'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const net = require('net'); const util = require('util'); const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer; const Transform = require('stream').Transform; exports.start = function start() { var agent = new Agent(); // Do not let `agent.listen()` request listening from cluster master const cluster = require('cluster'); cluster.isWorker = false; cluster.isMaster = true; agent.on('error', function(err) { process._rawDebug(err.stack || err); }); agent.listen(process._debugAPI.port, function() { var addr = this.address(); process._rawDebug('Debugger listening on port %d', addr.port); process._debugAPI.notifyListen(); }); // Just to spin-off events // TODO(indutny): Figure out why node.cc isn't doing this setImmediate(function() { }); process._debugAPI.onclose = function() { // We don't care about it, but it prevents loop from cleaning up gently // NOTE: removeAllListeners won't work, as it doesn't call `removeListener` process.listeners('SIGWINCH').forEach(function(fn) { process.removeListener('SIGWINCH', fn); }); agent.close(); }; // Not used now, but anyway return agent; }; function Agent() { net.Server.call(this, this.onConnection); this.first = true; this.binding = process._debugAPI; assert(this.binding, 'Debugger agent running without bindings!'); var self = this; this.binding.onmessage = function(msg) { self.clients.forEach(function(client) { client.send({}, msg); }); }; this.clients = []; } util.inherits(Agent, net.Server); Agent.prototype.onConnection = function onConnection(socket) { var c = new Client(this, socket); c.start(); this.clients.push(c); var self = this; c.once('close', function() { var index = self.clients.indexOf(c); assert(index !== -1); self.clients.splice(index, 1); }); }; Agent.prototype.notifyWait = function notifyWait() { if (this.first) this.binding.notifyWait(); this.first = false; }; function Client(agent, socket) { Transform.call(this, { readableObjectMode: true }); this.agent = agent; this.binding = this.agent.binding; this.socket = socket; // Parse incoming data this.state = 'headers'; this.headers = {}; this.buffer = ''; socket.pipe(this); this.on('data', this.onCommand); var self = this; this.socket.on('close', function() { self.destroy(); }); } util.inherits(Client, Transform); Client.prototype.destroy = function destroy(msg) { this.socket.destroy(); this.emit('close'); }; Client.prototype._transform = function _transform(data, enc, cb) { cb(); this.buffer += data; while (true) { if (this.state === 'headers') { // Not enough data if (!/\r\n/.test(this.buffer)) break; if (/^\r\n/.test(this.buffer)) { this.buffer = this.buffer.slice(2); this.state = 'body'; continue; } // Match: // Header-name: header-value\r\n var match = this.buffer.match(/^([^:\s\r\n]+)\s*:\s*([^\s\r\n]+)\r\n/); if (!match) return this.destroy('Expected header, but failed to parse it'); this.headers[match[1].toLowerCase()] = match[2]; this.buffer = this.buffer.slice(match[0].length); } else { var len = this.headers['content-length']; if (len === undefined) return this.destroy('Expected content-length'); len = len | 0; if (Buffer.byteLength(this.buffer) < len) break; this.push(new Command(this.headers, this.buffer.slice(0, len))); this.state = 'headers'; this.buffer = this.buffer.slice(len); this.headers = {}; } } }; Client.prototype.send = function send(headers, data) { if (!data) data = ''; var out = []; Object.keys(headers).forEach(function(key) { out.push(key + ': ' + headers[key]); }); out.push('Content-Length: ' + Buffer.byteLength(data), ''); this.socket.cork(); this.socket.write(out.join('\r\n') + '\r\n'); if (data.length > 0) this.socket.write(data); this.socket.uncork(); }; Client.prototype.start = function start() { this.send({ Type: 'connect', 'V8-Version': process.versions.v8, 'Protocol-Version': 1, 'Embedding-Host': 'node ' + process.version }); }; Client.prototype.onCommand = function onCommand(cmd) { this.binding.sendCommand(cmd.body); this.agent.notifyWait(); }; function Command(headers, body) { this.headers = headers; this.body = body; }