// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); console.error('load test-module-loading.js'); // assert that this is the main module. assert.strictEqual(require.main.id, '.', 'main module should have id of \'.\''); assert.strictEqual(require.main, module, 'require.main should === module'); assert.strictEqual(process.mainModule, module, 'process.mainModule should === module'); // assert that it's *not* the main module in the required module. require('../fixtures/not-main-module.js'); // require a file with a request that includes the extension const a_js = require('../fixtures/a.js'); assert.strictEqual(42, a_js.number); // require a file without any extensions const foo_no_ext = require('../fixtures/foo'); assert.strictEqual('ok', foo_no_ext.foo); const a = require('../fixtures/a'); const c = require('../fixtures/b/c'); const d = require('../fixtures/b/d'); const d2 = require('../fixtures/b/d'); // Absolute const d3 = require(path.join(__dirname, '../fixtures/b/d')); // Relative const d4 = require('../fixtures/b/d'); assert.strictEqual(false, false, 'testing the test program.'); assert.ok(a.A instanceof Function); assert.strictEqual('A', a.A()); assert.ok(a.C instanceof Function); assert.strictEqual('C', a.C()); assert.ok(a.D instanceof Function); assert.strictEqual('D', a.D()); assert.ok(d.D instanceof Function); assert.strictEqual('D', d.D()); assert.ok(d2.D instanceof Function); assert.strictEqual('D', d2.D()); assert.ok(d3.D instanceof Function); assert.strictEqual('D', d3.D()); assert.ok(d4.D instanceof Function); assert.strictEqual('D', d4.D()); assert.ok((new a.SomeClass()) instanceof c.SomeClass); console.error('test index.js modules ids and relative loading'); const one = require('../fixtures/nested-index/one'); const two = require('../fixtures/nested-index/two'); assert.notStrictEqual(one.hello, two.hello); console.error('test index.js in a folder with a trailing slash'); const three = require('../fixtures/nested-index/three'); const threeFolder = require('../fixtures/nested-index/three/'); const threeIndex = require('../fixtures/nested-index/three/index.js'); assert.strictEqual(threeFolder, threeIndex); assert.notStrictEqual(threeFolder, three); console.error('test package.json require() loading'); assert.throws( function() { require('../fixtures/packages/invalid'); }, /^SyntaxError: Error parsing \S+: Unexpected token , in JSON at position 1$/ ); assert.strictEqual(require('../fixtures/packages/index').ok, 'ok', 'Failed loading package'); assert.strictEqual(require('../fixtures/packages/main').ok, 'ok', 'Failed loading package'); assert.strictEqual(require('../fixtures/packages/main-index').ok, 'ok', 'Failed loading package with index.js in main subdir'); console.error('test cycles containing a .. path'); const root = require('../fixtures/cycles/root'); const foo = require('../fixtures/cycles/folder/foo'); assert.strictEqual(root.foo, foo); assert.strictEqual(root.sayHello(), root.hello); console.error('test node_modules folders'); // asserts are in the fixtures files themselves, // since they depend on the folder structure. require('../fixtures/node_modules/foo'); console.error('test name clashes'); // this one exists and should import the local module const my_path = require('../fixtures/path'); assert.ok(my_path.path_func instanceof Function); // this one does not exist and should throw assert.throws(function() { require('./utils'); }, /^Error: Cannot find module '.\/utils'$/); let errorThrown = false; try { require('../fixtures/throws_error'); } catch (e) { errorThrown = true; assert.strictEqual('blah', e.message); } assert.strictEqual(require('path').dirname(__filename), __dirname); console.error('load custom file types with extensions'); require.extensions['.test'] = function(module, filename) { let content = fs.readFileSync(filename).toString(); assert.strictEqual('this is custom source\n', content); content = content.replace('this is custom source', 'exports.test = \'passed\''); module._compile(content, filename); }; assert.strictEqual(require('../fixtures/registerExt').test, 'passed'); // unknown extension, load as .js assert.strictEqual(require('../fixtures/registerExt.hello.world').test, 'passed'); console.error('load custom file types that return non-strings'); require.extensions['.test'] = function(module) { module.exports = { custom: 'passed' }; }; assert.strictEqual(require('../fixtures/registerExt2').custom, 'passed'); assert.strictEqual(require('../fixtures/foo').foo, 'ok', 'require module with no extension'); // Should not attempt to load a directory try { require('../fixtures/empty'); } catch (err) { assert.strictEqual(err.message, 'Cannot find module \'../fixtures/empty\''); } // Check load order is as expected console.error('load order'); const loadOrder = '../fixtures/module-load-order/'; const msg = 'Load order incorrect.'; require.extensions['.reg'] = require.extensions['.js']; require.extensions['.reg2'] = require.extensions['.js']; assert.strictEqual(require(loadOrder + 'file1').file1, 'file1', msg); assert.strictEqual(require(loadOrder + 'file2').file2, 'file2.js', msg); try { require(loadOrder + 'file3'); } catch (e) { // Not a real .node module, but we know we require'd the right thing. assert.ok(e.message.replace(/\\/g, '/').match(/file3\.node/)); } assert.strictEqual(require(loadOrder + 'file4').file4, 'file4.reg', msg); assert.strictEqual(require(loadOrder + 'file5').file5, 'file5.reg2', msg); assert.strictEqual(require(loadOrder + 'file6').file6, 'file6/index.js', msg); try { require(loadOrder + 'file7'); } catch (e) { assert.ok(e.message.replace(/\\/g, '/').match(/file7\/index\.node/)); } assert.strictEqual(require(loadOrder + 'file8').file8, 'file8/index.reg', msg); assert.strictEqual(require(loadOrder + 'file9').file9, 'file9/index.reg2', msg); // make sure that module.require() is the same as // doing require() inside of that module. const parent = require('../fixtures/module-require/parent/'); const child = require('../fixtures/module-require/child/'); assert.strictEqual(child.loaded, parent.loaded); // #1357 Loading JSON files with require() const json = require('../fixtures/packages/main/package.json'); assert.deepStrictEqual(json, { name: 'package-name', version: '1.2.3', main: 'package-main-module' }); // now verify that module.children contains all the different // modules that we've required, and that all of them contain // the appropriate children, and so on. const children = module.children.reduce(function red(set, child) { let id = path.relative(path.dirname(__dirname), child.id); id = id.replace(/\\/g, '/'); set[id] = child.children.reduce(red, {}); return set; }, {}); assert.deepStrictEqual(children, { 'common.js': {}, 'fixtures/not-main-module.js': {}, 'fixtures/a.js': { 'fixtures/b/c.js': { 'fixtures/b/d.js': {}, 'fixtures/b/package/index.js': {} } }, 'fixtures/foo': {}, 'fixtures/nested-index/one/index.js': { 'fixtures/nested-index/one/hello.js': {} }, 'fixtures/nested-index/two/index.js': { 'fixtures/nested-index/two/hello.js': {} }, 'fixtures/nested-index/three.js': {}, 'fixtures/nested-index/three/index.js': {}, 'fixtures/packages/index/index.js': {}, 'fixtures/packages/main/package-main-module.js': {}, 'fixtures/packages/main-index/package-main-module/index.js': {}, 'fixtures/cycles/root.js': { 'fixtures/cycles/folder/foo.js': {} }, 'fixtures/node_modules/foo.js': { 'fixtures/node_modules/baz/index.js': { 'fixtures/node_modules/bar.js': {}, 'fixtures/node_modules/baz/node_modules/asdf.js': {} } }, 'fixtures/path.js': {}, 'fixtures/throws_error.js': {}, 'fixtures/registerExt.test': {}, 'fixtures/registerExt.hello.world': {}, 'fixtures/registerExt2.test': {}, 'fixtures/empty.js': {}, 'fixtures/module-load-order/file1': {}, 'fixtures/module-load-order/file2.js': {}, 'fixtures/module-load-order/file3.node': {}, 'fixtures/module-load-order/file4.reg': {}, 'fixtures/module-load-order/file5.reg2': {}, 'fixtures/module-load-order/file6/index.js': {}, 'fixtures/module-load-order/file7/index.node': {}, 'fixtures/module-load-order/file8/index.reg': {}, 'fixtures/module-load-order/file9/index.reg2': {}, 'fixtures/module-require/parent/index.js': { 'fixtures/module-require/child/index.js': { 'fixtures/module-require/child/node_modules/target.js': {} } }, 'fixtures/packages/main/package.json': {} }); // require() must take string, and must be truthy assert.throws(function() { console.error('require non-string'); require({ foo: 'bar' }); }, /path must be a string/); assert.throws(function() { console.error('require empty string'); require(''); }, /missing path/); process.on('exit', function() { assert.ok(a.A instanceof Function); assert.strictEqual('A done', a.A()); assert.ok(a.C instanceof Function); assert.strictEqual('C done', a.C()); assert.ok(a.D instanceof Function); assert.strictEqual('D done', a.D()); assert.ok(d.D instanceof Function); assert.strictEqual('D done', d.D()); assert.ok(d2.D instanceof Function); assert.strictEqual('D done', d2.D()); assert.strictEqual(true, errorThrown); console.log('exit'); }); // #1440 Loading files with a byte order marker. assert.strictEqual(42, require('../fixtures/utf8-bom.js')); assert.strictEqual(42, require('../fixtures/utf8-bom.json')); // Error on the first line of a module should // have the correct line number assert.throws(function() { require('../fixtures/test-error-first-line-offset.js'); }, function(err) { return /test-error-first-line-offset.js:1:/.test(err.stack); }, 'Expected appearance of proper offset in Error stack');