var exec = require('child_process').exec var fs = require('graceful-fs') var path = require('path') var existsSync = fs.existsSync || path.existsSync var mkdirp = require('mkdirp') var osenv = require('osenv') var rimraf = require('rimraf') var test = require('tap').test var common = require('../common-tap.js') var pkg = path.join(__dirname, 'install-scoped-link') var work = path.join(__dirname, 'install-scoped-link-TEST') var modules = path.join(work, 'node_modules') var EXEC_OPTS = { cwd: work } var world = 'console.log("hello blrbld")\n' var json = { name: '@scoped/package', version: '0.0.0', bin: { hello: './world.js' } } test('setup', function (t) { cleanup() mkdirp.sync(pkg) fs.writeFileSync( path.join(pkg, 'package.json'), JSON.stringify(json, null, 2) ) fs.writeFileSync(path.join(pkg, 'world.js'), world) mkdirp.sync(modules) process.chdir(work) t.end() }) test('installing package with links', function (t) { common.npm( [ '--loglevel', 'silent', 'install', pkg ], EXEC_OPTS, function (err, code) { t.ifError(err, 'install ran to completion without error') t.notOk(code, 'npm install exited with code 0') t.ok( existsSync(path.join(modules, '@scoped', 'package', 'package.json')), 'package installed' ) t.ok(existsSync(path.join(modules, '.bin')), 'binary link directory exists') var hello = path.join(modules, '.bin', 'hello') t.ok(existsSync(hello), 'binary link exists') exec('node ' + hello, function (err, stdout, stderr) { t.ifError(err, 'command ran fine') t.notOk(stderr, 'got no error output back') t.equal(stdout, 'hello blrbld\n', 'output was as expected') t.end() }) } ) }) test('cleanup', function (t) { cleanup() t.end() }) function cleanup () { process.chdir(osenv.tmpdir()) rimraf.sync(work) rimraf.sync(pkg) }