'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const http = require('http'); const path = require('path'); const agent = new http.Agent(); // default to localhost assert.strictEqual( agent.getName({ port: 80, localAddress: '' }), 'localhost:80:' ); // empty assert.strictEqual( agent.getName({}), 'localhost::' ); // pass all arguments assert.strictEqual( agent.getName({ host: '', port: 80, localAddress: '' }), '' ); // unix socket const socketPath = path.join(common.tmpDir, 'foo', 'bar'); assert.strictEqual( agent.getName({ socketPath }), `localhost:::${socketPath}` ); for (const family of [0, null, undefined, 'bogus']) assert.strictEqual(agent.getName({ family }), 'localhost::'); for (const family of [4, 6]) assert.strictEqual(agent.getName({ family }), `localhost:::${family}`);