/** * @fileoverview Rule to warn about using dot notation instead of square bracket notation when possible. * @author Josh Perez */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var validIdentifier = /^[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*$/; var keywords = [ "this", "function", "if", "return", "var", "else", "for", "new", "in", "typeof", "while", "case", "break", "try", "catch", "delete", "throw", "switch", "continue", "default", "instanceof", "do", "void", "finally", "with", "debugger", "implements", "interface", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "static", "class", "enum", "export", "extends", "import", "super", "true", "false", "null", "abstract", "boolean", "byte", "char", "const", "double", "final", "float", "goto", "int", "long", "native", "short", "synchronized", "throws", "transient", "volatile" ]; module.exports = function(context) { var options = context.options[0] || {}; var allowKeywords = options.allowKeywords === void 0 || !!options.allowKeywords; var allowPattern; if (options.allowPattern) { allowPattern = new RegExp(options.allowPattern); } return { "MemberExpression": function(node) { if ( node.computed && node.property.type === "Literal" && validIdentifier.test(node.property.value) && (allowKeywords || keywords.indexOf("" + node.property.value) === -1) ) { if (!(allowPattern && allowPattern.test(node.property.value))) { context.report(node, "[" + JSON.stringify(node.property.value) + "] is better written in dot notation."); } } if ( !allowKeywords && !node.computed && keywords.indexOf("" + node.property.name) !== -1 ) { context.report(node, "." + node.property.name + " is a syntax error."); } } }; };