-include config.mk BUILDTYPE ?= Release PYTHON ?= python NINJA ?= ninja DESTDIR ?= SIGN ?= FLAKY_TESTS ?= run STAGINGSERVER ?= node-www OSTYPE := $(shell uname -s | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]') # Flags for packaging. NODE ?= ./node # Default to verbose builds. # To do quiet/pretty builds, run `make V=` to set V to an empty string, # or set the V environment variable to an empty string. V ?= 1 # BUILDTYPE=Debug builds both release and debug builds. If you want to compile # just the debug build, run `make -C out BUILDTYPE=Debug` instead. ifeq ($(BUILDTYPE),Release) all: out/Makefile node else all: out/Makefile node node_g endif # The .PHONY is needed to ensure that we recursively use the out/Makefile # to check for changes. .PHONY: node node_g ifeq ($(USE_NINJA),1) node: config.gypi $(NINJA) -C out/Release/ ln -fs out/Release/node node node_g: config.gypi $(NINJA) -C out/Debug/ ln -fs out/Debug/node $@ else node: config.gypi out/Makefile $(MAKE) -C out BUILDTYPE=Release V=$(V) ln -fs out/Release/node node node_g: config.gypi out/Makefile $(MAKE) -C out BUILDTYPE=Debug V=$(V) ln -fs out/Debug/node $@ endif out/Makefile: common.gypi deps/uv/uv.gyp deps/http_parser/http_parser.gyp deps/zlib/zlib.gyp deps/v8/build/common.gypi deps/v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp node.gyp config.gypi ifeq ($(USE_NINJA),1) touch out/Makefile $(PYTHON) tools/gyp_node.py -f ninja else $(PYTHON) tools/gyp_node.py -f make endif config.gypi: configure $(PYTHON) ./configure install: all $(PYTHON) tools/install.py $@ $(DESTDIR) uninstall: $(PYTHON) tools/install.py $@ $(DESTDIR) clean: -rm -rf out/Makefile node node_g out/$(BUILDTYPE)/node blog.html email.md -find out/ -name '*.o' -o -name '*.a' | xargs rm -rf -rm -rf node_modules distclean: -rm -rf out -rm -f config.gypi -rm -f config.mk -rm -rf node node_g blog.html email.md -rm -rf node_modules test: all $(PYTHON) tools/test.py --mode=release simple message $(MAKE) jslint test-http1: all $(PYTHON) tools/test.py --mode=release --use-http1 simple message test-valgrind: all $(PYTHON) tools/test.py --mode=release --valgrind simple message test/gc/node_modules/weak/build/Release/weakref.node: @if [ ! -f node ]; then make all; fi ./node deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp rebuild \ --directory="$(shell pwd)/test/gc/node_modules/weak" \ --nodedir="$(shell pwd)" test-gc: all test/gc/node_modules/weak/build/Release/weakref.node $(PYTHON) tools/test.py --mode=release gc test-all: all test/gc/node_modules/weak/build/Release/weakref.node $(PYTHON) tools/test.py --mode=debug,release make test-npm test-all-http1: all $(PYTHON) tools/test.py --mode=debug,release --use-http1 test-all-valgrind: all $(PYTHON) tools/test.py --mode=debug,release --valgrind test-ci: $(PYTHON) tools/test.py -p tap --logfile test.tap --mode=release --arch=$(DESTCPU) --flaky-tests=$(FLAKY_TESTS) simple message internet test-release: all $(PYTHON) tools/test.py --mode=release test-debug: all $(PYTHON) tools/test.py --mode=debug test-message: all $(PYTHON) tools/test.py message test-simple: all $(PYTHON) tools/test.py simple test-pummel: all $(PYTHON) tools/test.py pummel test-internet: all $(PYTHON) tools/test.py internet test-npm: node ./node deps/npm/test/run.js test-npm-publish: node npm_package_config_publishtest=true ./node deps/npm/test/run.js test-timers: $(MAKE) --directory=tools faketime $(PYTHON) tools/test.py --mode=release timers test-timers-clean: $(MAKE) --directory=tools clean apidoc_sources = $(wildcard doc/api/*.markdown) apidocs = $(addprefix out/,$(apidoc_sources:.markdown=.html)) \ $(addprefix out/,$(apidoc_sources:.markdown=.json)) apidoc_dirs = out/doc out/doc/api/ out/doc/api/assets apiassets = $(subst api_assets,api/assets,$(addprefix out/,$(wildcard doc/api_assets/*))) website_files = \ out/doc/sh_main.js \ out/doc/sh_javascript.min.js doc: $(apidoc_dirs) $(website_files) $(apiassets) $(apidocs) tools/doc/ out/doc/changelog.html node doc-branch: NODE_DOC_VERSION = v$(shell $(PYTHON) tools/getnodeversion.py | cut -f1,2 -d.) doc-branch: doc $(apidoc_dirs): mkdir -p $@ out/doc/api/assets/%: doc/api_assets/% out/doc/api/assets/ cp $< $@ out/doc/changelog.html: ChangeLog doc/changelog-head.html doc/changelog-foot.html tools/build-changelog.sh node bash tools/build-changelog.sh out/doc/%: doc/% cp -r $< $@ out/doc/api/%.json: doc/api/%.markdown node NODE_DOC_VERSION=$(NODE_DOC_VERSION) out/Release/node tools/doc/generate.js --format=json $< > $@ out/doc/api/%.html: doc/api/%.markdown node NODE_DOC_VERSION=$(NODE_DOC_VERSION) out/Release/node tools/doc/generate.js --format=html --template=doc/template.html $< > $@ email.md: ChangeLog tools/email-footer.md bash tools/changelog-head.sh | sed 's|^\* #|* \\#|g' > $@ cat tools/email-footer.md | sed -e 's|__VERSION__|'$(VERSION)'|g' >> $@ blog.html: email.md cat $< | ./node tools/doc/node_modules/.bin/marked > $@ website-upload: doc rsync -r out/doc/ node@nodejs.org:~/web/nodejs.org/ ssh node@nodejs.org '\ rm -f ~/web/nodejs.org/dist/latest &&\ ln -s $(VERSION) ~/web/nodejs.org/dist/latest &&\ rm -f ~/web/nodejs.org/docs/latest &&\ ln -s $(VERSION) ~/web/nodejs.org/docs/latest &&\ rm -f ~/web/nodejs.org/dist/node-latest.tar.gz &&\ ln -s $(VERSION)/node-$(VERSION).tar.gz ~/web/nodejs.org/dist/node-latest.tar.gz' doc-branch-upload: NODE_DOC_VERSION = v$(shell $(PYTHON) tools/getnodeversion.py | cut -f1,2 -d.) doc-branch-upload: doc-branch echo $(NODE_DOC_VERSION) rsync -r out/doc/api/ node@nodejs.org:~/web/nodejs.org/$(NODE_DOC_VERSION) docopen: out/doc/api/all.html -google-chrome out/doc/api/all.html docclean: -rm -rf out/doc run-ci: $(PYTHON) ./configure --without-snapshot $(CONFIG_FLAGS) $(MAKE) $(MAKE) test-ci RAWVER=$(shell $(PYTHON) tools/getnodeversion.py) VERSION=v$(RAWVER) # For nightly builds, you must set DISTTYPE to "nightly", "next-nightly" or # "custom". For the nightly and next-nightly case, you need to set DATESTRING # and COMMIT in order to properly name the build. # For the rc case you need to set CUSTOMTAG to an appropriate CUSTOMTAG number ifndef DISTTYPE DISTTYPE=release endif ifeq ($(DISTTYPE),release) FULLVERSION=$(VERSION) else # ifeq ($(DISTTYPE),release) ifeq ($(DISTTYPE),custom) ifndef CUSTOMTAG $(error CUSTOMTAG is not set for DISTTYPE=custom) endif # ifndef CUSTOMTAG TAG=$(CUSTOMTAG) else # ifeq ($(DISTTYPE),custom) ifndef DATESTRING $(error DATESTRING is not set for nightly) endif # ifndef DATESTRING ifndef COMMIT $(error COMMIT is not set for nightly) endif # ifndef COMMIT ifneq ($(DISTTYPE),nightly) ifneq ($(DISTTYPE),next-nightly) $(error DISTTYPE is not release, custom, nightly or next-nightly) endif # ifneq ($(DISTTYPE),next-nightly) endif # ifneq ($(DISTTYPE),nightly) TAG=$(DISTTYPE)$(DATESTRING)$(COMMIT) endif # ifeq ($(DISTTYPE),custom) FULLVERSION=$(VERSION)-$(TAG) endif # ifeq ($(DISTTYPE),release) DISTTYPEDIR ?= $(DISTTYPE) RELEASE=$(shell sed -ne 's/\#define NODE_VERSION_IS_RELEASE \([01]\)/\1/p' src/node_version.h) NODE_DOC_VERSION=$(VERSION) NPMVERSION=v$(shell cat deps/npm/package.json | grep '"version"' | sed 's/^[^:]*: "\([^"]*\)",.*/\1/') ifeq ($(findstring x86_64,$(shell uname -m)),x86_64) DESTCPU ?= x64 else DESTCPU ?= ia32 endif ifeq ($(DESTCPU),x64) ARCH=x64 else ifeq ($(DESTCPU),arm) ARCH=arm else ARCH=x86 endif endif # enforce "x86" over "ia32" as the generally accepted way of referring to 32-bit intel ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32) override ARCH=x86 endif ifeq ($(DESTCPU),ia32) override DESTCPU=x86 endif TARNAME=node-$(FULLVERSION) TARBALL=$(TARNAME).tar BINARYNAME=$(TARNAME)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH) BINARYTAR=$(BINARYNAME).tar # OSX doesn't have xz installed by default, http://macpkg.sourceforge.net/ XZ=$(shell which xz > /dev/null 2>&1; echo $$?) XZ_COMPRESSION ?= 9 PKG=$(TARNAME).pkg PACKAGEMAKER ?= /Developer/Applications/Utilities/PackageMaker.app/Contents/MacOS/PackageMaker PKGDIR=out/dist-osx release-only: @if [ "$(shell git status --porcelain | egrep -v '^\?\? ')" = "" ]; then \ exit 0 ; \ else \ echo "" >&2 ; \ echo "The git repository is not clean." >&2 ; \ echo "Please commit changes before building release tarball." >&2 ; \ echo "" >&2 ; \ git status --porcelain | egrep -v '^\?\?' >&2 ; \ echo "" >&2 ; \ exit 1 ; \ fi @if [ "$(DISTTYPE)" != "release" -o "$(RELEASE)" = "1" ]; then \ exit 0; \ else \ echo "" >&2 ; \ echo "#NODE_VERSION_IS_RELEASE is set to $(RELEASE)." >&2 ; \ echo "Did you remember to update src/node_version.h?" >&2 ; \ echo "" >&2 ; \ exit 1 ; \ fi $(PKG): release-only rm -rf $(PKGDIR) rm -rf out/deps out/Release $(PYTHON) ./configure \ --dest-cpu=ia32 \ --tag=$(TAG) \ --without-snapshot \ $(CONFIG_FLAGS) $(MAKE) install V=$(V) DESTDIR=$(PKGDIR)/32 rm -rf out/deps out/Release $(PYTHON) ./configure \ --dest-cpu=x64 \ --tag=$(TAG) \ --without-snapshot \ $(CONFIG_FLAGS) $(MAKE) install V=$(V) DESTDIR=$(PKGDIR) SIGN="$(CODESIGN_CERT)" PKGDIR="$(PKGDIR)" bash tools/osx-codesign.sh lipo $(PKGDIR)/32/usr/local/bin/node \ $(PKGDIR)/usr/local/bin/node \ -output $(PKGDIR)/usr/local/bin/node-universal \ -create mv $(PKGDIR)/usr/local/bin/node-universal $(PKGDIR)/usr/local/bin/node rm -rf $(PKGDIR)/32 $(PACKAGEMAKER) \ --id "org.nodejs.Node" \ --doc tools/osx-pkg.pmdoc \ --out $(PKG) SIGN="$(PRODUCTSIGN_CERT)" PKG="$(PKG)" bash tools/osx-productsign.sh pkg: $(PKG) pkg-upload: pkg ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "mkdir -p nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)" chmod 664 node-$(FULLVERSION).pkg scp -p node-$(FULLVERSION).pkg $(STAGINGSERVER):nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/node-$(FULLVERSION).pkg ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "touch nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/node-$(FULLVERSION).pkg.done" $(TARBALL): release-only node doc git archive --format=tar --prefix=$(TARNAME)/ HEAD | tar xf - mkdir -p $(TARNAME)/doc/api cp doc/node.1 $(TARNAME)/doc/node.1 cp -r out/doc/api/* $(TARNAME)/doc/api/ rm -rf $(TARNAME)/deps/v8/test # too big rm -rf $(TARNAME)/doc/images # too big find $(TARNAME)/ -type l | xargs rm # annoying on windows tar -cf $(TARNAME).tar $(TARNAME) rm -rf $(TARNAME) gzip -c -f -9 $(TARNAME).tar > $(TARNAME).tar.gz ifeq ($(XZ), 0) xz -c -f -$(XZ_COMPRESSION) $(TARNAME).tar > $(TARNAME).tar.xz endif rm $(TARNAME).tar tar: $(TARBALL) tar-upload: tar ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "mkdir -p nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)" chmod 664 node-$(FULLVERSION).tar.gz scp -p node-$(FULLVERSION).tar.gz $(STAGINGSERVER):nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/node-$(FULLVERSION).tar.gz ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "touch nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/node-$(FULLVERSION).tar.gz.done" ifeq ($(XZ), 0) chmod 664 node-$(FULLVERSION).tar.xz scp -p node-$(FULLVERSION).tar.xz $(STAGINGSERVER):nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/node-$(FULLVERSION).tar.xz ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "touch nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/node-$(FULLVERSION).tar.xz.done" endif doc-upload: tar ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "mkdir -p nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)" chmod -R ug=rw-x+X,o=r+X out/doc/ scp -pr out/doc/ $(STAGINGSERVER):nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/docs/ ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "touch nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/docs.done" $(TARBALL)-headers: config.gypi release-only $(PYTHON) ./configure \ --prefix=/ \ --dest-cpu=$(DESTCPU) \ --tag=$(TAG) \ $(CONFIG_FLAGS) HEADERS_ONLY=1 $(PYTHON) tools/install.py install '$(TARNAME)' '/' find $(TARNAME)/ -type l | xargs rm # annoying on windows tar -cf $(TARNAME)-headers.tar $(TARNAME) rm -rf $(TARNAME) gzip -c -f -9 $(TARNAME)-headers.tar > $(TARNAME)-headers.tar.gz ifeq ($(XZ), 0) xz -c -f -$(XZ_COMPRESSION) $(TARNAME)-headers.tar > $(TARNAME)-headers.tar.xz endif rm $(TARNAME)-headers.tar tar-headers: $(TARBALL)-headers tar-headers-upload: tar-headers ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "mkdir -p nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)" chmod 664 $(TARNAME)-headers.tar.gz scp -p $(TARNAME)-headers.tar.gz $(STAGINGSERVER):nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-headers.tar.gz ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "touch nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-headers.tar.gz.done" ifeq ($(XZ), 0) chmod 664 $(TARNAME)-headers.tar.xz scp -p $(TARNAME)-headers.tar.xz $(STAGINGSERVER):nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-headers.tar.xz ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "touch nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-headers.tar.xz.done" endif $(BINARYTAR): release-only rm -rf $(BINARYNAME) rm -rf out/deps out/Release $(PYTHON) ./configure --prefix=/ --without-snapshot --dest-cpu=$(DESTCPU) --tag=$(TAG) $(CONFIG_FLAGS) $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(BINARYNAME) V=$(V) PORTABLE=1 cp README.md $(BINARYNAME) cp LICENSE $(BINARYNAME) cp ChangeLog $(BINARYNAME) tar -cf $(BINARYNAME).tar $(BINARYNAME) rm -rf $(BINARYNAME) gzip -c -f -9 $(BINARYNAME).tar > $(BINARYNAME).tar.gz ifeq ($(XZ), 0) xz -c -f -$(XZ_COMPRESSION) $(BINARYNAME).tar > $(BINARYNAME).tar.xz endif rm $(BINARYNAME).tar binary: $(BINARYTAR) binary-upload-arch: binary ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "mkdir -p nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)" chmod 664 node-$(FULLVERSION)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.gz scp -p node-$(FULLVERSION)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.gz $(STAGINGSERVER):nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/node-$(FULLVERSION)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.gz ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "touch nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/node-$(FULLVERSION)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.gz.done" ifeq ($(XZ), 0) chmod 664 node-$(FULLVERSION)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.xz scp -p node-$(FULLVERSION)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.xz $(STAGINGSERVER):nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/node-$(FULLVERSION)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.xz ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "touch nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/node-$(FULLVERSION)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.xz.done" endif ifeq ($(OSTYPE),darwin) binary-upload: $(MAKE) binary-upload-arch \ DESTCPU=ia32 \ ARCH=x86 \ DISTTYPE=$(DISTTYPE) \ DATESTRING=$(DATESTRING) \ COMMIT=$(COMMIT) \ CUSTOMTAG=$(CUSTOMTAG) \ CONFIG_FLAGS=$(CONFIG_FLAGS) $(MAKE) binary-upload-arch \ DESTCPU=x64 \ ARCH=x64 \ DISTTYPE=$(DISTTYPE) \ DATESTRING=$(DATESTRING) \ COMMIT=$(COMMIT) \ CUSTOMTAG=$(CUSTOMTAG) \ CONFIG_FLAGS=$(CONFIG_FLAGS) else binary-upload: binary-upload-arch endif $(PKGSRC): release-only rm -rf dist out $(PYTHON) configure --prefix=/ --without-snapshot \ --dest-cpu=$(DESTCPU) --tag=$(TAG) $(CONFIG_FLAGS) $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=dist (cd dist; find * -type f | sort) > packlist pkg_info -X pkg_install | \ egrep '^(MACHINE_ARCH|OPSYS|OS_VERSION|PKGTOOLS_VERSION)' > build-info pkg_create -B build-info -c tools/pkgsrc/comment -d tools/pkgsrc/description \ -f packlist -I /opt/local -p dist -U $(PKGSRC) pkgsrc: $(PKGSRC) wrkclean: $(MAKE) -C tools/wrk/ clean rm tools/wrk/wrk wrk: tools/wrk/wrk tools/wrk/wrk: $(MAKE) -C tools/wrk/ bench-net: all @$(NODE) benchmark/common.js net bench-crypto: all @$(NODE) benchmark/common.js crypto bench-tls: all @$(NODE) benchmark/common.js tls bench-http: wrk all @$(NODE) benchmark/common.js http bench-fs: all @$(NODE) benchmark/common.js fs bench-misc: all @$(MAKE) -C benchmark/misc/function_call/ @$(NODE) benchmark/common.js misc bench-array: all @$(NODE) benchmark/common.js arrays bench-buffer: all @$(NODE) benchmark/common.js buffers bench-all: bench bench-misc bench-array bench-buffer bench: bench-net bench-http bench-fs bench-tls bench-http-simple: benchmark/http_simple_bench.sh bench-idle: ./node benchmark/idle_server.js & sleep 1 ./node benchmark/idle_clients.js & jslintfix: PYTHONPATH=tools/closure_linter/ $(PYTHON) tools/closure_linter/closure_linter/fixjsstyle.py --strict --nojsdoc -r lib/ -r src/ --exclude_files lib/punycode.js jslint: PYTHONPATH=tools/closure_linter/ $(PYTHON) tools/closure_linter/closure_linter/gjslint.py --unix_mode --strict --nojsdoc -r lib/ -r src/ --exclude_files lib/punycode.js cpplint: @$(PYTHON) tools/cpplint.py $(wildcard src/*.cc src/*.h src/*.c) lint: jslint cpplint .PHONY: lint cpplint jslint bench clean docopen docclean doc dist distclean \ check uninstall install install-includes install-bin all staticlib \ dynamiclib test test-all website-upload pkg blog blogclean tar binary \ release-only bench-http-simple bench-idle bench-all bench bench-misc \ bench-array bench-buffer bench-net bench-http bench-fs bench-tls run-ci