This way, the "default" paths of ~/.node_libraries and {prefix}/lib/node are only checked *after* anything that the user has placed into the NODE_PATHS environ, or pushed onto require.paths.
This makes require.paths a much more effective write-target, albeit slightly less useful as a read-target. However, given the existence of require.resolve(), this is less of an issue -- if you want to know what a module ID will map to, just ask that question and get an authoritative answer from the loading machinery.
There are a few kinds of errors that are very confusing.
1. Errors raised in nextTick
2. Errors emitted on the "error" event
3. RangeErrors that crash the program (or anything without a stack trace)
Long traces will make make these better, of course. In the meantime, this
adds a few handy signposts (in the form of better error reporting and
comments on the otherwise inscrutable code printed to the terminal) that can
help new users find the cause, or at least, ask for help more effectively.
This patch removes require.async from nodejs.
1. It complicated the code unnecessarily.
2. Everyone uses sync require anyway.
3. It's got a lot of weird edge cases when mixed with sync require.
4. It is many months behind the commonjs spec anyhow.
The main system is built upon this, and is optional, if only natives
are used in application (eg. node-core).
Natives not loaded into own context if NODE_MODULE_CONTEXTS=1.
This have its inner logic, if natives are seen just as lazy-loaded
parts of the core.
And fix missing var!
It would be good to get this script running at the end of every test, so we
know that modules aren't leaking either - but it will require a lot
modification of the tests so that they themselves aren't leaking globals.
Change process._tickCallback so that if a callback throws an error but
there are other callbacks after it, we indicate that
process._tickCallback needs to be ran again.
Currently, if a callback in process._tickCallback throws an error, and
that error is caught by an uncaughtException handler and
process.nextTick is never called again, then any other callbacks already
added to the nextTickQueue won't be called again.
Updated the next-tick-errors test to catch this scenario.