# columnify [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/timoxley/columnify.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/timoxley/columnify) Create text-based columns suitable for console output from objects or arrays of objects. Columns are automatically resized to fit the content of the largest cell. Each cell will be padded with spaces to fill the available space and ensure column contents are left-aligned. Designed to [handle sensible wrapping in npm search results](https://github.com/isaacs/npm/pull/2328). `npm search` before & after integrating columnify: ![npm-tidy-search](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/43438/1848959/ae02ad04-76a1-11e3-8255-4781debffc26.gif) ## Installation & Update ``` $ npm install --save columnify@latest ``` ## Usage ```javascript var columnify = require('columnify') var columns = columnify(data, options) console.log(columns) ``` ## Examples ### Columnify Objects Objects are converted to a list of key/value pairs: ```javascript var data = { "commander@0.6.1": 1, "minimatch@0.2.14": 3, "mkdirp@0.3.5": 2, "sigmund@1.0.0": 3 } console.log(columnify(data)) ``` #### Output: ``` KEY VALUE commander@0.6.1 1 minimatch@0.2.14 3 mkdirp@0.3.5 2 sigmund@1.0.0 3 ``` ### Custom Column Names ```javascript var data = { "commander@0.6.1": 1, "minimatch@0.2.14": 3, "mkdirp@0.3.5": 2, "sigmund@1.0.0": 3 } console.log(columnify(data, {columns: ['MODULE', 'COUNT']})) ``` #### Output: ``` MODULE COUNT commander@0.6.1 1 minimatch@0.2.14 3 mkdirp@0.3.5 2 sigmund@1.0.0 3 ``` ### Columnify Arrays of Objects Column headings are extracted from the keys in supplied objects. ```javascript var columnify = require('columnify') var columns = columnify([{ name: 'mod1', version: '0.0.1' }, { name: 'module2', version: '0.2.0' }]) console.log(columns) ``` #### Output: ``` NAME VERSION mod1 0.0.1 module2 0.2.0 ``` ### Wrapping Column Cells You can define the maximum width before wrapping for individual cells in columns. Minimum width is also supported. Wrapping will happen at word boundaries. Empty cells or those which do not fill the max/min width will be padded with spaces. ```javascript var columns = columnify([{ name: 'mod1', description: 'some description which happens to be far larger than the max', version: '0.0.1', }, { name: 'module-two', description: 'another description larger than the max', version: '0.2.0', }) console.log(columns) ``` #### Output: ``` NAME DESCRIPTION VERSION mod1 some description which happens 0.0.1 to be far larger than the max module-two another description larger 0.2.0 than the max ``` ### Truncating Column Cells You can disable wrapping and instead truncate content at the maximum column width. Truncation respects word boundaries. A truncation marker, `…` will appear next to the last word in any truncated line. ```javascript var columns = columnify(data, { truncate: true, config: { description: { maxWidth: 20 } } }) console.log(columns) ``` #### Output: ``` NAME DESCRIPTION VERSION mod1 some description… 0.0.1 module-two another description… 0.2.0 ``` ### Filtering & Ordering Columns By default, all properties are converted into columns, whether or not they exist on every object or not. To explicitly specify which columns to include, and in which order, supply a "columns" or "include" array ("include" is just an alias). ```javascript var data = [{ name: 'module1', description: 'some description', version: '0.0.1', }, { name: 'module2', description: 'another description', version: '0.2.0', }] var columns = columnify(data, { columns: ['name', 'version'] // note description not included }) console.log(columns) ``` #### Output: ``` NAME VERSION module1 0.0.1 module2 0.2.0 ``` ## Other Configuration Options ### Align Right/Center ```js var data = { "mocha@1.18.2": 1, "commander@2.0.0": 1, "debug@0.8.1": 1 } columnify(data, {config: {value: {align: 'right'}}}) ``` #### Output: ``` KEY VALUE mocha@1.18.2 1 commander@2.0.0 1 debug@0.8.1 1 ``` Align Center works in a similar way. ### Padding ```js var data = { "shortKey": "veryVeryVeryVeryVeryLongVal", "veryVeryVeryVeryVeryLongKey": "shortVal" } columnify(data, { paddingChr: '.'}) ``` #### Output: ``` KEY........................ VALUE...................... shortKey................... veryVeryVeryVeryVeryLongVal veryVeryVeryVeryVeryLongKey shortVal................... ``` ### Preserve existing newlines By default, `columnify` sanitises text by replacing any occurance of 1 or more whitespace characters with a single space. `columnify` can be configured to respect existing new line characters using the `preserveNewLines` option. Note this will still collapse all other whitespace. ```javascript var data = [{ name: "glob@3.2.9", paths: [ "node_modules/tap/node_modules/glob", "node_modules/tape/node_modules/glob" ].join('\n') }, { name: "nopt@2.2.1", paths: [ "node_modules/tap/node_modules/nopt" ] }, { name: "runforcover@0.0.2", paths: "node_modules/tap/node_modules/runforcover" }] console.log(columnify(data, {preserveNewLines: true})) ``` #### Output: ``` NAME PATHS glob@3.2.9 node_modules/tap/node_modules/glob node_modules/tape/node_modules/glob nopt@2.2.1 node_modules/tap/node_modules/nopt runforcover@0.0.2 node_modules/tap/node_modules/runforcover ``` Compare this with output without `preserveNewLines`: ```javascript console.log(columnify(data, {preserveNewLines: false})) // or just console.log(columnify(data)) ``` ``` NAME PATHS glob@3.2.9 node_modules/tap/node_modules/glob node_modules/tape/node_modules/glob nopt@2.2.1 node_modules/tap/node_modules/nopt runforcover@0.0.2 node_modules/tap/node_modules/runforcover ``` ### Custom Truncation Marker You can change the truncation marker to something other than the default `…`. ```javascript var columns = columnify(data, { truncate: true, truncateMarker: '>', widths: { description: { maxWidth: 20 } } }) console.log(columns) ``` #### Output: ``` NAME DESCRIPTION VERSION mod1 some description> 0.0.1 module-two another description> 0.2.0 ``` ### Custom Column Splitter If your columns need some bling, you can split columns with custom characters. ```javascript var columns = columnify(data, { columnSplitter: ' | ' }) console.log(columns) ``` #### Output: ``` NAME | DESCRIPTION | VERSION mod1 | some description which happens to be far larger than the max | 0.0.1 module-two | another description larger than the max | 0.2.0 ``` ## Multibyte Character Support `columnify` uses [mycoboco/wcwidth.js](https://github.com/mycoboco/wcwidth.js) to calculate length of multibyte characters: ```javascript var data = [{ name: 'module-one', description: 'some description', version: '0.0.1', }, { name: '这是一个很长的名字的模块', description: '这真的是一个描述的内容这个描述很长', version: "0.3.3" }] console.log(columnify(data)) ``` #### Without multibyte handling: i.e. before columnify added this feature ``` NAME DESCRIPTION VERSION module-one some description 0.0.1 这是一个很长的名字的模块 这真的是一个描述的内容这个描述很长 0.3.3 ``` #### With multibyte handling: ``` NAME DESCRIPTION VERSION module-one some description 0.0.1 这是一个很长的名字的模块 这真的是一个描述的内容这个描述很长 0.3.3 ``` ## License MIT