/**********************************************************************/ // Module var internalModuleCache = {}; var extensionCache = {}; function Module (id, parent) { this.id = id; this.exports = {}; this.parent = parent; if (parent) { this.moduleCache = parent.moduleCache; } else { this.moduleCache = {}; } this.moduleCache[this.id] = this; this.filename = null; this.loaded = false; this.exited = false; this.children = []; }; function createInternalModule (id, constructor) { var m = new Module(id); constructor(m.exports); m.loaded = true; internalModuleCache[id] = m; return m; }; // This contains the source code for the files in lib/ // Like, natives.fs is the contents of lib/fs.js var natives = process.binding('natives'); function loadNative (id) { var m = new Module(id); internalModuleCache[id] = m; var e = m._compile(natives[id], id); if (e) throw e; m.loaded = true; return m; } exports.requireNative = requireNative; function requireNative (id) { if (internalModuleCache[id]) return internalModuleCache[id].exports; if (!natives[id]) throw new Error('No such native module ' + id); return loadNative(id).exports; } // Event var eventsFn = process.compile("(function (exports) {" + natives.events + "\n})", "events"); var eventsModule = createInternalModule('events', eventsFn); var events = eventsModule.exports; // Modules var debugLevel = parseInt(process.env["NODE_DEBUG"]); function debug (x) { if (debugLevel > 0) { process.binding('stdio').writeError(x + "\n"); } } var pathFn = process.compile("(function (exports) {" + natives.path + "\n})", "path"); var pathModule = createInternalModule('path', pathFn); var path = pathModule.exports; function existsSync (path) { try { process.binding('fs').stat(path); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } var modulePaths = [path.join(process.installPrefix, "lib", "node")]; if (process.env["HOME"]) { modulePaths.unshift(path.join(process.env["HOME"], ".node_libraries")); } if (process.env["NODE_PATH"]) { modulePaths = process.env["NODE_PATH"].split(":").concat(modulePaths); } /* Sync unless callback given */ function findModulePath (id, dirs, callback) { process.assert(dirs.constructor == Array); if (/^https?:\/\//.exec(id)) { if (callback) { callback(id); } else { throw new Error("Sync http require not allowed."); } return; } if (/\.(js|node)$/.exec(id)) { throw new Error("No longer accepting filename extension in module names"); } if (dirs.length == 0) { if (callback) { callback(); } else { return; // sync returns null } } var dir = dirs[0]; var rest = dirs.slice(1, dirs.length); if (id.charAt(0) == '/') { dir = ''; rest = []; } var locations = [ path.join(dir, id + ".js"), path.join(dir, id + ".node"), path.join(dir, id, "index.js"), path.join(dir, id, "index.node") ]; var ext; var extensions = Object.keys(extensionCache); for (var i = 0, l = extensions.length; i < l; i++) { var ext = extensions[i]; locations.push(path.join(dir, id + ext)); locations.push(path.join(dir, id, 'index' + ext)); } function searchLocations () { var location = locations.shift(); if (!location) { return findModulePath(id, rest, callback); } // if async if (callback) { path.exists(location, function (found) { if (found) { callback(location); } else { return searchLocations(); } }); // if sync } else { if (existsSync(location)) { return location; } else { return searchLocations(); } } } return searchLocations(); } // sync - no i/o performed function resolveModulePath(request, parent) { var id, paths; if (request.charAt(0) == "." && (request.charAt(1) == "/" || request.charAt(1) == ".")) { // Relative request debug("RELATIVE: requested:" + request + " set ID to: "+id+" from "+parent.id); var exts = ['js', 'node'], ext; var extensions = Object.keys(extensionCache); for (var i = 0, l = extensions.length; i < l; i++) { var ext = extensions[i]; exts.push(ext.slice(1)); } var parentIdPath = path.dirname(parent.id + (path.basename(parent.filename).match(new RegExp('^index\\.(' + exts.join('|') + ')$')) ? "/" : "")); id = path.join(parentIdPath, request); paths = [path.dirname(parent.filename)]; } else { id = request; // debug("ABSOLUTE: id="+id); paths = modulePaths; } return [id, paths]; } function loadModule (request, parent, callback) { var resolvedModule = resolveModulePath(request, parent), id = resolvedModule[0], paths = resolvedModule[1]; debug("loadModule REQUEST " + (request) + " parent: " + parent.id); var cachedModule = internalModuleCache[id] || parent.moduleCache[id]; if (!cachedModule) { // Try to compile from native modules if (natives[id]) { debug('load native module ' + id); cachedModule = loadNative(id); } } if (cachedModule) { debug("found " + JSON.stringify(id) + " in cache"); if (callback) { callback(null, cachedModule.exports); } else { return cachedModule.exports; } } else { // Not in cache debug("looking for " + JSON.stringify(id) + " in " + JSON.stringify(paths)); if (!callback) { // sync var filename = findModulePath(request, paths); if (!filename) { throw new Error("Cannot find module '" + request + "'"); } else { var module = new Module(id, parent); module.loadSync(filename); return module.exports; } } else { // async findModulePath(request, paths, function (filename) { if (!filename) { var err = new Error("Cannot find module '" + request + "'"); callback(err); } else { var module = new Module(id, parent); module.load(filename, callback); } }); } } }; // This function allows the user to register file extensions to custom // Javascript 'compilers'. It accepts 2 arguments, where ext is a file // extension as a string. E.g. '.coffee' for coffee-script files. compiler // is the second argument, which is a function that gets called when the // specified file extension is found. The compiler is passed a single // argument, which is, the file contents, which need to be compiled. // // The function needs to return the compiled source, or an non-string // variable that will get attached directly to the module exports. Example: // // require.registerExtension('.coffee', function(content) { // return doCompileMagic(content); // }); function registerExtension(ext, compiler) { if ('string' !== typeof ext && false === /\.\w+$/.test(ext)) { throw new Error('require.registerExtension: First argument not a valid extension string.'); } if ('function' !== typeof compiler) { throw new Error('require.registerExtension: Second argument not a valid compiler function.'); } extensionCache[ext] = compiler; } Module.prototype.loadSync = function (filename) { debug("loadSync " + JSON.stringify(filename) + " for module " + JSON.stringify(this.id)); process.assert(!this.loaded); this.filename = filename; if (filename.match(/\.node$/)) { this._loadObjectSync(filename); } else { this._loadScriptSync(filename); } }; Module.prototype.load = function (filename, callback) { debug("load " + JSON.stringify(filename) + " for module " + JSON.stringify(this.id)); process.assert(!this.loaded); this.filename = filename; if (filename.match(/\.node$/)) { this._loadObject(filename, callback); } else { this._loadScript(filename, callback); } }; Module.prototype._loadObjectSync = function (filename) { this.loaded = true; process.dlopen(filename, this.exports); }; Module.prototype._loadObject = function (filename, callback) { var self = this; // XXX Not yet supporting loading from HTTP. would need to download the // file, store it to tmp then run dlopen on it. self.loaded = true; process.dlopen(filename, self.exports); // FIXME synchronus if (callback) callback(null, self.exports); }; function cat (id, callback) { if (id.match(/^http:\/\//)) { loadModule('http', process.mainModule, function (err, http) { if (err) { if (callback) callback(err); } else { http.cat(id, callback); } }); } else { requireNative('fs').readFile(id, 'utf8', callback); } } // Returns exception if any Module.prototype._compile = function (content, filename) { var self = this; // remove shebang content = content.replace(/^\#\!.*/, ''); // Compile content if needed var ext = path.extname(filename); if (extensionCache[ext]) { content = extensionCache[ext](content); } function requireAsync (url, cb) { loadModule(url, self, cb); } function require (path) { return loadModule(path, self); } require.paths = modulePaths; require.async = requireAsync; require.main = process.mainModule; require.registerExtension = registerExtension; if ('string' === typeof content) { // create wrapper function var wrapper = "(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { " + content + "\n});"; var compiledWrapper = process.compile(wrapper, filename); var dirName = path.dirname(filename); if (filename === process.argv[1]) { process.checkBreak(); } compiledWrapper.apply(self.exports, [self.exports, require, self, filename, dirName]); } else { self.exports = content; } }; Module.prototype._loadScriptSync = function (filename) { var content = requireNative('fs').readFileSync(filename); var e = this._compile(content, filename); if (e) { throw e; } else { this.loaded = true; } }; Module.prototype._loadScript = function (filename, callback) { var self = this; cat(filename, function (err, content) { debug('cat done'); if (err) { if (callback) callback(err); } else { var e = self._compile(content, filename); if (e) { if (callback) callback(e); } else { self._waitChildrenLoad(function () { self.loaded = true; if (self.onload) self.onload(); if (callback) callback(null, self.exports); }); } } }); }; Module.prototype._waitChildrenLoad = function (callback) { var nloaded = 0; var children = this.children; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var child = children[i]; if (child.loaded) { nloaded++; } else { child.onload = function () { child.onload = null; nloaded++; if (children.length == nloaded && callback) callback(); }; } } if (children.length == nloaded && callback) callback(); }; // bootstrap main module. exports.runMain = function () { var cwd = process.cwd(); // Make process.argv[0] and process.argv[1] into full paths. if (process.argv[0].indexOf('/') > 0) { process.argv[0] = path.join(cwd, process.argv[0]); } if (process.argv[1].charAt(0) != "/" && !(/^http:\/\//).exec(process.argv[1])) { process.argv[1] = path.join(cwd, process.argv[1]); } // Load the main module--the command line argument. process.mainModule = new Module("."); process.mainModule.loadSync(process.argv[1]); }