// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --harmony-unscopables // Flags: --harmony-proxies // TODO(arv): Once proxies can intercept symbols, add more tests. function TestBasics() { var log = []; var proxy = Proxy.create({ getPropertyDescriptor: function(key) { log.push(key); if (key === 'x') { return { value: 1, configurable: true }; } return undefined; } }); var x = 'local'; with (proxy) { assertEquals(1, x); } // One 'x' for HasBinding and one for GetBindingValue assertEquals(['assertEquals', 'x', 'x'], log); } TestBasics(); function TestInconsistent() { var log = []; var calls = 0; var proxy = Proxy.create({ getPropertyDescriptor: function(key) { log.push(key); if (key === 'x' && calls < 1) { calls++; return { value: 1, configurable: true }; } return undefined; } }); var x = 'local'; with (proxy) { assertEquals(void 0, x); } // One 'x' for HasBinding and one for GetBindingValue assertEquals(['assertEquals', 'x', 'x'], log); } TestInconsistent(); function TestUseProxyAsUnscopables() { var x = 1; var object = { x: 2 }; var calls = 0; var proxy = Proxy.create({ has: function(key) { calls++; assertEquals('x', key); return calls === 2; }, getPropertyDescriptor: function(key) { assertUnreachable(); } }); object[Symbol.unscopables] = proxy; with (object) { assertEquals(2, x); assertEquals(1, x); } // HasBinding, HasBinding assertEquals(2, calls); } TestUseProxyAsUnscopables(); function TestThrowInHasUnscopables() { var x = 1; var object = { x: 2 }; function CustomError() {} var calls = 0; var proxy = Proxy.create({ has: function(key) { if (calls++ === 0) { throw new CustomError(); } assertUnreachable(); }, getPropertyDescriptor: function(key) { assertUnreachable(); } }); object[Symbol.unscopables] = proxy; assertThrows(function() { with (object) { x; } }, CustomError); } TestThrowInHasUnscopables(); var global = this; function TestGlobalShouldIgnoreUnscopables() { global.x = 1; var proxy = Proxy.create({ getPropertyDescriptor: function() { assertUnreachable(); } }); global[Symbol.unscopables] = proxy; assertEquals(1, global.x); assertEquals(1, x); global.x = 2; assertEquals(2, global.x); assertEquals(2, x); x = 3; assertEquals(3, global.x); assertEquals(3, x); } TestGlobalShouldIgnoreUnscopables();