'use strict'; require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); var net = require('net'); var dataWritten = false; var connectHappened = false; var tcp = net.Server(function(s) { tcp.close(); console.log('tcp server connection'); var buf = ''; s.on('data', function(d) { buf += d; }); s.on('end', function() { console.error('SERVER: end', buf.toString()); assert.equal(buf, "L'État, c'est moi"); console.log('tcp socket disconnect'); s.end(); }); s.on('error', function(e) { console.log('tcp server-side error: ' + e.message); process.exit(1); }); }); tcp.listen(0, function() { var socket = net.Stream({ highWaterMark: 0 }); console.log('Connecting to socket '); socket.connect(this.address().port, function() { console.log('socket connected'); connectHappened = true; }); console.log('_connecting = ' + socket._connecting); assert.equal('opening', socket.readyState); // Make sure that anything besides a buffer or a string throws. [null, true, false, undefined, 1, 1.0, 1 / 0, +Infinity, -Infinity, [], {} ].forEach(function(v) { function f() { console.error('write', v); socket.write(v); } assert.throws(f, TypeError); }); // Write a string that contains a multi-byte character sequence to test that // `bytesWritten` is incremented with the # of bytes, not # of characters. var a = "L'État, c'est "; var b = 'moi'; // We're still connecting at this point so the datagram is first pushed onto // the connect queue. Make sure that it's not added to `bytesWritten` again // when the actual write happens. var r = socket.write(a, function(er) { console.error('write cb'); dataWritten = true; assert.ok(connectHappened); console.error('socket.bytesWritten', socket.bytesWritten); //assert.equal(socket.bytesWritten, Buffer(a + b).length); console.error('data written'); }); console.error('socket.bytesWritten', socket.bytesWritten); console.error('write returned', r); assert.equal(socket.bytesWritten, Buffer(a).length); assert.equal(false, r); socket.end(b); assert.equal('opening', socket.readyState); }); process.on('exit', function() { assert.ok(connectHappened); assert.ok(dataWritten); });