var test = require("tap").test var rimraf = require("rimraf") var mkdirp = require("mkdirp") var common = require("../common-tap.js") var path = require("path") var fs = require("fs") var dir = path.resolve(__dirname, "unpack-foreign-tarball") var root = path.resolve(dir, "root") var nm = path.resolve(root, "node_modules") var cache = path.resolve(dir, "cache") var tmp = path.resolve(dir, "tmp") var pkg = path.resolve(nm, "npm-test-gitignore") var env = { "npm_config_cache": cache, "npm_config_tmp": tmp } var conf = { env: env, cwd: root, stdio: [ "pipe", "pipe", 2 ] } function verify (t, files, err, code) { if (code) {"exited with failure: " + code) return t.end() } var actual = fs.readdirSync(pkg).sort() var expect = files.concat([".npmignore", "package.json"]).sort() t.same(actual, expect) t.end() } test("npmignore only", function (t) { setup() var file = path.resolve(dir, "npmignore.tgz") common.npm(["install", file], conf, verify.bind(null, t, ["foo"])) }) test("gitignore only", function (t) { setup() var file = path.resolve(dir, "gitignore.tgz") common.npm(["install", file], conf, verify.bind(null, t, ["foo"])) }) test("gitignore and npmignore", function (t) { setup() var file = path.resolve(dir, "gitignore-and-npmignore.tgz") common.npm(["install", file], conf, verify.bind(null, t, ["foo", "bar"])) }) test("gitignore and npmignore, not gzipped 1/2", function (t) { setup() var file = path.resolve(dir, "gitignore-and-npmignore.tar") common.npm(["install", file], conf, verify.bind(null, t, ["foo", "bar"])) }) test("gitignore and npmignore, not gzipped 2/2", function (t) { setup() var file = path.resolve(dir, "gitignore-and-npmignore-2.tar") common.npm(["install", file], conf, verify.bind(null, t, ["foo", "bar"])) }) test("clean", function (t) { clean() t.end() }) function setup () { clean() mkdirp.sync(nm) mkdirp.sync(cache) mkdirp.sync(tmp) } function clean () { rimraf.sync(root) rimraf.sync(cache) rimraf.sync(tmp) }