module.exports = init var PZ = require('promzard').PromZard var path = require('path') var def = require.resolve('./default-input.js') var fs = require('fs') var semver = require('semver') var read = require('read') // to validate the data object at the end as a worthwhile package // and assign default values for things. // readJson.extras(file, data, cb) var readJson = require('read-package-json') function init (dir, input, config, cb) { if (typeof config === 'function') cb = config, config = {} // accept either a plain-jane object, or a config object // with a "get" method. if (typeof config.get !== 'function') { var data = config config = { get: function (k) { return data[k] }, toJSON: function () { return data } } } var package = path.resolve(dir, 'package.json') input = path.resolve(input) var pkg var ctx = {} var es = readJson.extraSet readJson.extraSet = es.filter(function (fn) { return !== 'authors' && !== 'mans' }) readJson(package, function (er, d) { readJson.extraSet = es if (er) pkg = {} else pkg = d ctx.filename = package ctx.dirname = path.dirname(package) ctx.basename = path.basename(ctx.dirname) if (!pkg.version || !semver.valid(pkg.version)) delete pkg.version ctx.package = pkg ctx.config = config || {} // make sure that the input is valid. // if not, use the default var pz = new PZ(input, ctx) pz.backupFile = def pz.on('error', cb) pz.on('data', function (data) { Object.keys(data).forEach(function (k) { if (data[k] !== undefined && data[k] !== null) pkg[k] = data[k] }) // only do a few of these. // no need for mans or contributors if they're in the files var es = readJson.extraSet readJson.extraSet = es.filter(function (fn) { return !== 'authors' && !== 'mans' }) readJson.extras(package, pkg, function (er, pkg) { readJson.extraSet = es if (er) return cb(er, pkg) pkg = unParsePeople(pkg) // no need for the readme now. delete pkg.readme // really don't want to have this lying around in the file delete pkg._id var d = JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2) + '\n' console.log('About to write to %s:\n\n%s\n', package, d) read({prompt:'Is this ok? ', default: 'yes'}, function (er, ok) { if (!ok || ok.toLowerCase().charAt(0) !== 'y') { console.log('Aborted.') } else { fs.writeFile(package, d, 'utf8', function (er) { return cb(er, pkg) }) } }) }) }) }) } // turn the objects into somewhat more humane strings. function unParsePeople (data) { if ( = unParsePerson( ;["maintainers", "contributors"].forEach(function (set) { if (!Array.isArray(data[set])) return; data[set] = data[set].map(unParsePerson) }) return data } function unParsePerson (person) { if (typeof person === "string") return person var name = || "" var u = person.url || person.web var url = u ? (" ("+u+")") : "" var e = || person.mail var email = e ? (" <"+e+">") : "" return name+email+url }