'use strict'; function getPunycode() { try { return process.binding('icu'); } catch (err) { return require('punycode'); } } const punycode = getPunycode(); const binding = process.binding('url'); const context = Symbol('context'); const cannotBeBase = Symbol('cannot-be-base'); const special = Symbol('special'); const searchParams = Symbol('query'); const querystring = require('querystring'); const kScheme = Symbol('scheme'); const kHost = Symbol('host'); const kPort = Symbol('port'); const kDomain = Symbol('domain'); // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-%iteratorprototype%-object const IteratorPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf( Object.getPrototypeOf([][Symbol.iterator]()) ); function StorageObject() {} StorageObject.prototype = Object.create(null); class OpaqueOrigin { toString() { return 'null'; } get effectiveDomain() { return this; } } class TupleOrigin { constructor(scheme, host, port, domain) { this[kScheme] = scheme; this[kHost] = host; this[kPort] = port; this[kDomain] = domain; } get scheme() { return this[kScheme]; } get host() { return this[kHost]; } get port() { return this[kPort]; } get domain() { return this[kDomain]; } get effectiveDomain() { return this[kDomain] || this[kHost]; } toString(unicode = false) { var result = this.scheme; result += '://'; result += unicode ? URL.domainToUnicode(this.host) : this.host; if (this.port !== undefined && this.port !== null) result += `:${this.port}`; return result; } } class URL { constructor(input, base) { if (base !== undefined && !(base instanceof URL)) base = new URL(String(base)); input = String(input); const base_context = base ? base[context] : undefined; this[context] = new StorageObject(); binding.parse(input.trim(), -1, base_context, undefined, (flags, protocol, username, password, host, port, path, query, fragment) => { if (flags & binding.URL_FLAGS_FAILED) throw new TypeError('Invalid URL'); this[context].flags = flags; this[context].scheme = protocol; this[context].username = username; this[context].password = password; this[context].port = port; this[context].path = path; this[context].query = query; this[context].fragment = fragment; this[context].host = host; this[searchParams] = new URLSearchParams(query); this[searchParams][context] = this; }); } get origin() { return URL.originFor(this).toString(true); } get [special]() { return (this[context].flags & binding.URL_FLAGS_SPECIAL) != 0; } get [cannotBeBase]() { return (this[context].flags & binding.URL_FLAGS_CANNOT_BE_BASE) != 0; } get protocol() { return this[context].scheme; } get searchParams() { return this[searchParams]; } set protocol(scheme) { scheme = String(scheme); if (scheme.length === 0) return; binding.parse(scheme, binding.kSchemeStart, null, this[context], (flags, protocol, username, password, host, port, path, query, fragment) => { if (flags & binding.URL_FLAGS_FAILED) return; const newIsSpecial = (flags & binding.URL_FLAGS_SPECIAL) != 0; if ((this[special] && !newIsSpecial) || (!this[special] && newIsSpecial) || (newIsSpecial && !this[special] && this[context].host === undefined)) { return; } if (newIsSpecial) { this[context].flags |= binding.URL_FLAGS_SPECIAL; } else { this[context].flags &= ~binding.URL_FLAGS_SPECIAL; } if (protocol) { this[context].scheme = protocol; this[context].flags |= binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_SCHEME; } else { this[context].flags &= ~binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_SCHEME; } }); } get username() { return this[context].username || ''; } set username(username) { username = String(username); if (!this.hostname) return; if (!username) { this[context].username = null; this[context].flags &= ~binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_USERNAME; return; } this[context].username = binding.encodeAuth(username); this[context].flags |= binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_USERNAME; } get password() { return this[context].password || ''; } set password(password) { password = String(password); if (!this.hostname) return; if (!password) { this[context].password = null; this[context].flags &= ~binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_PASSWORD; return; } this[context].password = binding.encodeAuth(password); this[context].flags |= binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_PASSWORD; } get host() { var ret = this[context].host || ''; if (this[context].port !== undefined) ret += `:${this[context].port}`; return ret; } set host(host) { host = String(host); if (this[cannotBeBase] || (this[special] && host.length === 0)) { // Cannot set the host if cannot-be-base is set or // scheme is special and host length is zero return; } if (!host) { this[context].host = null; this[context].flags &= ~binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_HOST; return; } binding.parse(host, binding.kHost, null, this[context], (flags, protocol, username, password, host, port, path, query, fragment) => { if (flags & binding.URL_FLAGS_FAILED) return; if (host) { this[context].host = host; this[context].flags |= binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_HOST; } else { this[context].flags &= ~binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_HOST; } if (port !== undefined) this[context].port = port; }); } get hostname() { return this[context].host || ''; } set hostname(host) { host = String(host); if (this[cannotBeBase] || (this[special] && host.length === 0)) { // Cannot set the host if cannot-be-base is set or // scheme is special and host length is zero return; } if (!host) { this[context].host = null; this[context].flags &= ~binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_HOST; return; } binding.parse(host, binding.kHostname, null, this[context], (flags, protocol, username, password, host, port, path, query, fragment) => { if (flags & binding.URL_FLAGS_FAILED) return; if (host) { this[context].host = host; this[context].flags |= binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_HOST; } else { this[context].flags &= ~binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_HOST; } }); } get port() { const port = this[context].port; return port === undefined ? '' : String(port); } set port(port) { if (!this[context].host || this[cannotBeBase] || this.protocol === 'file:') return; port = String(port); if (port === '') { // Currently, if port number is empty, left unchanged. // TODO(jasnell): This might be changing in the spec return; } binding.parse(port, binding.kPort, null, this[context], (flags, protocol, username, password, host, port, path, query, fragment) => { if (flags & binding.URL_FLAGS_FAILED) return; this[context].port = port; }); } get pathname() { if (this[cannotBeBase]) return this[context].path[0]; return this[context].path !== undefined ? `/${this[context].path.join('/')}` : ''; } set pathname(path) { if (this[cannotBeBase]) return; path = String(path); binding.parse(path, binding.kPathStart, null, this[context], (flags, protocol, username, password, host, port, path, query, fragment) => { if (flags & binding.URL_FLAGS_FAILED) return; if (path) { this[context].path = path; this[context].flags |= binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_PATH; } else { this[context].flags &= ~binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_PATH; } }); } get search() { return !this[context].query ? '' : `?${this[context].query}`; } set search(search) { search = String(search); if (search[0] === '?') search = search.slice(1); if (!search) { this[context].query = null; this[context].flags &= ~binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_QUERY; this[searchParams][searchParams] = {}; return; } this[context].query = ''; binding.parse(search, binding.kQuery, null, this[context], (flags, protocol, username, password, host, port, path, query, fragment) => { if (flags & binding.URL_FLAGS_FAILED) return; if (query) { this[context].query = query; this[context].flags |= binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_QUERY; } else { this[context].flags &= ~binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_QUERY; } }); this[searchParams][searchParams] = querystring.parse(search); } get hash() { return !this[context].fragment ? '' : `#${this[context].fragment}`; } set hash(hash) { hash = String(hash); if (this.protocol === 'javascript:') return; if (!hash) { this[context].fragment = null; this[context].flags &= ~binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_FRAGMENT; return; } if (hash[0] === '#') hash = hash.slice(1); this[context].fragment = ''; binding.parse(hash, binding.kFragment, null, this[context], (flags, protocol, username, password, host, port, path, query, fragment) => { if (flags & binding.URL_FLAGS_FAILED) return; if (fragment) { this[context].fragment = fragment; this[context].flags |= binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_FRAGMENT; } else { this[context].flags &= ~binding.URL_FLAGS_HAS_FRAGMENT; } }); } get href() { return this.toString(); } toString(options) { options = options || {}; const fragment = options.fragment !== undefined ? !!options.fragment : true; const unicode = !!options.unicode; var ret; if (this.protocol) ret = this.protocol; if (this[context].host !== undefined) { ret += '//'; const has_username = typeof this[context].username === 'string'; const has_password = typeof this[context].password === 'string'; if (has_username || has_password) { if (has_username) ret += this[context].username; if (has_password) ret += `:${this[context].password}`; ret += '@'; } if (unicode) { ret += punycode.toUnicode(this.hostname); if (this.port !== undefined) ret += `:${this.port}`; } else { ret += this.host; } } else if (this[context].scheme === 'file:') { ret += '//'; } if (this.pathname) ret += this.pathname; if (typeof this[context].query === 'string') ret += `?${this[context].query}`; if (fragment & typeof this[context].fragment === 'string') ret += `#${this[context].fragment}`; return ret; } inspect(depth, opts) { var ret = 'URL {\n'; ret += ` href: ${this.href}\n`; if (this[context].scheme !== undefined) ret += ` protocol: ${this.protocol}\n`; if (this[context].username !== undefined) ret += ` username: ${this.username}\n`; if (this[context].password !== undefined) { const pwd = opts.showHidden ? this[context].password : '--------'; ret += ` password: ${pwd}\n`; } if (this[context].host !== undefined) ret += ` hostname: ${this.hostname}\n`; if (this[context].port !== undefined) ret += ` port: ${this.port}\n`; if (this[context].path !== undefined) ret += ` pathname: ${this.pathname}\n`; if (this[context].query !== undefined) ret += ` search: ${this.search}\n`; if (this[context].fragment !== undefined) ret += ` hash: ${this.hash}\n`; if (opts.showHidden) { ret += ` cannot-be-base: ${this[cannotBeBase]}\n`; ret += ` special: ${this[special]}\n;`; } ret += '}'; return ret; } } var hexTable = new Array(256); for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i) hexTable[i] = '%' + ((i < 16 ? '0' : '') + i.toString(16)).toUpperCase(); function encodeAuth(str) { // faster encodeURIComponent alternative for encoding auth uri components var out = ''; var lastPos = 0; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { var c = str.charCodeAt(i); // These characters do not need escaping: // ! - . _ ~ // ' ( ) * : // digits // alpha (uppercase) // alpha (lowercase) if (c === 0x21 || c === 0x2D || c === 0x2E || c === 0x5F || c === 0x7E || (c >= 0x27 && c <= 0x2A) || (c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x3A) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A)) { continue; } if (i - lastPos > 0) out += str.slice(lastPos, i); lastPos = i + 1; // Other ASCII characters if (c < 0x80) { out += hexTable[c]; continue; } // Multi-byte characters ... if (c < 0x800) { out += hexTable[0xC0 | (c >> 6)] + hexTable[0x80 | (c & 0x3F)]; continue; } if (c < 0xD800 || c >= 0xE000) { out += hexTable[0xE0 | (c >> 12)] + hexTable[0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)] + hexTable[0x80 | (c & 0x3F)]; continue; } // Surrogate pair ++i; var c2; if (i < str.length) c2 = str.charCodeAt(i) & 0x3FF; else c2 = 0; c = 0x10000 + (((c & 0x3FF) << 10) | c2); out += hexTable[0xF0 | (c >> 18)] + hexTable[0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3F)] + hexTable[0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)] + hexTable[0x80 | (c & 0x3F)]; } if (lastPos === 0) return str; if (lastPos < str.length) return out + str.slice(lastPos); return out; } function update(url, params) { if (!url) return; url[context].query = params.toString(); } function getSearchParamPairs(target) { const obj = target[searchParams]; const keys = Object.keys(obj); const values = []; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const name = keys[i]; const value = obj[name]; if (Array.isArray(value)) { for (const item of value) values.push([name, item]); } else { values.push([name, value]); } } return values; } class URLSearchParams { constructor(init = '') { if (init instanceof URLSearchParams) { const childParams = init[searchParams]; this[searchParams] = Object.assign(Object.create(null), childParams); } else { init = String(init); if (init[0] === '?') init = init.slice(1); this[searchParams] = querystring.parse(init); } // "associated url object" this[context] = null; // Class string for an instance of URLSearchParams. This is different from // the class string of the prototype object (set below). Object.defineProperty(this, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'URLSearchParams', writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); } append(name, value) { if (!this || !(this instanceof URLSearchParams)) { throw new TypeError('Value of `this` is not a URLSearchParams'); } if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new TypeError( 'Both `name` and `value` arguments need to be specified'); } const obj = this[searchParams]; name = String(name); value = String(value); var existing = obj[name]; if (existing === undefined) { obj[name] = value; } else if (Array.isArray(existing)) { existing.push(value); } else { obj[name] = [existing, value]; } update(this[context], this); } delete(name) { if (!this || !(this instanceof URLSearchParams)) { throw new TypeError('Value of `this` is not a URLSearchParams'); } if (arguments.length < 1) { throw new TypeError('The `name` argument needs to be specified'); } const obj = this[searchParams]; name = String(name); delete obj[name]; update(this[context], this); } set(name, value) { if (!this || !(this instanceof URLSearchParams)) { throw new TypeError('Value of `this` is not a URLSearchParams'); } if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new TypeError( 'Both `name` and `value` arguments need to be specified'); } const obj = this[searchParams]; name = String(name); value = String(value); obj[name] = value; update(this[context], this); } get(name) { if (!this || !(this instanceof URLSearchParams)) { throw new TypeError('Value of `this` is not a URLSearchParams'); } if (arguments.length < 1) { throw new TypeError('The `name` argument needs to be specified'); } const obj = this[searchParams]; name = String(name); var value = obj[name]; return value === undefined ? null : Array.isArray(value) ? value[0] : value; } getAll(name) { if (!this || !(this instanceof URLSearchParams)) { throw new TypeError('Value of `this` is not a URLSearchParams'); } if (arguments.length < 1) { throw new TypeError('The `name` argument needs to be specified'); } const obj = this[searchParams]; name = String(name); var value = obj[name]; return value === undefined ? [] : Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]; } has(name) { if (!this || !(this instanceof URLSearchParams)) { throw new TypeError('Value of `this` is not a URLSearchParams'); } if (arguments.length < 1) { throw new TypeError('The `name` argument needs to be specified'); } const obj = this[searchParams]; name = String(name); return name in obj; } // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-iterators // Define entries here rather than [Symbol.iterator] as the function name // must be set to `entries`. entries() { if (!this || !(this instanceof URLSearchParams)) { throw new TypeError('Value of `this` is not a URLSearchParams'); } return createSearchParamsIterator(this, 'key+value'); } forEach(callback, thisArg = undefined) { if (!this || !(this instanceof URLSearchParams)) { throw new TypeError('Value of `this` is not a URLSearchParams'); } if (arguments.length < 1) { throw new TypeError('The `callback` argument needs to be specified'); } let pairs = getSearchParamPairs(this); var i = 0; while (i < pairs.length) { const [key, value] = pairs[i]; callback.call(thisArg, value, key, this); pairs = getSearchParamPairs(this); i++; } } // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-iterable keys() { if (!this || !(this instanceof URLSearchParams)) { throw new TypeError('Value of `this` is not a URLSearchParams'); } return createSearchParamsIterator(this, 'key'); } values() { if (!this || !(this instanceof URLSearchParams)) { throw new TypeError('Value of `this` is not a URLSearchParams'); } return createSearchParamsIterator(this, 'value'); } // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#urlsearchparams-stringification-behavior toString() { if (!this || !(this instanceof URLSearchParams)) { throw new TypeError('Value of `this` is not a URLSearchParams'); } return querystring.stringify(this[searchParams]); } } // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-iterable-entries URLSearchParams.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = URLSearchParams.prototype.entries; Object.defineProperty(URLSearchParams.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'URLSearchParamsPrototype', writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#dfn-default-iterator-object function createSearchParamsIterator(target, kind) { const iterator = Object.create(URLSearchParamsIteratorPrototype); iterator[context] = { target, kind, index: 0 }; return iterator; } // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#dfn-iterator-prototype-object const URLSearchParamsIteratorPrototype = Object.setPrototypeOf({ next() { if (!this || Object.getPrototypeOf(this) !== URLSearchParamsIteratorPrototype) { throw new TypeError('Value of `this` is not a URLSearchParamsIterator'); } const { target, kind, index } = this[context]; const values = getSearchParamPairs(target); const len = values.length; if (index >= len) { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } const pair = values[index]; this[context].index = index + 1; let result; if (kind === 'key') { result = pair[0]; } else if (kind === 'value') { result = pair[1]; } else { result = pair; } return { value: result, done: false }; } }, IteratorPrototype); // Unlike interface and its prototype object, both default iterator object and // iterator prototype object of an interface have the same class string. Object.defineProperty(URLSearchParamsIteratorPrototype, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'URLSearchParamsIterator', writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); URL.originFor = function(url) { if (!(url instanceof URL)) url = new URL(url); var origin; const protocol = url.protocol; switch (protocol) { case 'blob:': if (url[context].path && url[context].path.length > 0) { try { return (new URL(url[context].path[0])).origin; } catch (err) { // fall through... do nothing } } origin = new OpaqueOrigin(); break; case 'ftp:': case 'gopher:': case 'http:': case 'https:': case 'ws:': case 'wss:': case 'file': origin = new TupleOrigin(protocol.slice(0, -1), url[context].host, url[context].port, null); break; default: origin = new OpaqueOrigin(); } return origin; }; URL.domainToASCII = function(domain) { return binding.domainToASCII(String(domain)); }; URL.domainToUnicode = function(domain) { return binding.domainToUnicode(String(domain)); }; exports.URL = URL; exports.encodeAuth = encodeAuth;