// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #ifndef SRC_ENV_H_ #define SRC_ENV_H_ #if defined(NODE_WANT_INTERNALS) && NODE_WANT_INTERNALS #include "ares.h" #if HAVE_INSPECTOR #include "inspector_agent.h" #endif #include "handle_wrap.h" #include "req-wrap.h" #include "tree.h" #include "util.h" #include "uv.h" #include "v8.h" #include "node.h" #include #include #include #include namespace node { // Pick an index that's hopefully out of the way when we're embedded inside // another application. Performance-wise or memory-wise it doesn't matter: // Context::SetAlignedPointerInEmbedderData() is backed by a FixedArray, // worst case we pay a one-time penalty for resizing the array. #ifndef NODE_CONTEXT_EMBEDDER_DATA_INDEX #define NODE_CONTEXT_EMBEDDER_DATA_INDEX 32 #endif // The number of items passed to push_values_to_array_function has diminishing // returns around 8. This should be used at all call sites using said function. #ifndef NODE_PUSH_VAL_TO_ARRAY_MAX #define NODE_PUSH_VAL_TO_ARRAY_MAX 8 #endif // PER_ISOLATE_* macros: We have a lot of per-isolate properties // and adding and maintaining their getters and setters by hand would be // difficult so let's make the preprocessor generate them for us. // // In each macro, `V` is expected to be the name of a macro or function which // accepts the number of arguments provided in each tuple in the macro body, // typically two. The named function will be invoked against each tuple. // // Make sure that any macro V defined for use with the PER_ISOLATE_* macros is // undefined again after use. // Private symbols are per-isolate primitives but Environment proxies them // for the sake of convenience. Strings should be ASCII-only and have a // "node:" prefix to avoid name clashes with third-party code. #define PER_ISOLATE_PRIVATE_SYMBOL_PROPERTIES(V) \ V(alpn_buffer_private_symbol, "node:alpnBuffer") \ V(arrow_message_private_symbol, "node:arrowMessage") \ V(contextify_context_private_symbol, "node:contextify:context") \ V(contextify_global_private_symbol, "node:contextify:global") \ V(inspector_delegate_private_symbol, "node:inspector:delegate") \ V(decorated_private_symbol, "node:decorated") \ V(npn_buffer_private_symbol, "node:npnBuffer") \ V(processed_private_symbol, "node:processed") \ V(selected_npn_buffer_private_symbol, "node:selectedNpnBuffer") \ // Strings are per-isolate primitives but Environment proxies them // for the sake of convenience. Strings should be ASCII-only. #define PER_ISOLATE_STRING_PROPERTIES(V) \ V(address_string, "address") \ V(args_string, "args") \ V(async, "async") \ V(buffer_string, "buffer") \ V(bytes_string, "bytes") \ V(bytes_parsed_string, "bytesParsed") \ V(bytes_read_string, "bytesRead") \ V(cached_data_string, "cachedData") \ V(cached_data_produced_string, "cachedDataProduced") \ V(cached_data_rejected_string, "cachedDataRejected") \ V(callback_string, "callback") \ V(change_string, "change") \ V(oncertcb_string, "oncertcb") \ V(onclose_string, "_onclose") \ V(code_string, "code") \ V(configurable_string, "configurable") \ V(cwd_string, "cwd") \ V(dest_string, "dest") \ V(detached_string, "detached") \ V(disposed_string, "_disposed") \ V(domain_string, "domain") \ V(emitting_top_level_domain_error_string, "_emittingTopLevelDomainError") \ V(exchange_string, "exchange") \ V(enumerable_string, "enumerable") \ V(idle_string, "idle") \ V(irq_string, "irq") \ V(encoding_string, "encoding") \ V(enter_string, "enter") \ V(env_pairs_string, "envPairs") \ V(errno_string, "errno") \ V(error_string, "error") \ V(events_string, "_events") \ V(exiting_string, "_exiting") \ V(exit_code_string, "exitCode") \ V(exit_string, "exit") \ V(expire_string, "expire") \ V(exponent_string, "exponent") \ V(exports_string, "exports") \ V(ext_key_usage_string, "ext_key_usage") \ V(external_stream_string, "_externalStream") \ V(family_string, "family") \ V(fatal_exception_string, "_fatalException") \ V(fd_string, "fd") \ V(file_string, "file") \ V(fingerprint_string, "fingerprint") \ V(flags_string, "flags") \ V(get_string, "get") \ V(get_data_clone_error_string, "_getDataCloneError") \ V(get_shared_array_buffer_id_string, "_getSharedArrayBufferId") \ V(gid_string, "gid") \ V(handle_string, "handle") \ V(homedir_string, "homedir") \ V(hostmaster_string, "hostmaster") \ V(ignore_string, "ignore") \ V(immediate_callback_string, "_immediateCallback") \ V(infoaccess_string, "infoAccess") \ V(inherit_string, "inherit") \ V(input_string, "input") \ V(internal_string, "internal") \ V(ipv4_string, "IPv4") \ V(ipv6_string, "IPv6") \ V(isalive_string, "isAlive") \ V(isclosing_string, "isClosing") \ V(issuer_string, "issuer") \ V(issuercert_string, "issuerCertificate") \ V(kill_signal_string, "killSignal") \ V(mac_string, "mac") \ V(max_buffer_string, "maxBuffer") \ V(message_string, "message") \ V(minttl_string, "minttl") \ V(model_string, "model") \ V(modulus_string, "modulus") \ V(name_string, "name") \ V(netmask_string, "netmask") \ V(nice_string, "nice") \ V(nsname_string, "nsname") \ V(ocsp_request_string, "OCSPRequest") \ V(onchange_string, "onchange") \ V(onclienthello_string, "onclienthello") \ V(oncomplete_string, "oncomplete") \ V(onconnection_string, "onconnection") \ V(ondone_string, "ondone") \ V(onerror_string, "onerror") \ V(onexit_string, "onexit") \ V(onhandshakedone_string, "onhandshakedone") \ V(onhandshakestart_string, "onhandshakestart") \ V(onmessage_string, "onmessage") \ V(onnewsession_string, "onnewsession") \ V(onnewsessiondone_string, "onnewsessiondone") \ V(onocspresponse_string, "onocspresponse") \ V(onread_string, "onread") \ V(onreadstart_string, "onreadstart") \ V(onreadstop_string, "onreadstop") \ V(onselect_string, "onselect") \ V(onshutdown_string, "onshutdown") \ V(onsignal_string, "onsignal") \ V(onstop_string, "onstop") \ V(onwrite_string, "onwrite") \ V(output_string, "output") \ V(order_string, "order") \ V(owner_string, "owner") \ V(parse_error_string, "Parse Error") \ V(path_string, "path") \ V(pbkdf2_error_string, "PBKDF2 Error") \ V(pid_string, "pid") \ V(pipe_string, "pipe") \ V(port_string, "port") \ V(preference_string, "preference") \ V(priority_string, "priority") \ V(produce_cached_data_string, "produceCachedData") \ V(raw_string, "raw") \ V(read_host_object_string, "_readHostObject") \ V(readable_string, "readable") \ V(received_shutdown_string, "receivedShutdown") \ V(refresh_string, "refresh") \ V(regexp_string, "regexp") \ V(rename_string, "rename") \ V(replacement_string, "replacement") \ V(retry_string, "retry") \ V(serial_string, "serial") \ V(scopeid_string, "scopeid") \ V(sent_shutdown_string, "sentShutdown") \ V(serial_number_string, "serialNumber") \ V(service_string, "service") \ V(servername_string, "servername") \ V(session_id_string, "sessionId") \ V(set_string, "set") \ V(shell_string, "shell") \ V(signal_string, "signal") \ V(size_string, "size") \ V(sni_context_err_string, "Invalid SNI context") \ V(sni_context_string, "sni_context") \ V(speed_string, "speed") \ V(stack_string, "stack") \ V(status_string, "status") \ V(stdio_string, "stdio") \ V(subject_string, "subject") \ V(subjectaltname_string, "subjectaltname") \ V(sys_string, "sys") \ V(syscall_string, "syscall") \ V(tick_callback_string, "_tickCallback") \ V(tick_domain_cb_string, "_tickDomainCallback") \ V(ticketkeycallback_string, "onticketkeycallback") \ V(timeout_string, "timeout") \ V(times_string, "times") \ V(tls_ticket_string, "tlsTicket") \ V(type_string, "type") \ V(uid_string, "uid") \ V(unknown_string, "") \ V(user_string, "user") \ V(username_string, "username") \ V(valid_from_string, "valid_from") \ V(valid_to_string, "valid_to") \ V(value_string, "value") \ V(verify_error_string, "verifyError") \ V(version_string, "version") \ V(weight_string, "weight") \ V(windows_verbatim_arguments_string, "windowsVerbatimArguments") \ V(wrap_string, "wrap") \ V(writable_string, "writable") \ V(write_host_object_string, "_writeHostObject") \ V(write_queue_size_string, "writeQueueSize") \ V(x_forwarded_string, "x-forwarded-for") \ V(zero_return_string, "ZERO_RETURN") \ #define ENVIRONMENT_STRONG_PERSISTENT_PROPERTIES(V) \ V(as_external, v8::External) \ V(async_hooks_destroy_function, v8::Function) \ V(async_hooks_init_function, v8::Function) \ V(async_hooks_before_function, v8::Function) \ V(async_hooks_after_function, v8::Function) \ V(binding_cache_object, v8::Object) \ V(buffer_constructor_function, v8::Function) \ V(buffer_prototype_object, v8::Object) \ V(context, v8::Context) \ V(domain_array, v8::Array) \ V(domains_stack_array, v8::Array) \ V(jsstream_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \ V(module_load_list_array, v8::Array) \ V(pbkdf2_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \ V(pipe_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \ V(process_object, v8::Object) \ V(promise_reject_function, v8::Function) \ V(push_values_to_array_function, v8::Function) \ V(randombytes_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \ V(script_context_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \ V(script_data_constructor_function, v8::Function) \ V(secure_context_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \ V(tcp_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \ V(tick_callback_function, v8::Function) \ V(tls_wrap_constructor_function, v8::Function) \ V(tls_wrap_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \ V(tty_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \ V(udp_constructor_function, v8::Function) \ V(url_constructor_function, v8::Function) \ V(write_wrap_constructor_function, v8::Function) \ class Environment; struct node_ares_task { Environment* env; ares_socket_t sock; uv_poll_t poll_watcher; RB_ENTRY(node_ares_task) node; }; struct node_async_ids { double async_id; double trigger_id; }; RB_HEAD(node_ares_task_list, node_ares_task); class IsolateData { public: inline IsolateData(v8::Isolate* isolate, uv_loop_t* event_loop, uint32_t* zero_fill_field = nullptr); inline uv_loop_t* event_loop() const; inline uint32_t* zero_fill_field() const; #define VP(PropertyName, StringValue) V(v8::Private, PropertyName) #define VS(PropertyName, StringValue) V(v8::String, PropertyName) #define V(TypeName, PropertyName) \ inline v8::Local PropertyName(v8::Isolate* isolate) const; PER_ISOLATE_PRIVATE_SYMBOL_PROPERTIES(VP) PER_ISOLATE_STRING_PROPERTIES(VS) #undef V #undef VS #undef VP private: #define VP(PropertyName, StringValue) V(v8::Private, PropertyName) #define VS(PropertyName, StringValue) V(v8::String, PropertyName) #define V(TypeName, PropertyName) \ v8::Eternal PropertyName ## _; PER_ISOLATE_PRIVATE_SYMBOL_PROPERTIES(VP) PER_ISOLATE_STRING_PROPERTIES(VS) #undef V #undef VS #undef VP uv_loop_t* const event_loop_; uint32_t* const zero_fill_field_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(IsolateData); }; class Environment { public: class AsyncHooks { public: // Reason for both UidFields and Fields are that one is stored as a double* // and the other as a uint32_t*. enum Fields { kInit, kBefore, kAfter, kDestroy, kFieldsCount, }; enum UidFields { kCurrentAsyncId, kCurrentTriggerId, kAsyncUidCntr, kInitTriggerId, kUidFieldsCount, }; AsyncHooks() = delete; inline uint32_t* fields(); inline int fields_count() const; inline double* uid_fields(); inline int uid_fields_count() const; inline v8::Local provider_string(int idx); inline void push_ids(double async_id, double trigger_id); inline bool pop_ids(double async_id); inline void clear_id_stack(); // Used in fatal exceptions. // Used to propagate the trigger_id to the constructor of any newly created // resources using RAII. Instead of needing to pass the trigger_id along // with other constructor arguments. class InitScope { public: InitScope() = delete; explicit InitScope(Environment* env, double init_trigger_id); ~InitScope(); private: Environment* env_; double* uid_fields_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(InitScope); }; // Used to manage the stack of async and trigger ids as calls are made into // JS. Mainly used in MakeCallback(). class ExecScope { public: ExecScope() = delete; explicit ExecScope(Environment* env, double async_id, double trigger_id); ~ExecScope(); void Dispose(); private: Environment* env_; double async_id_; // Manually track if the destructor has run so it isn't accidentally run // twice on RAII cleanup. bool disposed_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExecScope); }; private: friend class Environment; // So we can call the constructor. inline explicit AsyncHooks(v8::Isolate* isolate); // Keep a list of all Persistent strings used for Provider types. v8::Eternal providers_[AsyncWrap::PROVIDERS_LENGTH]; // Used by provider_string(). v8::Isolate* isolate_; // Stores the ids of the current execution context stack. std::stack ids_stack_; // Used to communicate state between C++ and JS cheaply. Is placed in an // Uint32Array() and attached to the async_wrap object. uint32_t fields_[kFieldsCount]; // Used to communicate ids between C++ and JS cheaply. Placed in a // Float64Array and attached to the async_wrap object. Using a double only // gives us 2^53-1 unique ids, but that should be sufficient. double uid_fields_[kUidFieldsCount]; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AsyncHooks); }; class AsyncCallbackScope { public: AsyncCallbackScope() = delete; explicit AsyncCallbackScope(Environment* env); ~AsyncCallbackScope(); inline bool in_makecallback(); private: Environment* env_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AsyncCallbackScope); }; class DomainFlag { public: inline uint32_t* fields(); inline int fields_count() const; inline uint32_t count() const; private: friend class Environment; // So we can call the constructor. inline DomainFlag(); enum Fields { kCount, kFieldsCount }; uint32_t fields_[kFieldsCount]; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DomainFlag); }; class TickInfo { public: inline uint32_t* fields(); inline int fields_count() const; inline uint32_t index() const; inline uint32_t length() const; inline void set_index(uint32_t value); private: friend class Environment; // So we can call the constructor. inline TickInfo(); enum Fields { kIndex, kLength, kFieldsCount }; uint32_t fields_[kFieldsCount]; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TickInfo); }; typedef void (*HandleCleanupCb)(Environment* env, uv_handle_t* handle, void* arg); class HandleCleanup { private: friend class Environment; HandleCleanup(uv_handle_t* handle, HandleCleanupCb cb, void* arg) : handle_(handle), cb_(cb), arg_(arg) { } uv_handle_t* handle_; HandleCleanupCb cb_; void* arg_; ListNode handle_cleanup_queue_; }; static inline Environment* GetCurrent(v8::Isolate* isolate); static inline Environment* GetCurrent(v8::Local context); static inline Environment* GetCurrent( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& info); template static inline Environment* GetCurrent( const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo& info); inline Environment(IsolateData* isolate_data, v8::Local context); inline ~Environment(); void Start(int argc, const char* const* argv, int exec_argc, const char* const* exec_argv, bool start_profiler_idle_notifier); void AssignToContext(v8::Local context); void CleanupHandles(); void StartProfilerIdleNotifier(); void StopProfilerIdleNotifier(); inline v8::Isolate* isolate() const; inline uv_loop_t* event_loop() const; inline bool in_domain() const; inline uint32_t watched_providers() const; static inline Environment* from_immediate_check_handle(uv_check_t* handle); static inline Environment* from_destroy_ids_timer_handle(uv_timer_t* handle); inline uv_check_t* immediate_check_handle(); inline uv_idle_t* immediate_idle_handle(); inline uv_timer_t* destroy_ids_timer_handle(); // Register clean-up cb to be called on environment destruction. inline void RegisterHandleCleanup(uv_handle_t* handle, HandleCleanupCb cb, void *arg); inline void FinishHandleCleanup(uv_handle_t* handle); inline AsyncHooks* async_hooks(); inline DomainFlag* domain_flag(); inline TickInfo* tick_info(); inline uint64_t timer_base() const; static inline Environment* from_cares_timer_handle(uv_timer_t* handle); inline uv_timer_t* cares_timer_handle(); inline ares_channel cares_channel(); inline ares_channel* cares_channel_ptr(); inline bool cares_query_last_ok(); inline void set_cares_query_last_ok(bool ok); inline bool cares_is_servers_default(); inline void set_cares_is_servers_default(bool is_default); inline node_ares_task_list* cares_task_list(); inline IsolateData* isolate_data() const; inline bool using_domains() const; inline void set_using_domains(bool value); inline bool printed_error() const; inline void set_printed_error(bool value); void PrintSyncTrace() const; inline void set_trace_sync_io(bool value); inline bool abort_on_uncaught_exception() const; inline void set_abort_on_uncaught_exception(bool value); // The necessary API for async_hooks. inline double new_async_id(); inline double current_async_id(); inline double trigger_id(); inline double get_init_trigger_id(); inline void set_init_trigger_id(const double id); // List of id's that have been destroyed and need the destroy() cb called. inline std::vector* destroy_ids_list(); inline double* heap_statistics_buffer() const; inline void set_heap_statistics_buffer(double* pointer); inline double* heap_space_statistics_buffer() const; inline void set_heap_space_statistics_buffer(double* pointer); inline char* http_parser_buffer() const; inline void set_http_parser_buffer(char* buffer); inline double* fs_stats_field_array() const; inline void set_fs_stats_field_array(double* fields); inline void ThrowError(const char* errmsg); inline void ThrowTypeError(const char* errmsg); inline void ThrowRangeError(const char* errmsg); inline void ThrowErrnoException(int errorno, const char* syscall = nullptr, const char* message = nullptr, const char* path = nullptr); inline void ThrowUVException(int errorno, const char* syscall = nullptr, const char* message = nullptr, const char* path = nullptr, const char* dest = nullptr); inline v8::Local NewFunctionTemplate(v8::FunctionCallback callback, v8::Local signature = v8::Local()); // Convenience methods for NewFunctionTemplate(). inline void SetMethod(v8::Local that, const char* name, v8::FunctionCallback callback); inline void SetProtoMethod(v8::Local that, const char* name, v8::FunctionCallback callback); inline void SetTemplateMethod(v8::Local that, const char* name, v8::FunctionCallback callback); void AtExit(void (*cb)(void* arg), void* arg); void RunAtExitCallbacks(); // Strings and private symbols are shared across shared contexts // The getters simply proxy to the per-isolate primitive. #define VP(PropertyName, StringValue) V(v8::Private, PropertyName) #define VS(PropertyName, StringValue) V(v8::String, PropertyName) #define V(TypeName, PropertyName) \ inline v8::Local PropertyName() const; PER_ISOLATE_PRIVATE_SYMBOL_PROPERTIES(VP) PER_ISOLATE_STRING_PROPERTIES(VS) #undef V #undef VS #undef VP #define V(PropertyName, TypeName) \ inline v8::Local PropertyName() const; \ inline void set_ ## PropertyName(v8::Local value); ENVIRONMENT_STRONG_PERSISTENT_PROPERTIES(V) #undef V #if HAVE_INSPECTOR inline inspector::Agent* inspector_agent() { return &inspector_agent_; } #endif typedef ListHead HandleWrapQueue; typedef ListHead, &ReqWrap::req_wrap_queue_> ReqWrapQueue; inline HandleWrapQueue* handle_wrap_queue() { return &handle_wrap_queue_; } inline ReqWrapQueue* req_wrap_queue() { return &req_wrap_queue_; } static const int kContextEmbedderDataIndex = NODE_CONTEXT_EMBEDDER_DATA_INDEX; void AddPromiseHook(promise_hook_func fn, void* arg); private: inline void ThrowError(v8::Local (*fun)(v8::Local), const char* errmsg); v8::Isolate* const isolate_; IsolateData* const isolate_data_; uv_check_t immediate_check_handle_; uv_idle_t immediate_idle_handle_; uv_timer_t destroy_ids_timer_handle_; uv_prepare_t idle_prepare_handle_; uv_check_t idle_check_handle_; AsyncHooks async_hooks_; DomainFlag domain_flag_; TickInfo tick_info_; const uint64_t timer_base_; uv_timer_t cares_timer_handle_; ares_channel cares_channel_; bool cares_query_last_ok_; bool cares_is_servers_default_; node_ares_task_list cares_task_list_; bool using_domains_; bool printed_error_; bool trace_sync_io_; bool abort_on_uncaught_exception_; size_t makecallback_cntr_; std::vector destroy_ids_list_; #if HAVE_INSPECTOR inspector::Agent inspector_agent_; #endif HandleWrapQueue handle_wrap_queue_; ReqWrapQueue req_wrap_queue_; ListHead handle_cleanup_queue_; int handle_cleanup_waiting_; double* heap_statistics_buffer_ = nullptr; double* heap_space_statistics_buffer_ = nullptr; char* http_parser_buffer_; double* fs_stats_field_array_; struct AtExitCallback { void (*cb_)(void* arg); void* arg_; }; std::list at_exit_functions_; struct PromiseHookCallback { promise_hook_func cb_; void* arg_; }; std::vector promise_hooks_; static void EnvPromiseHook(v8::PromiseHookType type, v8::Local promise, v8::Local parent); #define V(PropertyName, TypeName) \ v8::Persistent PropertyName ## _; ENVIRONMENT_STRONG_PERSISTENT_PROPERTIES(V) #undef V DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Environment); }; } // namespace node #endif // defined(NODE_WANT_INTERNALS) && NODE_WANT_INTERNALS #endif // SRC_ENV_H_