Expect instability on the master branch for a while.
- Documentation is not yet updated
- SSL support is gone! It needs to be redone for net.js. Use 'tcp_old'
and 'http_old' if you need it. I want to use OpenSSL now, talk to me if
you'd like to work on it.
- fs.write() supports Buffers a little. See src/node_file.cc for details
fs.read() not yet. The file streams need to be updated to handle Buffer.
- The Buffer API will probably change.
Changed ReallyEmit so that it clones the Array of listeners before
processing the emit. Added better tests to make sure that modifying
listeners inside event handlers doesn't cause later listeners to be skipped
or added.
After getting some feedback from Mikeal Rogers and Tim Smart, it was decided
that evalcx should not try to do any fancy security stuff, and instead leave
that in the hands of the user. To comply more with spidermonkey, everything
is passed in, and objects are passed in by reference rather than being
1. Move the context->Enter() call so that the global obj is available for writing.
2. On success, copy the modified global out to the sandbox object.
3. Don't copy functions in either direction. They have scope and closures, and make for craziness when trying to keep contexts separate.
4. Only do the ->ToObject->Clone() on objects, so that simple values stay simple.
5. Update the test so that it tests all this stuff.