module.exports = publish var npm = require("./npm.js") , registry = npm.registry , log = require("npmlog") , tar = require("./utils/tar.js") , sha = require("./utils/sha.js") , path = require("path") , readJson = require("./utils/read-json.js") , fs = require("graceful-fs") , lifecycle = require("./utils/lifecycle.js") , chain = require("slide").chain , output = require("./utils/output.js") publish.usage = "npm publish " + "\nnpm publish " + "\n\nPublishes '.' if no argument supplied" publish.completion = function (opts, cb) { // publish can complete to a folder with a package.json // or a tarball, or a tarball url. // for now, not yet implemented. return cb() } function publish (args, isRetry, cb) { if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = isRetry, isRetry = false if (args.length === 0) args = ["."] if (args.length !== 1) return cb(publish.usage) log.verbose("publish", args) var arg = args[0] // if it's a local folder, then run the prepublish there, first. readJson(path.resolve(arg, "package.json"), function (er, data) { // error is ok. could be publishing a url or tarball // however, that means that we will not have automatically run // the prepublish script, since that gets run when adding a folder // to the cache. if (er) return cacheAddPublish(arg, false, isRetry, cb) cacheAddPublish(arg, true, isRetry, cb) }) } function cacheAddPublish (arg, didPre, isRetry, cb) { npm.commands.cache.add(arg, function (er, data) { if (er) return cb(er) log.silly("publish", data) var cachedir = path.resolve( npm.cache , , data.version , "package" ) chain ( [ !didPre && [lifecycle, data, "prepublish", cachedir] , [publish_, arg, data, isRetry, cachedir] , [lifecycle, data, "publish", cachedir] , [lifecycle, data, "postpublish", cachedir] ] , cb ) }) } function publish_ (arg, data, isRetry, cachedir, cb) { if (!data) return cb(new Error("no package.json file found")) // check for publishConfig hash if (data.publishConfig) { Object.keys(data.publishConfig).forEach(function (k) {"publishConfig", k + "=" + data.publishConfig[k]) npm.config.set(k, data.publishConfig[k]) }) } delete data.modules if (data.private) return cb(new Error ("This package has been marked as private\n" +"Remove the 'private' field from the package.json to publish it.")) // pre-build var bd = data.scripts && ( data.scripts.preinstall || data.scripts.install || data.scripts.postinstall ) && npm.config.get("bindist") && npm.config.get("bin-publish") preBuild(data, bd, function (er, tb) { if (er) return cb(er) return regPublish(data, tb, isRetry, arg, cachedir, cb) }) } function preBuild (data, bd, cb) { if (!bd) return cb() // unpack to cache/n/v/build // build there // pack to cache/package-.tgz var cf = path.resolve(npm.cache,, data.version) var pb = path.resolve(cf, "build") , buildTarget = path.resolve(pb, "node_modules", , tb = path.resolve(cf, "package-"+bd+".tgz") , sourceBall = path.resolve(cf, "package.tgz") log.verbose("preBuild", "about to cache unpack") log.verbose("preBuild", "tarball = %s", sourceBall) npm.commands.install(pb, sourceBall, function (er) {"preBuild", "done", data._id) // build failure just means that we can't prebuild if (er) { log.warn("preBuild", "failed (continuing without prebuild)", bd, er) return cb() } // now strip the preinstall/install scripts // they've already been run. var pbj = path.resolve(buildTarget, "package.json") readJson(pbj, function (er, pbo) { if (er) return cb(er) if (pbo.scripts) { delete pbo.scripts.preinstall delete pbo.scripts.install delete pbo.scripts.postinstall } pbo.prebuilt = bd pbo.files = pbo.files || [] pbo.files.push("build") pbo.files.push("build/") pbo.files.push("*.node") pbo.files.push("*.js") fs.writeFile(pbj, JSON.stringify(pbo, null, 2), function (er) { if (er) return cb(er) tar.pack(tb, buildTarget, pbo, true, function (er) { if (er) return cb(er) // try to validate the shasum, too sha.get(tb, function (er, shasum) { if (er) return cb(er) // binary distribution requires shasum checking. if (!shasum) return cb() data.dist.bin = data.dist.bin || {} data.dist.bin[bd] = data.dist.bin[bd] || {} data.dist.bin[bd].shasum = shasum return cb(null, tb) }) }) }) }) }) } function regPublish (data, prebuilt, isRetry, arg, cachedir, cb) { // check to see if there's a in there. var readme = path.resolve(cachedir, "") , tarball = cachedir + ".tgz" fs.readFile(readme, function (er, readme) { // ignore error. it's an optional feature registry.publish(data, tarball, readme, function (er) { if (er && er.code === "EPUBLISHCONFLICT" && npm.config.get("force") && !isRetry) { log.warn("publish", "Forced publish over "+data._id) return npm.commands.unpublish([data._id], function (er) { // ignore errors. Use the force. Reach out with your feelings. publish([arg], true, cb) }) } if (er) return cb(er) output.write("+ " + data._id, cb) }) }) }