At the uv layer pipes are connected with uv_pipe_connect.
The current spec for this method indicates that the maximum
length is limited to the size of length of
sizeof(sockaddr_un.sun_path), typically between 92 and
108 bytes. Anything longer than that just gets truncated.
The simple testsuite currently creates pipes in directories
under the directory where node was built. In our jenkins
jobs this sometimes ends up being a deep enough path that
the path for the pipes is getting truncated. The result
is that tests using pipes fail with errors that don't
make it obvious what the problem is.
Even if the errors were helpful, we still need a way
to avoid the truncation.
This patch adds the environment variable NODE_PIPE_DIR.
If set the tests create pipes in this directory instead of
the current defaults. In addition the test harness is
updated to remove/delete this directory before/after
each test is run.
modified: test/common.js
modified: test/simple/test-net-pipe-connect-errors.js
modified: test/testpy/
modified: test/simple/test-cluster-eaccess.js
Reviewed-By: Julien Gilli <>
Problem: calling `server.listen()` (no port) on a net.Server triggered the
following libuv assertion:
node: ../deps/uv/src/unix/stream.c:406: uv__write: Assertion `fd_to_send >= 0'
Cause: uv_tcp_t handles are lazily initialized. Omitting the port made the
handle get initialized even more lazily. Too lazily - it wasn't initialized
when the handle was sent over to the child process.
Solution: implicitly bind to a random port in listen() when the port number
is omitted, it forces the handle to initialize. This is not a change in
behavior, listen() has always been identical to listen(0).
test: fixes due to new cluster api.
- changed worker `death` to `exit`.
- corrected argument type expected by worker `exit` handler.
test: more tests of cluster.worker death
cluster: fixed arguments on worker 'exit' event
worker 'exit' event now emits arguments consistent with the
corresponding event in child_process module.