/* * Copyright Node.js contributors. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ 'use strict'; const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer; const crypto = require('crypto'); const { EventEmitter } = require('events'); const http = require('http'); const URL = require('url'); const util = require('util'); const debuglog = util.debuglog('inspect'); const kOpCodeText = 0x1; const kOpCodeClose = 0x8; const kFinalBit = 0x80; const kReserved1Bit = 0x40; const kReserved2Bit = 0x20; const kReserved3Bit = 0x10; const kOpCodeMask = 0xF; const kMaskBit = 0x80; const kPayloadLengthMask = 0x7F; const kMaxSingleBytePayloadLength = 125; const kMaxTwoBytePayloadLength = 0xFFFF; const kTwoBytePayloadLengthField = 126; const kEightBytePayloadLengthField = 127; const kMaskingKeyWidthInBytes = 4; function isEmpty(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).length === 0; } function unpackError({ code, message, data }) { const err = new Error(`${message} - ${data}`); err.code = code; Error.captureStackTrace(err, unpackError); return err; } function encodeFrameHybi17(payload) { var i; const dataLength = payload.length; let singleByteLength; let additionalLength; if (dataLength > kMaxTwoBytePayloadLength) { singleByteLength = kEightBytePayloadLengthField; additionalLength = Buffer.alloc(8); let remaining = dataLength; for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { additionalLength[7 - i] = remaining & 0xFF; remaining >>= 8; } } else if (dataLength > kMaxSingleBytePayloadLength) { singleByteLength = kTwoBytePayloadLengthField; additionalLength = Buffer.alloc(2); additionalLength[0] = (dataLength & 0xFF00) >> 8; additionalLength[1] = dataLength & 0xFF; } else { additionalLength = Buffer.alloc(0); singleByteLength = dataLength; } const header = Buffer.from([ kFinalBit | kOpCodeText, kMaskBit | singleByteLength, ]); const mask = Buffer.alloc(4); const masked = Buffer.alloc(dataLength); for (i = 0; i < dataLength; ++i) { masked[i] = payload[i] ^ mask[i % kMaskingKeyWidthInBytes]; } return Buffer.concat([header, additionalLength, mask, masked]); } function decodeFrameHybi17(data) { const dataAvailable = data.length; const notComplete = { closed: false, payload: null, rest: data }; let payloadOffset = 2; if ((dataAvailable - payloadOffset) < 0) return notComplete; const firstByte = data[0]; const secondByte = data[1]; const final = (firstByte & kFinalBit) !== 0; const reserved1 = (firstByte & kReserved1Bit) !== 0; const reserved2 = (firstByte & kReserved2Bit) !== 0; const reserved3 = (firstByte & kReserved3Bit) !== 0; const opCode = firstByte & kOpCodeMask; const masked = (secondByte & kMaskBit) !== 0; const compressed = reserved1; if (compressed) { throw new Error('Compressed frames not supported'); } if (!final || reserved2 || reserved3) { throw new Error('Only compression extension is supported'); } if (masked) { throw new Error('Masked server frame - not supported'); } let closed = false; switch (opCode) { case kOpCodeClose: closed = true; break; case kOpCodeText: break; default: throw new Error(`Unsupported op code ${opCode}`); } let payloadLength = secondByte & kPayloadLengthMask; switch (payloadLength) { case kTwoBytePayloadLengthField: payloadOffset += 2; payloadLength = (data[2] << 8) + data[3]; break; case kEightBytePayloadLengthField: payloadOffset += 8; payloadLength = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { payloadLength <<= 8; payloadLength |= data[2 + i]; } break; default: // Nothing. We already have the right size. } if ((dataAvailable - payloadOffset - payloadLength) < 0) return notComplete; const payloadEnd = payloadOffset + payloadLength; return { payload: data.slice(payloadOffset, payloadEnd), rest: data.slice(payloadEnd), closed, }; } class Client extends EventEmitter { constructor(port, host) { super(); this.handleChunk = this._handleChunk.bind(this); this._port = port; this._host = host; this.reset(); } _handleChunk(chunk) { this._unprocessed = Buffer.concat([this._unprocessed, chunk]); while (this._unprocessed.length > 2) { const { closed, payload: payloadBuffer, rest } = decodeFrameHybi17(this._unprocessed); this._unprocessed = rest; if (closed) { this.reset(); return; } if (payloadBuffer === null) break; const payloadStr = payloadBuffer.toString(); debuglog('< %s', payloadStr); const lastChar = payloadStr[payloadStr.length - 1]; if (payloadStr[0] !== '{' || lastChar !== '}') { throw new Error(`Payload does not look like JSON: ${payloadStr}`); } let payload; try { payload = JSON.parse(payloadStr); } catch (parseError) { parseError.string = payloadStr; throw parseError; } const { id, method, params, result, error } = payload; if (id) { const handler = this._pending[id]; if (handler) { delete this._pending[id]; handler(error, result); } } else if (method) { this.emit('debugEvent', method, params); this.emit(method, params); } else { throw new Error(`Unsupported response: ${payloadStr}`); } } } reset() { if (this._http) { this._http.destroy(); } this._http = null; this._lastId = 0; this._socket = null; this._pending = {}; this._unprocessed = Buffer.alloc(0); } callMethod(method, params) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!this._socket) { reject(new Error('Use `run` to start the app again.')); return; } const data = { id: ++this._lastId, method, params }; this._pending[data.id] = (error, result) => { if (error) reject(unpackError(error)); else resolve(isEmpty(result) ? undefined : result); }; const json = JSON.stringify(data); debuglog('> %s', json); this._socket.write(encodeFrameHybi17(Buffer.from(json))); }); } _fetchJSON(urlPath) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const httpReq = http.get({ host: this._host, port: this._port, path: urlPath, }); const chunks = []; function onResponse(httpRes) { function parseChunks() { const resBody = Buffer.concat(chunks).toString(); if (httpRes.statusCode !== 200) { reject(new Error(`Unexpected ${httpRes.statusCode}: ${resBody}`)); return; } try { resolve(JSON.parse(resBody)); } catch (parseError) { reject(new Error(`Response didn't contain JSON: ${resBody}`)); return; } } httpRes.on('error', reject); httpRes.on('data', (chunk) => chunks.push(chunk)); httpRes.on('end', parseChunks); } httpReq.on('error', reject); httpReq.on('response', onResponse); }); } connect() { return this._discoverWebsocketPath() .then((urlPath) => this._connectWebsocket(urlPath)); } _discoverWebsocketPath() { return this._fetchJSON('/json') .then(([{ webSocketDebuggerUrl }]) => URL.parse(webSocketDebuggerUrl).path); } _connectWebsocket(urlPath) { this.reset(); const key1 = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('base64'); debuglog('request websocket', key1); const httpReq = this._http = http.request({ host: this._host, port: this._port, path: urlPath, headers: { Connection: 'Upgrade', Upgrade: 'websocket', 'Sec-WebSocket-Key': key1, 'Sec-WebSocket-Version': '13', }, }); httpReq.on('error', (e) => { this.emit('error', e); }); httpReq.on('response', (httpRes) => { if (httpRes.statusCode >= 400) { process.stderr.write(`Unexpected HTTP code: ${httpRes.statusCode}\n`); httpRes.pipe(process.stderr); } else { httpRes.pipe(process.stderr); } }); const handshakeListener = (res, socket) => { // TODO: we *could* validate res.headers[sec-websocket-accept] debuglog('websocket upgrade'); this._socket = socket; socket.on('data', this.handleChunk); socket.on('close', () => { this.emit('close'); }); Promise.all([ this.callMethod('Runtime.enable'), this.callMethod('Debugger.enable'), this.callMethod('Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions', { state: 'none' }), this.callMethod('Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepth', { maxDepth: 0 }), this.callMethod('Profiler.enable'), this.callMethod('Profiler.setSamplingInterval', { interval: 100 }), this.callMethod('Debugger.setBlackboxPatterns', { patterns: [] }), this.callMethod('Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger'), ]).then(() => { this.emit('ready'); }, (error) => { this.emit('error', error); }); }; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.once('error', reject); this.once('ready', resolve); httpReq.on('upgrade', handshakeListener); httpReq.end(); }); } } module.exports = Client;