/* eslint-disable required-modules */ 'use strict'; const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const assert = require('assert'); const os = require('os'); const child_process = require('child_process'); const stream = require('stream'); const buffer = require('buffer'); const util = require('util'); const Timer = process.binding('timer_wrap').Timer; const execSync = require('child_process').execSync; const testRoot = process.env.NODE_TEST_DIR ? fs.realpathSync(process.env.NODE_TEST_DIR) : __dirname; exports.fixturesDir = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures'); exports.tmpDirName = 'tmp'; // PORT should match the definition in test/testpy/__init__.py. exports.PORT = +process.env.NODE_COMMON_PORT || 12346; exports.isWindows = process.platform === 'win32'; exports.isWOW64 = exports.isWindows && (process.env.PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 !== undefined); exports.isAix = process.platform === 'aix'; exports.isLinuxPPCBE = (process.platform === 'linux') && (process.arch === 'ppc64') && (os.endianness() === 'BE'); exports.isSunOS = process.platform === 'sunos'; exports.isFreeBSD = process.platform === 'freebsd'; exports.isLinux = process.platform === 'linux'; exports.isOSX = process.platform === 'darwin'; exports.enoughTestMem = os.totalmem() > 0x40000000; /* 1 Gb */ exports.bufferMaxSizeMsg = new RegExp('^RangeError: "size" argument' + ' must not be larger than ' + buffer.kMaxLength + '$'); const cpus = os.cpus(); exports.enoughTestCpu = Array.isArray(cpus) && (cpus.length > 1 || cpus[0].speed > 999); exports.rootDir = exports.isWindows ? 'c:\\' : '/'; exports.buildType = process.config.target_defaults.default_configuration; function rimrafSync(p) { let st; try { st = fs.lstatSync(p); } catch (e) { if (e.code === 'ENOENT') return; } try { if (st && st.isDirectory()) rmdirSync(p, null); else fs.unlinkSync(p); } catch (e) { if (e.code === 'ENOENT') return; if (e.code === 'EPERM') return rmdirSync(p, e); if (e.code !== 'EISDIR') throw e; rmdirSync(p, e); } } function rmdirSync(p, originalEr) { try { fs.rmdirSync(p); } catch (e) { if (e.code === 'ENOTDIR') throw originalEr; if (e.code === 'ENOTEMPTY' || e.code === 'EEXIST' || e.code === 'EPERM') { const enc = exports.isLinux ? 'buffer' : 'utf8'; fs.readdirSync(p, enc).forEach((f) => { if (f instanceof Buffer) { const buf = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from(p), Buffer.from(path.sep), f]); rimrafSync(buf); } else { rimrafSync(path.join(p, f)); } }); fs.rmdirSync(p); } } } exports.refreshTmpDir = function() { rimrafSync(exports.tmpDir); fs.mkdirSync(exports.tmpDir); }; if (process.env.TEST_THREAD_ID) { exports.PORT += process.env.TEST_THREAD_ID * 100; exports.tmpDirName += '.' + process.env.TEST_THREAD_ID; } exports.tmpDir = path.join(testRoot, exports.tmpDirName); let opensslCli = null; let inFreeBSDJail = null; let localhostIPv4 = null; exports.localIPv6Hosts = ['localhost']; if (exports.isLinux) { exports.localIPv6Hosts = [ // Debian/Ubuntu 'ip6-localhost', 'ip6-loopback', // SUSE 'ipv6-localhost', 'ipv6-loopback', // Typically universal 'localhost', ]; } Object.defineProperty(exports, 'inFreeBSDJail', { get: function() { if (inFreeBSDJail !== null) return inFreeBSDJail; if (exports.isFreeBSD && child_process.execSync('sysctl -n security.jail.jailed').toString() === '1\n') { inFreeBSDJail = true; } else { inFreeBSDJail = false; } return inFreeBSDJail; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'localhostIPv4', { get: function() { if (localhostIPv4 !== null) return localhostIPv4; if (exports.inFreeBSDJail) { // Jailed network interfaces are a bit special - since we need to jump // through loops, as well as this being an exception case, assume the // user will provide this instead. if (process.env.LOCALHOST) { localhostIPv4 = process.env.LOCALHOST; } else { console.error('Looks like we\'re in a FreeBSD Jail. ' + 'Please provide your default interface address ' + 'as LOCALHOST or expect some tests to fail.'); } } if (localhostIPv4 === null) localhostIPv4 = ''; return localhostIPv4; } }); // opensslCli defined lazily to reduce overhead of spawnSync Object.defineProperty(exports, 'opensslCli', {get: function() { if (opensslCli !== null) return opensslCli; if (process.config.variables.node_shared_openssl) { // use external command opensslCli = 'openssl'; } else { // use command built from sources included in Node.js repository opensslCli = path.join(path.dirname(process.execPath), 'openssl-cli'); } if (exports.isWindows) opensslCli += '.exe'; const opensslCmd = child_process.spawnSync(opensslCli, ['version']); if (opensslCmd.status !== 0 || opensslCmd.error !== undefined) { // openssl command cannot be executed opensslCli = false; } return opensslCli; }, enumerable: true}); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'hasCrypto', { get: function() { return process.versions.openssl ? true : false; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'hasFipsCrypto', { get: function() { return exports.hasCrypto && require('crypto').fips; } }); if (exports.isWindows) { exports.PIPE = '\\\\.\\pipe\\libuv-test'; if (process.env.TEST_THREAD_ID) { exports.PIPE += '.' + process.env.TEST_THREAD_ID; } } else { exports.PIPE = exports.tmpDir + '/test.sock'; } const ifaces = os.networkInterfaces(); exports.hasIPv6 = Object.keys(ifaces).some(function(name) { return /lo/.test(name) && ifaces[name].some(function(info) { return info.family === 'IPv6'; }); }); /* * Check that when running a test with * `$node --abort-on-uncaught-exception $file child` * the process aborts. */ exports.childShouldThrowAndAbort = function() { let testCmd = ''; if (!exports.isWindows) { // Do not create core files, as it can take a lot of disk space on // continuous testing and developers' machines testCmd += 'ulimit -c 0 && '; } testCmd += `${process.argv[0]} --abort-on-uncaught-exception `; testCmd += `${process.argv[1]} child`; const child = child_process.exec(testCmd); child.on('exit', function onExit(exitCode, signal) { const errMsg = 'Test should have aborted ' + `but instead exited with exit code ${exitCode}` + ` and signal ${signal}`; assert(exports.nodeProcessAborted(exitCode, signal), errMsg); }); }; exports.ddCommand = function(filename, kilobytes) { if (exports.isWindows) { const p = path.resolve(exports.fixturesDir, 'create-file.js'); return '"' + process.argv[0] + '" "' + p + '" "' + filename + '" ' + (kilobytes * 1024); } else { return 'dd if=/dev/zero of="' + filename + '" bs=1024 count=' + kilobytes; } }; exports.spawnCat = function(options) { const spawn = require('child_process').spawn; if (exports.isWindows) { return spawn('more', [], options); } else { return spawn('cat', [], options); } }; exports.spawnSyncCat = function(options) { const spawnSync = require('child_process').spawnSync; if (exports.isWindows) { return spawnSync('more', [], options); } else { return spawnSync('cat', [], options); } }; exports.spawnPwd = function(options) { const spawn = require('child_process').spawn; if (exports.isWindows) { return spawn('cmd.exe', ['/d', '/c', 'cd'], options); } else { return spawn('pwd', [], options); } }; exports.spawnSyncPwd = function(options) { const spawnSync = require('child_process').spawnSync; if (exports.isWindows) { return spawnSync('cmd.exe', ['/d', '/c', 'cd'], options); } else { return spawnSync('pwd', [], options); } }; exports.platformTimeout = function(ms) { if (process.config.target_defaults.default_configuration === 'Debug') ms = 2 * ms; if (global.__coverage__) ms = 4 * ms; if (exports.isAix) return 2 * ms; // default localhost speed is slower on AIX if (process.arch !== 'arm') return ms; const armv = process.config.variables.arm_version; if (armv === '6') return 7 * ms; // ARMv6 if (armv === '7') return 2 * ms; // ARMv7 return ms; // ARMv8+ }; let knownGlobals = [ Buffer, clearImmediate, clearInterval, clearTimeout, console, constructor, // Enumerable in V8 3.21. global, process, setImmediate, setInterval, setTimeout ]; if (global.gc) { knownGlobals.push(global.gc); } if (global.DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSE) { knownGlobals.push(DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSE); knownGlobals.push(DTRACE_HTTP_SERVER_REQUEST); knownGlobals.push(DTRACE_HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE); knownGlobals.push(DTRACE_HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST); knownGlobals.push(DTRACE_NET_STREAM_END); knownGlobals.push(DTRACE_NET_SERVER_CONNECTION); } if (global.COUNTER_NET_SERVER_CONNECTION) { knownGlobals.push(COUNTER_NET_SERVER_CONNECTION); knownGlobals.push(COUNTER_NET_SERVER_CONNECTION_CLOSE); knownGlobals.push(COUNTER_HTTP_SERVER_REQUEST); knownGlobals.push(COUNTER_HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSE); knownGlobals.push(COUNTER_HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST); knownGlobals.push(COUNTER_HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE); } if (global.LTTNG_HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSE) { knownGlobals.push(LTTNG_HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSE); knownGlobals.push(LTTNG_HTTP_SERVER_REQUEST); knownGlobals.push(LTTNG_HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE); knownGlobals.push(LTTNG_HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST); knownGlobals.push(LTTNG_NET_STREAM_END); knownGlobals.push(LTTNG_NET_SERVER_CONNECTION); } if (global.ArrayBuffer) { knownGlobals.push(ArrayBuffer); knownGlobals.push(Int8Array); knownGlobals.push(Uint8Array); knownGlobals.push(Uint8ClampedArray); knownGlobals.push(Int16Array); knownGlobals.push(Uint16Array); knownGlobals.push(Int32Array); knownGlobals.push(Uint32Array); knownGlobals.push(Float32Array); knownGlobals.push(Float64Array); knownGlobals.push(DataView); } // Harmony features. if (global.Proxy) { knownGlobals.push(Proxy); } if (global.Symbol) { knownGlobals.push(Symbol); } function allowGlobals(...whitelist) { knownGlobals = knownGlobals.concat(whitelist); } exports.allowGlobals = allowGlobals; function leakedGlobals() { const leaked = []; for (const val in global) if (!knownGlobals.includes(global[val])) leaked.push(val); if (global.__coverage__) { return leaked.filter((varname) => !/^(cov_|__cov)/.test(varname)); } else { return leaked; } } exports.leakedGlobals = leakedGlobals; // Turn this off if the test should not check for global leaks. exports.globalCheck = true; process.on('exit', function() { if (!exports.globalCheck) return; const leaked = leakedGlobals(); if (leaked.length > 0) { fail(`Unexpected global(s) found: ${leaked.join(', ')}`); } }); const mustCallChecks = []; function runCallChecks(exitCode) { if (exitCode !== 0) return; const failed = mustCallChecks.filter(function(context) { return context.actual !== context.expected; }); failed.forEach(function(context) { console.log('Mismatched %s function calls. Expected %d, actual %d.', context.name, context.expected, context.actual); console.log(context.stack.split('\n').slice(2).join('\n')); }); if (failed.length) process.exit(1); } exports.mustCall = function(fn, expected) { if (expected === undefined) expected = 1; else if (typeof expected !== 'number') throw new TypeError(`Invalid expected value: ${expected}`); const context = { expected: expected, actual: 0, stack: (new Error()).stack, name: fn.name || '' }; // add the exit listener only once to avoid listener leak warnings if (mustCallChecks.length === 0) process.on('exit', runCallChecks); mustCallChecks.push(context); return function() { context.actual++; return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; }; exports.hasMultiLocalhost = function hasMultiLocalhost() { const TCP = process.binding('tcp_wrap').TCP; const t = new TCP(); const ret = t.bind('', exports.PORT); t.close(); return ret === 0; }; exports.fileExists = function(pathname) { try { fs.accessSync(pathname); return true; } catch (err) { return false; } }; exports.canCreateSymLink = function() { // On Windows, creating symlinks requires admin privileges. // We'll only try to run symlink test if we have enough privileges. // On other platforms, creating symlinks shouldn't need admin privileges if (exports.isWindows) { // whoami.exe needs to be the one from System32 // If unix tools are in the path, they can shadow the one we want, // so use the full path while executing whoami const whoamiPath = path.join(process.env['SystemRoot'], 'System32', 'whoami.exe'); let err = false; let output = ''; try { output = execSync(whoamiPath + ' /priv', { timout: 1000 }); } catch (e) { err = true; } finally { if (err || !output.includes('SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege')) { return false; } } } return true; }; function fail(msg) { assert.fail(null, null, msg); } exports.fail = fail; exports.mustNotCall = function(msg) { return function mustNotCall() { fail(msg || 'function should not have been called'); }; }; exports.skip = function(msg) { console.log(`1..0 # Skipped: ${msg}`); }; // A stream to push an array into a REPL function ArrayStream() { this.run = function(data) { data.forEach((line) => { this.emit('data', line + '\n'); }); }; } util.inherits(ArrayStream, stream.Stream); exports.ArrayStream = ArrayStream; ArrayStream.prototype.readable = true; ArrayStream.prototype.writable = true; ArrayStream.prototype.pause = function() {}; ArrayStream.prototype.resume = function() {}; ArrayStream.prototype.write = function() {}; // Returns true if the exit code "exitCode" and/or signal name "signal" // represent the exit code and/or signal name of a node process that aborted, // false otherwise. exports.nodeProcessAborted = function nodeProcessAborted(exitCode, signal) { // Depending on the compiler used, node will exit with either // exit code 132 (SIGILL), 133 (SIGTRAP) or 134 (SIGABRT). let expectedExitCodes = [132, 133, 134]; // On platforms using KSH as the default shell (like SmartOS), // when a process aborts, KSH exits with an exit code that is // greater than 256, and thus the exit code emitted with the 'exit' // event is null and the signal is set to either SIGILL, SIGTRAP, // or SIGABRT (depending on the compiler). const expectedSignals = ['SIGILL', 'SIGTRAP', 'SIGABRT']; // On Windows, v8's base::OS::Abort triggers an access violation, // which corresponds to exit code 3221225477 (0xC0000005) if (exports.isWindows) expectedExitCodes = [3221225477]; // When using --abort-on-uncaught-exception, V8 will use // base::OS::Abort to terminate the process. // Depending on the compiler used, the shell or other aspects of // the platform used to build the node binary, this will actually // make V8 exit by aborting or by raising a signal. In any case, // one of them (exit code or signal) needs to be set to one of // the expected exit codes or signals. if (signal !== null) { return expectedSignals.includes(signal); } else { return expectedExitCodes.includes(exitCode); } }; exports.busyLoop = function busyLoop(time) { const startTime = Timer.now(); const stopTime = startTime + time; while (Timer.now() < stopTime) {} }; exports.isAlive = function isAlive(pid) { try { process.kill(pid, 'SIGCONT'); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }; exports.expectWarning = function(name, expected) { if (typeof expected === 'string') expected = [expected]; process.on('warning', exports.mustCall((warning) => { assert.strictEqual(warning.name, name); assert.ok(expected.includes(warning.message), `unexpected error message: "${warning.message}"`); // Remove a warning message after it is seen so that we guarantee that we // get each message only once. expected.splice(expected.indexOf(warning.message), 1); }, expected.length)); }; Object.defineProperty(exports, 'hasIntl', { get: function() { return process.binding('config').hasIntl; } }); // https://github.com/w3c/testharness.js/blob/master/testharness.js exports.WPT = { test: (fn, desc) => { try { fn(); } catch (err) { console.error(`In ${desc}:`); throw err; } }, assert_equals: assert.strictEqual, assert_true: (value, message) => assert.strictEqual(value, true, message), assert_false: (value, message) => assert.strictEqual(value, false, message), assert_throws: (code, func, desc) => { assert.throws(func, (err) => { return typeof err === 'object' && 'name' in err && err.name === code.name; }, desc); }, assert_array_equals: assert.deepStrictEqual, assert_unreached(desc) { assert.fail(undefined, undefined, `Reached unreachable code: ${desc}`); } }; // Useful for testing expected internal/error objects exports.expectsError = function expectsError({code, type, message}) { return function(error) { assert.strictEqual(error.code, code); if (type !== undefined) assert(error instanceof type, `${error} is not the expected type ${type}`); if (message instanceof RegExp) { assert(message.test(error.message), `${error.message} does not match ${message}`); } else if (typeof message === 'string') { assert.strictEqual(error.message, message); } return true; }; }; exports.skipIfInspectorDisabled = function skipIfInspectorDisabled() { if (!exports.hasCrypto) { exports.skip('missing ssl support so inspector is disabled'); process.exit(0); } };