'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); // A test to ensure that cluster properly interoperates with the // --inspect-brk option. const assert = require('assert'); const cluster = require('cluster'); const debuggerPort = common.PORT; if (cluster.isMaster) { function test(execArgv) { cluster.setupMaster({ execArgv: execArgv, stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe', 'ipc', 'pipe'] }); const worker = cluster.fork(); // Debugger listening on port [port]. worker.process.stderr.once('data', common.mustCall(function() { worker.process.kill('SIGTERM'); })); worker.process.on('exit', common.mustCall(function(code, signal) { assert.strictEqual(signal, 'SIGTERM'); })); } test(['--inspect-brk']); test([`--inspect-brk=${debuggerPort}`]); } else { // Cluster worker is at a breakpoint, should not reach here. assert.fail('Test failed: cluster worker should be at a breakpoint.'); }