'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const initHooks = require('./init-hooks'); const { checkInvocations } = require('./hook-checks'); const p = new Promise(common.mustCall(function executor(resolve, reject) { resolve(5); })); p.then(function afterresolution(val) { assert.strictEqual(val, 5); return val; }); // init hooks after chained promise is created const hooks = initHooks(); hooks._allowNoInit = true; hooks.enable(); process.on('exit', function onexit() { hooks.disable(); hooks.sanityCheck('PROMISE'); // Because the init event was never emitted the hooks listener doesn't // know what the type was. Thus check for Unknown rather than PROMISE. const as = hooks.activitiesOfTypes('PROMISE'); const unknown = hooks.activitiesOfTypes('Unknown'); assert.strictEqual(as.length, 0); assert.strictEqual(unknown.length, 1); const a0 = unknown[0]; assert.strictEqual(a0.type, 'Unknown'); assert.strictEqual(typeof a0.uid, 'number'); checkInvocations(a0, { before: 1, after: 1 }, 'when process exits'); });