// Copyright 2006-2008 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. #include #include "v8.h" #include "platform.h" #include "cctest.h" #include "diy-fp.h" #include "double.h" #include "fast-dtoa.h" #include "gay-shortest.h" using namespace v8::internal; static const int kBufferSize = 100; TEST(FastDtoaVariousDoubles) { char buffer_container[kBufferSize]; Vector buffer(buffer_container, kBufferSize); int length; int point; int status; double min_double = 5e-324; status = FastDtoa(min_double, buffer, &length, &point); CHECK(status); CHECK_EQ("5", buffer.start()); CHECK_EQ(-323, point); double max_double = 1.7976931348623157e308; status = FastDtoa(max_double, buffer, &length, &point); CHECK(status); CHECK_EQ("17976931348623157", buffer.start()); CHECK_EQ(309, point); status = FastDtoa(4294967272.0, buffer, &length, &point); CHECK(status); CHECK_EQ("4294967272", buffer.start()); CHECK_EQ(10, point); status = FastDtoa(4.1855804968213567e298, buffer, &length, &point); CHECK(status); CHECK_EQ("4185580496821357", buffer.start()); CHECK_EQ(299, point); status = FastDtoa(5.5626846462680035e-309, buffer, &length, &point); CHECK(status); CHECK_EQ("5562684646268003", buffer.start()); CHECK_EQ(-308, point); status = FastDtoa(2147483648.0, buffer, &length, &point); CHECK(status); CHECK_EQ("2147483648", buffer.start()); CHECK_EQ(10, point); status = FastDtoa(3.5844466002796428e+298, buffer, &length, &point); if (status) { // Not all FastDtoa variants manage to compute this number. CHECK_EQ("35844466002796428", buffer.start()); CHECK_EQ(299, point); } uint64_t smallest_normal64 = V8_2PART_UINT64_C(0x00100000, 00000000); double v = Double(smallest_normal64).value(); status = FastDtoa(v, buffer, &length, &point); if (status) { CHECK_EQ("22250738585072014", buffer.start()); CHECK_EQ(-307, point); } uint64_t largest_denormal64 = V8_2PART_UINT64_C(0x000FFFFF, FFFFFFFF); v = Double(largest_denormal64).value(); status = FastDtoa(v, buffer, &length, &point); if (status) { CHECK_EQ("2225073858507201", buffer.start()); CHECK_EQ(-307, point); } } TEST(FastDtoaGayShortest) { char buffer_container[kBufferSize]; Vector buffer(buffer_container, kBufferSize); bool status; int length; int point; int succeeded = 0; int total = 0; bool needed_max_length = false; Vector precomputed = PrecomputedShortestRepresentations(); for (int i = 0; i < precomputed.length(); ++i) { const PrecomputedShortest current_test = precomputed[i]; total++; double v = current_test.v; status = FastDtoa(v, buffer, &length, &point); CHECK_GE(kFastDtoaMaximalLength, length); if (!status) continue; if (length == kFastDtoaMaximalLength) needed_max_length = true; succeeded++; CHECK_EQ(current_test.decimal_point, point); CHECK_EQ(current_test.representation, buffer.start()); } CHECK_GT(succeeded*1.0/total, 0.99); CHECK(needed_max_length); }