// this is a weird meta test. It verifies that all the instances of // `npm.config.get(...)` are: // a) Simple strings, and not variables // b) Documented // c) Defined in the `npmconf` package. var test = require("tap").test var fs = require("fs") var path = require("path") var root = path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "..") var lib = path.resolve(root, "lib") var nm = path.resolve(root, "node_modules") var doc = path.resolve(root, "doc/misc/npm-config.md") var FILES = [] var CONFS = {} var DOC = {} var exceptions = [ path.resolve(lib, "config.js"), path.resolve(lib, "utils", "lifecycle.js") ] test("get files", function (t) { walk(nm) walk(lib) t.pass("got files") t.end() function walk(lib) { var files = fs.readdirSync(lib).map(function (f) { return path.resolve(lib, f) }) files.forEach(function (f) { if (fs.statSync(f).isDirectory()) walk(f) else if (f.match(/\.js$/)) FILES.push(f) }) } }) test("get lines", function (t) { FILES.forEach(function (f) { var lines = fs.readFileSync(f, 'utf8').split('\n') lines.forEach(function (l, i) { var matches = l.split(/conf(?:ig)?\.get\(/g) matches.shift() matches.forEach(function (m) { m = m.split(')').shift() var literal = m.match(/^['"].+['"]$/) if (literal) { m = m.slice(1, -1) if (!m.match(/^\_/) && m !== 'argv') CONFS[m] = { file: f, line: i } } else if (exceptions.indexOf(f) === -1) { t.fail("non-string-literal config used in " + f + ":" + i) } }) }) }) t.pass("got lines") t.end() }) test("get docs", function (t) { var d = fs.readFileSync(doc, "utf8").split("\n") // walk down until the "## Config Settings" section for (var i = 0; i < d.length && d[i] !== "## Config Settings"; i++); i++ // now gather up all the ^###\s lines until the next ^##\s var doclines = [] for (; i < d.length && !d[i].match(/^## /); i++) { if (d[i].match(/^### /)) DOC[ d[i].replace(/^### /, '').trim() ] = true } t.pass("read the docs") t.end() }) test("check configs", function (t) { var defs = require("npmconf/config-defs.js") var types = Object.keys(defs.types) var defaults = Object.keys(defs.defaults) for (var c in CONFS) { if (CONFS[c].file.indexOf(lib) === 0) { t.ok(DOC[c], "should be documented " + c + " " + CONFS[c].file + ":" + CONFS[c].line) t.ok(types.indexOf(c) !== -1, "should be defined in npmconf " + c) t.ok(defaults.indexOf(c) !== -1, "should have default in npmconf " + c) } } for (var c in DOC) { if (c !== "versions" && c !== "version") { t.ok(CONFS[c], "config in doc should be used somewhere " + c) t.ok(types.indexOf(c) !== -1, "should be defined in npmconf " + c) t.ok(defaults.indexOf(c) !== -1, "should have default in npmconf " + c) } } types.forEach(function(c) { if (!c.match(/^\_/) && c !== 'argv' && !c.match(/^versions?$/)) { t.ok(DOC[c], 'defined type should be documented ' + c) t.ok(CONFS[c], 'defined type should be used ' + c) } }) defaults.forEach(function(c) { if (!c.match(/^\_/) && c !== 'argv' && !c.match(/^versions?$/)) { t.ok(DOC[c], 'defaulted type should be documented ' + c) t.ok(CONFS[c], 'defaulted type should be used ' + c) } }) t.end() })