var common = require("../common-tap") , test = require("tap").test , path = require("path") , rimraf = require("rimraf") , mkdirp = require("mkdirp") , pkg = path.resolve(__dirname, "run-script") , cache = path.resolve(pkg, "cache") , tmp = path.resolve(pkg, "tmp") , opts = { cwd: pkg } function testOutput (t, command, er, code, stdout, stderr) { var lines if (er) throw er if (stderr) throw new Error("npm " + command + " stderr: " + stderr.toString()) lines = stdout.trim().split("\n") stdout = lines.filter(function(line) { return line.trim() !== "" && line[0] !== '>' }).join(';') t.equal(stdout, command) t.end() } function cleanup () { rimraf.sync(cache) rimraf.sync(tmp) } test("setup", function (t) { cleanup() mkdirp.sync(cache) mkdirp.sync(tmp) t.end() }) test("npm run-script", function (t) { common.npm(["run-script", "start"], opts, testOutput.bind(null, t, "start")) }) test("npm run-script with args", function (t) { common.npm(["run-script", "start", "--", "stop"], opts, testOutput.bind(null, t, "stop")) }) test("npm run-script with args that contain spaces", function (t) { common.npm(["run-script", "start", "--", "hello world"], opts, testOutput.bind(null, t, "hello world")) }) test("npm run-script with args that contain single quotes", function (t) { common.npm(["run-script", "start", "--", "they're awesome"], opts, testOutput.bind(null, t, "they're awesome")) }) test("npm run-script with args that contain double quotes", function (t) { common.npm(["run-script", "start", "--", "what's \"up\"?"], opts, testOutput.bind(null, t, "what's \"up\"?")) }) test("npm run-script with pre script", function (t) { common.npm(["run-script", "with-post"], opts, testOutput.bind(null, t, "main;post")) }) test("npm run-script with post script", function (t) { common.npm(["run-script", "with-pre"], opts, testOutput.bind(null, t, "pre;main")) }) test("npm run-script with both pre and post script", function (t) { common.npm(["run-script", "with-both"], opts, testOutput.bind(null, t, "pre;main;post")) }) test("npm run-script with both pre and post script and with args", function (t) { common.npm(["run-script", "with-both", "--", "an arg"], opts, testOutput.bind(null, t, "pre;an arg;post")) }) test("npm run-script explicitly call pre script with arg", function (t) { common.npm(["run-script", "prewith-pre", "--", "an arg"], opts, testOutput.bind(null, t, "an arg")) }) test('npm run-script test', function (t) { common.npm(['run-script', 'test'], opts, function (er, code, stdout, stderr) { if (er) throw er t.notOk(stderr, 'should not generate errors') t.end() }) }) test('npm run-script nonexistent-script', function (t) { common.npm(['run-script', 'nonexistent-script'], opts, function (er, code, stdout, stderr) { if (er) throw er t.ok(stderr, 'should generate errors') t.end() }) }) test('cleanup', function (t) { cleanup() t.end() })