The Setup Wizard will install [ProductName] on your computer.
Choose a custom location or click Next to install.
A later version of [ProductName] is already installed. Setup will now exit.
Node.js runtime
Install the core [ProductName] runtime (node.exe).
Performance counters
Installs support for [ProductName]-specific performance counters.
Event tracing (ETW)
Installs support for event tracing (ETW) events generated by [ProductName].
npm package manager
Install npm, the recommended package manager for [ProductName].
Online documentation shortcuts
Add start menu entries that link the the online documentation for [ProductName] [FullVersion] and the [ProductName] website.
Add to PATH
Add [ProductName], npm, and modules that were globally installed by npm to the PATH environment variable.
Node.js and npm
Add [ProductName] and npm (if installed) to the PATH environment variable.
npm modules
Add modules that are installed globally by npm to the PATH environment variable. This option works for the current user only; other users need to update their PATH manually.
Node.js has been successfully installed.