'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); var mustCall = common.mustCall; const assert = require('assert'); const dgram = require('dgram'); const dns = require('dns'); var socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); var buffer = Buffer.from('gary busey'); dns.setServers([]); socket.once('error', onEvent); // assert that: // * callbacks act as "error" listeners if given. // * error is never emitter for missing dns entries // if a callback that handles error is present // * error is emitted if a callback with no argument is passed socket.send(buffer, 0, buffer.length, 100, 'dne.example.com', mustCall(callbackOnly)); function callbackOnly(err) { assert.ok(err); socket.removeListener('error', onEvent); socket.on('error', mustCall(onError)); socket.send(buffer, 0, buffer.length, 100, 'dne.example.com'); } function onEvent(err) { common.fail('Error should not be emitted if there is callback'); } function onError(err) { assert.ok(err); socket.close(); }