMaster() without
arguments (or with an empty options object) results in the settings
being restored to their defaults.
Signed-off-by: Fedor Indutny <>
Only attributes of 'cluster.settings' will be modified after the first
call, leaving all other cluster initialization alone. Each call that
includes a 'settings' argument triggers a 'setup' event to be emitted.
Instead of each call resetting all values to their defaults, use the
current settings (if any) as the default. This retains setupMaster's
support how cluster.fork() uses setupMaster() to ensure
cluster.settings has been populated.
Update example in docs to use current node coding style and include
an example of progressive configuration.
Signed-off-by: Fedor Indutny <>
The spawnSync() cwd option was being copied to the incorrect
location. This commit copies to the correct location.
Signed-off-by: Fedor Indutny <>
Default highWaterMark is now set properly when using stream Duplex's
writableObjectMode and readableObjectMode options.
Added condition to the already existing split objectMode test to ensure
the highWaterMark is being set to the correct default value on both the
ReadableState and WritableState for readableObjectMode and
Signed-off-by: Fedor Indutny <>
Fix for `error` events emitting only once when reconnecting
a single instance of net.Socket.
Signed-off-by: Fedor Indutny <>
A udp packet can have 0 content. In that case nread will be equal to 0,
but addr != NULL.
Add test case for empty data gram packets and fixed test that checked
for OOB when length == 0.
Signed-off-by: Trevor Norris <>
The [Stream documentation for .push](
explicitly states multiple times that null is a special cased value
that indicates the end of a stream. It is confusing and undocumented
that undefined *also* ends the stream, even though in object mode
there is a distinct and important difference.
The docs for Object-Mode also explicitly mention null as the *only*
special cased value, making no mention of undefined.
Signed-off-by: Fedor Indutny <>
Creating a new buffer from the toJSON() output of another
buffer does not currently work. This commit adds that
support. Closes#7849.
Signed-off-by: Fedor Indutny <>
Calling dns.lookup with arguments that generate an error from c-ares
previously sent those errors back to the callback. This commit restores
the ca9eb71 behavior.
Signed-off-by: Trevor Norris <>
Signed-off-by: Fedor Indutny <>
WriteItem callback may add new item to the `pending_write_items`. Ensure
that this item won't be called in the same `InvokeQueued` call, as it
may result in way-to-early `finish` event on js-side.
Signed-off-by: Fedor Indutny <>
Tests for the behaviour in v0.10.x which allows process.argv changes
to be honoured by cluster.setupMaster().
Signed-off-by: Trevor Norris <>
Previously v8's WriteUtf8 function would produce invalid utf-8 output
when encountering unmatched surrogate code units [1]. The new
REPLACE_INVALID_UTF8 option fixes that by replacing invalid code points
with the unicode replacement character.
[1]: JS Strings are defined as arrays of 16 bit unsigned integers. There
is no unicode enforcement, so one can easily end up with invalid unicode
code unit sequences inside a string.
The test cases are still essentially the same, but now all possible ways
of writing a buffer into the decoder are tested, which has exposed a few
failing scenarios that had not been discovered so far!
net.server.listen() behaves inconsistently depending on whether the port
number is provided.
1. port === 0 && host == '' (i.e. false-y), node creates an AF_INET
socket but does not call bind().
2. port > 0 && host == '', node creates an AF_INET6 socket and calls
The fix makes 1 consistent with 2.
Signed-off-by: Fedor Indutny <>
Fix up a bad assumption in pummel/test-net-pingpong, namely that binding
to 'localhost' or '' means that incoming connections will have an IPv4
Signed-off-by: Timothy J Fontaine <>
EMFILE and ENFILE mean 'out of file descriptors'. It's a run-time error
and as such should emit an error on the child process object, not throw
an exception.
Signed-off-by: Timothy J Fontaine <>
Avoid sending unsent data and destroying otherwise legitimate sockets
for requests that are aborted while still in the agent queue. This
reduces stress on upstream systems who will likely respond to the
request but client app already knows that it will be dropped on the
floor and also helps avoid killing keep-alive connections.
Not all querystring are utf-8 encoding, make querystring can be used
to encode / decode `non-utf8` encoding string if necessary.
Signed-off-by: Timothy J Fontaine <>
Do not ever call `Delete()` on `proxy_global_`, it will invoke
`GlobalPropertyDeleteCallback` and cause crash because of the infinite