#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2008 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import imp import logging import optparse import os import re import signal import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import threading import utils import multiprocessing import errno from os.path import join, dirname, abspath, basename, isdir, exists from datetime import datetime from Queue import Queue, Empty logger = logging.getLogger('testrunner') skip_regex = re.compile(r'# SKIP\S*\s+(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) VERBOSE = False # --------------------------------------------- # --- P r o g r e s s I n d i c a t o r s --- # --------------------------------------------- class ProgressIndicator(object): def __init__(self, cases, flaky_tests_mode): self.cases = cases self.flaky_tests_mode = flaky_tests_mode self.parallel_queue = Queue(len(cases)) self.sequential_queue = Queue(len(cases)) for case in cases: if case.parallel: self.parallel_queue.put_nowait(case) else: self.sequential_queue.put_nowait(case) self.succeeded = 0 self.remaining = len(cases) self.total = len(cases) self.failed = [ ] self.flaky_failed = [ ] self.crashed = 0 self.flaky_crashed = 0 self.lock = threading.Lock() self.shutdown_event = threading.Event() def PrintFailureHeader(self, test): if test.IsNegative(): negative_marker = '[negative] ' else: negative_marker = '' print "=== %(label)s %(negative)s===" % { 'label': test.GetLabel(), 'negative': negative_marker } print "Path: %s" % "/".join(test.path) def Run(self, tasks): self.Starting() threads = [] # Spawn N-1 threads and then use this thread as the last one. # That way -j1 avoids threading altogether which is a nice fallback # in case of threading problems. for i in xrange(tasks - 1): thread = threading.Thread(target=self.RunSingle, args=[True, i + 1]) threads.append(thread) thread.start() try: self.RunSingle(False, 0) # Wait for the remaining threads for thread in threads: # Use a timeout so that signals (ctrl-c) will be processed. thread.join(timeout=10000000) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit), e: self.shutdown_event.set() except Exception, e: # If there's an exception we schedule an interruption for any # remaining threads. self.shutdown_event.set() # ...and then reraise the exception to bail out raise self.Done() return not self.failed def RunSingle(self, parallel, thread_id): while not self.shutdown_event.is_set(): try: test = self.parallel_queue.get_nowait() except Empty: if parallel: return try: test = self.sequential_queue.get_nowait() except Empty: return case = test.case case.thread_id = thread_id self.lock.acquire() self.AboutToRun(case) self.lock.release() try: start = datetime.now() output = case.Run() # SmartOS has a bug that causes unexpected ECONNREFUSED errors. # See https://smartos.org/bugview/OS-2767 # If ECONNREFUSED on SmartOS, retry the test one time. if (output.UnexpectedOutput() and sys.platform == 'sunos5' and 'ECONNREFUSED' in output.output.stderr): output = case.Run() output.diagnostic.append('ECONNREFUSED received, test retried') case.duration = (datetime.now() - start) except IOError, e: return if self.shutdown_event.is_set(): return self.lock.acquire() if output.UnexpectedOutput(): if FLAKY in output.test.outcomes and self.flaky_tests_mode == DONTCARE: self.flaky_failed.append(output) if output.HasCrashed(): self.flaky_crashed += 1 else: self.failed.append(output) if output.HasCrashed(): self.crashed += 1 else: self.succeeded += 1 self.remaining -= 1 self.HasRun(output) self.lock.release() def EscapeCommand(command): parts = [] for part in command: if ' ' in part: # Escape spaces. We may need to escape more characters for this # to work properly. parts.append('"%s"' % part) else: parts.append(part) return " ".join(parts) class SimpleProgressIndicator(ProgressIndicator): def Starting(self): print 'Running %i tests' % len(self.cases) def Done(self): print for failed in self.failed: self.PrintFailureHeader(failed.test) if failed.output.stderr: print "--- stderr ---" print failed.output.stderr.strip() if failed.output.stdout: print "--- stdout ---" print failed.output.stdout.strip() print "Command: %s" % EscapeCommand(failed.command) if failed.HasCrashed(): print "--- %s ---" % PrintCrashed(failed.output.exit_code) if failed.HasTimedOut(): print "--- TIMEOUT ---" if len(self.failed) == 0: print "===" print "=== All tests succeeded" print "===" else: print print "===" print "=== %i tests failed" % len(self.failed) if self.crashed > 0: print "=== %i tests CRASHED" % self.crashed print "===" class VerboseProgressIndicator(SimpleProgressIndicator): def AboutToRun(self, case): print 'Starting %s...' % case.GetLabel() sys.stdout.flush() def HasRun(self, output): if output.UnexpectedOutput(): if output.HasCrashed(): outcome = 'CRASH' else: outcome = 'FAIL' else: outcome = 'pass' print 'Done running %s: %s' % (output.test.GetLabel(), outcome) class DotsProgressIndicator(SimpleProgressIndicator): def AboutToRun(self, case): pass def HasRun(self, output): total = self.succeeded + len(self.failed) if (total > 1) and (total % 50 == 1): sys.stdout.write('\n') if output.UnexpectedOutput(): if output.HasCrashed(): sys.stdout.write('C') sys.stdout.flush() elif output.HasTimedOut(): sys.stdout.write('T') sys.stdout.flush() else: sys.stdout.write('F') sys.stdout.flush() else: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() class TapProgressIndicator(SimpleProgressIndicator): def _printDiagnostic(self, messages): for l in messages.splitlines(): logger.info('# ' + l) def Starting(self): logger.info('1..%i' % len(self.cases)) self._done = 0 def AboutToRun(self, case): pass def HasRun(self, output): self._done += 1 # Print test name as (for example) "parallel/test-assert". Tests that are # scraped from the addons documentation are all named test.js, making it # hard to decipher what test is running when only the filename is printed. prefix = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), '../test')) + os.sep command = output.command[-1] if command.endswith('.js'): command = command[:-3] if command.startswith(prefix): command = command[len(prefix):] command = command.replace('\\', '/') if output.UnexpectedOutput(): status_line = 'not ok %i %s' % (self._done, command) if FLAKY in output.test.outcomes and self.flaky_tests_mode == DONTCARE: status_line = status_line + ' # TODO : Fix flaky test' logger.info(status_line) self._printDiagnostic("\n".join(output.diagnostic)) if output.HasCrashed(): self._printDiagnostic(PrintCrashed(output.output.exit_code)) if output.HasTimedOut(): self._printDiagnostic('TIMEOUT') self._printDiagnostic(output.output.stderr) self._printDiagnostic(output.output.stdout) else: skip = skip_regex.search(output.output.stdout) if skip: logger.info( 'ok %i %s # skip %s' % (self._done, command, skip.group(1))) else: status_line = 'ok %i %s' % (self._done, command) if FLAKY in output.test.outcomes: status_line = status_line + ' # TODO : Fix flaky test' logger.info(status_line) self._printDiagnostic("\n".join(output.diagnostic)) duration = output.test.duration # total_seconds() was added in 2.7 total_seconds = (duration.microseconds + (duration.seconds + duration.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) / 10**6 # duration_ms is measured in seconds and is read as such by TAP parsers. # It should read as "duration including ms" rather than "duration in ms" logger.info(' ---') logger.info(' duration_ms: %d.%d' % (total_seconds, duration.microseconds / 1000)) logger.info(' ...') def Done(self): pass class CompactProgressIndicator(ProgressIndicator): def __init__(self, cases, flaky_tests_mode, templates): super(CompactProgressIndicator, self).__init__(cases, flaky_tests_mode) self.templates = templates self.last_status_length = 0 self.start_time = time.time() def Starting(self): pass def Done(self): self.PrintProgress('Done') def AboutToRun(self, case): self.PrintProgress(case.GetLabel()) def HasRun(self, output): if output.UnexpectedOutput(): self.ClearLine(self.last_status_length) self.PrintFailureHeader(output.test) stdout = output.output.stdout.strip() if len(stdout): print self.templates['stdout'] % stdout stderr = output.output.stderr.strip() if len(stderr): print self.templates['stderr'] % stderr print "Command: %s" % EscapeCommand(output.command) if output.HasCrashed(): print "--- %s ---" % PrintCrashed(output.output.exit_code) if output.HasTimedOut(): print "--- TIMEOUT ---" def Truncate(self, str, length): if length and (len(str) > (length - 3)): return str[:(length-3)] + "..." else: return str def PrintProgress(self, name): self.ClearLine(self.last_status_length) elapsed = time.time() - self.start_time status = self.templates['status_line'] % { 'passed': self.succeeded, 'remaining': (((self.total - self.remaining) * 100) // self.total), 'failed': len(self.failed), 'test': name, 'mins': int(elapsed) / 60, 'secs': int(elapsed) % 60 } status = self.Truncate(status, 78) self.last_status_length = len(status) print status, sys.stdout.flush() class ColorProgressIndicator(CompactProgressIndicator): def __init__(self, cases, flaky_tests_mode): templates = { 'status_line': "[%(mins)02i:%(secs)02i|\033[34m%%%(remaining) 4d\033[0m|\033[32m+%(passed) 4d\033[0m|\033[31m-%(failed) 4d\033[0m]: %(test)s", 'stdout': "\033[1m%s\033[0m", 'stderr': "\033[31m%s\033[0m", } super(ColorProgressIndicator, self).__init__(cases, flaky_tests_mode, templates) def ClearLine(self, last_line_length): print "\033[1K\r", class MonochromeProgressIndicator(CompactProgressIndicator): def __init__(self, cases, flaky_tests_mode): templates = { 'status_line': "[%(mins)02i:%(secs)02i|%%%(remaining) 4d|+%(passed) 4d|-%(failed) 4d]: %(test)s", 'stdout': '%s', 'stderr': '%s', 'clear': lambda last_line_length: ("\r" + (" " * last_line_length) + "\r"), 'max_length': 78 } super(MonochromeProgressIndicator, self).__init__(cases, flaky_tests_mode, templates) def ClearLine(self, last_line_length): print ("\r" + (" " * last_line_length) + "\r"), PROGRESS_INDICATORS = { 'verbose': VerboseProgressIndicator, 'dots': DotsProgressIndicator, 'color': ColorProgressIndicator, 'tap': TapProgressIndicator, 'mono': MonochromeProgressIndicator } # ------------------------- # --- F r a m e w o r k --- # ------------------------- class CommandOutput(object): def __init__(self, exit_code, timed_out, stdout, stderr): self.exit_code = exit_code self.timed_out = timed_out self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr self.failed = None class TestCase(object): def __init__(self, context, path, arch, mode): self.path = path self.context = context self.duration = None self.arch = arch self.mode = mode self.parallel = False self.thread_id = 0 def IsNegative(self): return self.context.expect_fail def CompareTime(self, other): return cmp(other.duration, self.duration) def DidFail(self, output): if output.failed is None: output.failed = self.IsFailureOutput(output) return output.failed def IsFailureOutput(self, output): return output.exit_code != 0 def GetSource(self): return "(no source available)" def RunCommand(self, command, env): full_command = self.context.processor(command) output = Execute(full_command, self.context, self.context.GetTimeout(self.mode), env) self.Cleanup() return TestOutput(self, full_command, output, self.context.store_unexpected_output) def BeforeRun(self): pass def AfterRun(self, result): pass def Run(self): self.BeforeRun() try: result = self.RunCommand(self.GetCommand(), { "TEST_THREAD_ID": "%d" % self.thread_id }) finally: # Tests can leave the tty in non-blocking mode. If the test runner # tries to print to stdout/stderr after that and the tty buffer is # full, it'll die with a EAGAIN OSError. Ergo, put the tty back in # blocking mode before proceeding. if sys.platform != 'win32': from fcntl import fcntl, F_GETFL, F_SETFL from os import O_NONBLOCK for fd in 0,1,2: fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, ~O_NONBLOCK & fcntl(fd, F_GETFL)) self.AfterRun(result) return result def Cleanup(self): return class TestOutput(object): def __init__(self, test, command, output, store_unexpected_output): self.test = test self.command = command self.output = output self.store_unexpected_output = store_unexpected_output self.diagnostic = [] def UnexpectedOutput(self): if self.HasCrashed(): outcome = CRASH elif self.HasTimedOut(): outcome = TIMEOUT elif self.HasFailed(): outcome = FAIL else: outcome = PASS return not outcome in self.test.outcomes def HasPreciousOutput(self): return self.UnexpectedOutput() and self.store_unexpected_output def HasCrashed(self): if utils.IsWindows(): return 0x80000000 & self.output.exit_code and not (0x3FFFFF00 & self.output.exit_code) else: # Timed out tests will have exit_code -signal.SIGTERM. if self.output.timed_out: return False return self.output.exit_code < 0 and \ self.output.exit_code != -signal.SIGABRT def HasTimedOut(self): return self.output.timed_out; def HasFailed(self): execution_failed = self.test.DidFail(self.output) if self.test.IsNegative(): return not execution_failed else: return execution_failed def KillProcessWithID(pid): if utils.IsWindows(): os.popen('taskkill /T /F /PID %d' % pid) else: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) MAX_SLEEP_TIME = 0.1 INITIAL_SLEEP_TIME = 0.0001 SLEEP_TIME_FACTOR = 1.25 SEM_INVALID_VALUE = -1 SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX = 0x0002 # Microsoft Platform SDK WinBase.h def Win32SetErrorMode(mode): prev_error_mode = SEM_INVALID_VALUE try: import ctypes prev_error_mode = ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(mode); except ImportError: pass return prev_error_mode def RunProcess(context, timeout, args, **rest): if context.verbose: print "#", " ".join(args) popen_args = args prev_error_mode = SEM_INVALID_VALUE; if utils.IsWindows(): if context.suppress_dialogs: # Try to change the error mode to avoid dialogs on fatal errors. Don't # touch any existing error mode flags by merging the existing error mode. # See http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2004/07/27/198410.aspx. error_mode = SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX; prev_error_mode = Win32SetErrorMode(error_mode); Win32SetErrorMode(error_mode | prev_error_mode); faketty = rest.pop('faketty', False) pty_out = rest.pop('pty_out') process = subprocess.Popen( shell = utils.IsWindows(), args = popen_args, **rest ) if faketty: os.close(rest['stdout']) if utils.IsWindows() and context.suppress_dialogs and prev_error_mode != SEM_INVALID_VALUE: Win32SetErrorMode(prev_error_mode) # Compute the end time - if the process crosses this limit we # consider it timed out. if timeout is None: end_time = None else: end_time = time.time() + timeout timed_out = False # Repeatedly check the exit code from the process in a # loop and keep track of whether or not it times out. exit_code = None sleep_time = INITIAL_SLEEP_TIME output = '' if faketty: while True: if time.time() >= end_time: # Kill the process and wait for it to exit. KillProcessWithID(process.pid) exit_code = process.wait() timed_out = True break # source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/12471855/1903116 # related: http://stackoverflow.com/q/11165521/1903116 try: data = os.read(pty_out, 9999) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EIO: raise break # EIO means EOF on some systems else: if not data: # EOF break output += data while exit_code is None: if (not end_time is None) and (time.time() >= end_time): # Kill the process and wait for it to exit. KillProcessWithID(process.pid) exit_code = process.wait() timed_out = True else: exit_code = process.poll() time.sleep(sleep_time) sleep_time = sleep_time * SLEEP_TIME_FACTOR if sleep_time > MAX_SLEEP_TIME: sleep_time = MAX_SLEEP_TIME return (process, exit_code, timed_out, output) def PrintError(str): sys.stderr.write(str) sys.stderr.write('\n') def CheckedUnlink(name): while True: try: os.unlink(name) except OSError, e: # On Windows unlink() fails if another process (typically a virus scanner # or the indexing service) has the file open. Those processes keep a # file open for a short time only, so yield and try again; it'll succeed. if sys.platform == 'win32' and e.errno == errno.EACCES: time.sleep(0) continue PrintError("os.unlink() " + str(e)) break def Execute(args, context, timeout=None, env={}, faketty=False): if faketty: import pty (out_master, fd_out) = pty.openpty() fd_err = fd_out pty_out = out_master else: (fd_out, outname) = tempfile.mkstemp() (fd_err, errname) = tempfile.mkstemp() pty_out = None # Extend environment env_copy = os.environ.copy() for key, value in env.iteritems(): env_copy[key] = value (process, exit_code, timed_out, output) = RunProcess( context, timeout, args = args, stdout = fd_out, stderr = fd_err, env = env_copy, faketty = faketty, pty_out = pty_out ) if faketty: os.close(out_master) errors = '' else: os.close(fd_out) os.close(fd_err) output = file(outname).read() errors = file(errname).read() CheckedUnlink(outname) CheckedUnlink(errname) return CommandOutput(exit_code, timed_out, output, errors) def CarCdr(path): if len(path) == 0: return (None, [ ]) else: return (path[0], path[1:]) class TestConfiguration(object): def __init__(self, context, root): self.context = context self.root = root def Contains(self, path, file): if len(path) > len(file): return False for i in xrange(len(path)): if not path[i].match(file[i]): return False return True def GetTestStatus(self, sections, defs): pass class TestSuite(object): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def GetName(self): return self.name # Use this to run several variants of the tests, e.g.: # VARIANT_FLAGS = [[], ['--always_compact', '--noflush_code']] VARIANT_FLAGS = [[]] class TestRepository(TestSuite): def __init__(self, path): normalized_path = abspath(path) super(TestRepository, self).__init__(basename(normalized_path)) self.path = normalized_path self.is_loaded = False self.config = None def GetConfiguration(self, context): if self.is_loaded: return self.config self.is_loaded = True file = None try: (file, pathname, description) = imp.find_module('testcfg', [ self.path ]) module = imp.load_module('testcfg', file, pathname, description) self.config = module.GetConfiguration(context, self.path) if hasattr(self.config, 'additional_flags'): self.config.additional_flags += context.node_args else: self.config.additional_flags = context.node_args finally: if file: file.close() return self.config def GetBuildRequirements(self, path, context): return self.GetConfiguration(context).GetBuildRequirements() def AddTestsToList(self, result, current_path, path, context, arch, mode): for v in VARIANT_FLAGS: tests = self.GetConfiguration(context).ListTests(current_path, path, arch, mode) for t in tests: t.variant_flags = v result += tests * context.repeat def GetTestStatus(self, context, sections, defs): self.GetConfiguration(context).GetTestStatus(sections, defs) class LiteralTestSuite(TestSuite): def __init__(self, tests): super(LiteralTestSuite, self).__init__('root') self.tests = tests def GetBuildRequirements(self, path, context): (name, rest) = CarCdr(path) result = [ ] for test in self.tests: if not name or name.match(test.GetName()): result += test.GetBuildRequirements(rest, context) return result def ListTests(self, current_path, path, context, arch, mode): (name, rest) = CarCdr(path) result = [ ] for test in self.tests: test_name = test.GetName() if not name or name.match(test_name): full_path = current_path + [test_name] test.AddTestsToList(result, full_path, path, context, arch, mode) result.sort(cmp=lambda a, b: cmp(a.GetName(), b.GetName())) return result def GetTestStatus(self, context, sections, defs): for test in self.tests: test.GetTestStatus(context, sections, defs) SUFFIX = { 'debug' : '_g', 'release' : '' } FLAGS = { 'debug' : ['--enable-slow-asserts', '--debug-code', '--verify-heap'], 'release' : []} TIMEOUT_SCALEFACTOR = { 'armv6' : { 'debug' : 12, 'release' : 3 }, # The ARM buildbots are slow. 'arm' : { 'debug' : 8, 'release' : 2 }, 'ia32' : { 'debug' : 4, 'release' : 1 }, 'ppc' : { 'debug' : 4, 'release' : 1 }, 's390' : { 'debug' : 4, 'release' : 1 } } class Context(object): def __init__(self, workspace, buildspace, verbose, vm, args, expect_fail, timeout, processor, suppress_dialogs, store_unexpected_output, repeat): self.workspace = workspace self.buildspace = buildspace self.verbose = verbose self.vm_root = vm self.node_args = args self.expect_fail = expect_fail self.timeout = timeout self.processor = processor self.suppress_dialogs = suppress_dialogs self.store_unexpected_output = store_unexpected_output self.repeat = repeat def GetVm(self, arch, mode): if arch == 'none': name = 'out/Debug/node' if mode == 'debug' else 'out/Release/node' else: name = 'out/%s.%s/node' % (arch, mode) # Currently GYP does not support output_dir for MSVS. # http://code.google.com/p/gyp/issues/detail?id=40 # It will put the builds into Release/node.exe or Debug/node.exe if utils.IsWindows(): out_dir = os.path.join(dirname(__file__), "..", "out") if not exists(out_dir): if mode == 'debug': name = os.path.abspath('Debug/node.exe') else: name = os.path.abspath('Release/node.exe') else: name = os.path.abspath(name + '.exe') return name def GetVmFlags(self, testcase, mode): return testcase.variant_flags + FLAGS[mode] def GetTimeout(self, mode): return self.timeout * TIMEOUT_SCALEFACTOR[ARCH_GUESS or 'ia32'][mode] def RunTestCases(cases_to_run, progress, tasks, flaky_tests_mode): progress = PROGRESS_INDICATORS[progress](cases_to_run, flaky_tests_mode) return progress.Run(tasks) # ------------------------------------------- # --- T e s t C o n f i g u r a t i o n --- # ------------------------------------------- SKIP = 'skip' FAIL = 'fail' PASS = 'pass' OKAY = 'okay' TIMEOUT = 'timeout' CRASH = 'crash' SLOW = 'slow' FLAKY = 'flaky' DONTCARE = 'dontcare' class Expression(object): pass class Constant(Expression): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def Evaluate(self, env, defs): return self.value class Variable(Expression): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def GetOutcomes(self, env, defs): if self.name in env: return ListSet([env[self.name]]) else: return Nothing() class Outcome(Expression): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def GetOutcomes(self, env, defs): if self.name in defs: return defs[self.name].GetOutcomes(env, defs) else: return ListSet([self.name]) class Set(object): pass class ListSet(Set): def __init__(self, elms): self.elms = elms def __str__(self): return "ListSet%s" % str(self.elms) def Intersect(self, that): if not isinstance(that, ListSet): return that.Intersect(self) return ListSet([ x for x in self.elms if x in that.elms ]) def Union(self, that): if not isinstance(that, ListSet): return that.Union(self) return ListSet(self.elms + [ x for x in that.elms if x not in self.elms ]) def IsEmpty(self): return len(self.elms) == 0 class Everything(Set): def Intersect(self, that): return that def Union(self, that): return self def IsEmpty(self): return False class Nothing(Set): def Intersect(self, that): return self def Union(self, that): return that def IsEmpty(self): return True class Operation(Expression): def __init__(self, left, op, right): self.left = left self.op = op self.right = right def Evaluate(self, env, defs): if self.op == '||' or self.op == ',': return self.left.Evaluate(env, defs) or self.right.Evaluate(env, defs) elif self.op == 'if': return False elif self.op == '==': inter = self.left.GetOutcomes(env, defs).Intersect(self.right.GetOutcomes(env, defs)) return not inter.IsEmpty() else: assert self.op == '&&' return self.left.Evaluate(env, defs) and self.right.Evaluate(env, defs) def GetOutcomes(self, env, defs): if self.op == '||' or self.op == ',': return self.left.GetOutcomes(env, defs).Union(self.right.GetOutcomes(env, defs)) elif self.op == 'if': if self.right.Evaluate(env, defs): return self.left.GetOutcomes(env, defs) else: return Nothing() else: assert self.op == '&&' return self.left.GetOutcomes(env, defs).Intersect(self.right.GetOutcomes(env, defs)) def IsAlpha(str): for char in str: if not (char.isalpha() or char.isdigit() or char == '_'): return False return True class Tokenizer(object): """A simple string tokenizer that chops expressions into variables, parens and operators""" def __init__(self, expr): self.index = 0 self.expr = expr self.length = len(expr) self.tokens = None def Current(self, length = 1): if not self.HasMore(length): return "" return self.expr[self.index:self.index+length] def HasMore(self, length = 1): return self.index < self.length + (length - 1) def Advance(self, count = 1): self.index = self.index + count def AddToken(self, token): self.tokens.append(token) def SkipSpaces(self): while self.HasMore() and self.Current().isspace(): self.Advance() def Tokenize(self): self.tokens = [ ] while self.HasMore(): self.SkipSpaces() if not self.HasMore(): return None if self.Current() == '(': self.AddToken('(') self.Advance() elif self.Current() == ')': self.AddToken(')') self.Advance() elif self.Current() == '$': self.AddToken('$') self.Advance() elif self.Current() == ',': self.AddToken(',') self.Advance() elif IsAlpha(self.Current()): buf = "" while self.HasMore() and IsAlpha(self.Current()): buf += self.Current() self.Advance() self.AddToken(buf) elif self.Current(2) == '&&': self.AddToken('&&') self.Advance(2) elif self.Current(2) == '||': self.AddToken('||') self.Advance(2) elif self.Current(2) == '==': self.AddToken('==') self.Advance(2) else: return None return self.tokens class Scanner(object): """A simple scanner that can serve out tokens from a given list""" def __init__(self, tokens): self.tokens = tokens self.length = len(tokens) self.index = 0 def HasMore(self): return self.index < self.length def Current(self): return self.tokens[self.index] def Advance(self): self.index = self.index + 1 def ParseAtomicExpression(scan): if scan.Current() == "true": scan.Advance() return Constant(True) elif scan.Current() == "false": scan.Advance() return Constant(False) elif IsAlpha(scan.Current()): name = scan.Current() scan.Advance() return Outcome(name.lower()) elif scan.Current() == '$': scan.Advance() if not IsAlpha(scan.Current()): return None name = scan.Current() scan.Advance() return Variable(name.lower()) elif scan.Current() == '(': scan.Advance() result = ParseLogicalExpression(scan) if (not result) or (scan.Current() != ')'): return None scan.Advance() return result else: return None BINARIES = ['=='] def ParseOperatorExpression(scan): left = ParseAtomicExpression(scan) if not left: return None while scan.HasMore() and (scan.Current() in BINARIES): op = scan.Current() scan.Advance() right = ParseOperatorExpression(scan) if not right: return None left = Operation(left, op, right) return left def ParseConditionalExpression(scan): left = ParseOperatorExpression(scan) if not left: return None while scan.HasMore() and (scan.Current() == 'if'): scan.Advance() right = ParseOperatorExpression(scan) if not right: return None left= Operation(left, 'if', right) return left LOGICALS = ["&&", "||", ","] def ParseLogicalExpression(scan): left = ParseConditionalExpression(scan) if not left: return None while scan.HasMore() and (scan.Current() in LOGICALS): op = scan.Current() scan.Advance() right = ParseConditionalExpression(scan) if not right: return None left = Operation(left, op, right) return left def ParseCondition(expr): """Parses a logical expression into an Expression object""" tokens = Tokenizer(expr).Tokenize() if not tokens: print "Malformed expression: '%s'" % expr return None scan = Scanner(tokens) ast = ParseLogicalExpression(scan) if not ast: print "Malformed expression: '%s'" % expr return None if scan.HasMore(): print "Malformed expression: '%s'" % expr return None return ast class ClassifiedTest(object): def __init__(self, case, outcomes): self.case = case self.outcomes = outcomes self.parallel = self.case.parallel class Configuration(object): """The parsed contents of a configuration file""" def __init__(self, sections, defs): self.sections = sections self.defs = defs def ClassifyTests(self, cases, env): sections = [s for s in self.sections if s.condition.Evaluate(env, self.defs)] all_rules = reduce(list.__add__, [s.rules for s in sections], []) unused_rules = set(all_rules) result = [ ] all_outcomes = set([]) for case in cases: matches = [ r for r in all_rules if r.Contains(case.path) ] outcomes = set([]) for rule in matches: outcomes = outcomes.union(rule.GetOutcomes(env, self.defs)) unused_rules.discard(rule) if not outcomes: outcomes = [PASS] case.outcomes = outcomes all_outcomes = all_outcomes.union(outcomes) result.append(ClassifiedTest(case, outcomes)) return (result, list(unused_rules), all_outcomes) class Section(object): """A section of the configuration file. Sections are enabled or disabled prior to running the tests, based on their conditions""" def __init__(self, condition): self.condition = condition self.rules = [ ] def AddRule(self, rule): self.rules.append(rule) class Rule(object): """A single rule that specifies the expected outcome for a single test.""" def __init__(self, raw_path, path, value): self.raw_path = raw_path self.path = path self.value = value def GetOutcomes(self, env, defs): set = self.value.GetOutcomes(env, defs) assert isinstance(set, ListSet) return set.elms def Contains(self, path): if len(self.path) > len(path): return False for i in xrange(len(self.path)): if not self.path[i].match(path[i]): return False return True HEADER_PATTERN = re.compile(r'\[([^]]+)\]') RULE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'\s*([^: ]*)\s*:(.*)') DEF_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^def\s*(\w+)\s*=(.*)$') PREFIX_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^\s*prefix\s+([\w\_\.\-\/]+)$') def ReadConfigurationInto(path, sections, defs): current_section = Section(Constant(True)) sections.append(current_section) prefix = [] for line in utils.ReadLinesFrom(path): header_match = HEADER_PATTERN.match(line) if header_match: condition_str = header_match.group(1).strip() condition = ParseCondition(condition_str) new_section = Section(condition) sections.append(new_section) current_section = new_section continue rule_match = RULE_PATTERN.match(line) if rule_match: path = prefix + SplitPath(rule_match.group(1).strip()) value_str = rule_match.group(2).strip() value = ParseCondition(value_str) if not value: return False current_section.AddRule(Rule(rule_match.group(1), path, value)) continue def_match = DEF_PATTERN.match(line) if def_match: name = def_match.group(1).lower() value = ParseCondition(def_match.group(2).strip()) if not value: return False defs[name] = value continue prefix_match = PREFIX_PATTERN.match(line) if prefix_match: prefix = SplitPath(prefix_match.group(1).strip()) continue print "Malformed line: '%s'." % line return False return True # --------------- # --- M a i n --- # --------------- ARCH_GUESS = utils.GuessArchitecture() def BuildOptions(): result = optparse.OptionParser() result.add_option("-m", "--mode", help="The test modes in which to run (comma-separated)", default='release') result.add_option("-v", "--verbose", help="Verbose output", default=False, action="store_true") result.add_option('--logfile', dest='logfile', help='write test output to file. NOTE: this only applies the tap progress indicator') result.add_option("-p", "--progress", help="The style of progress indicator (verbose, dots, color, mono, tap)", choices=PROGRESS_INDICATORS.keys(), default="mono") result.add_option("--report", help="Print a summary of the tests to be run", default=False, action="store_true") result.add_option("-s", "--suite", help="A test suite", default=[], action="append") result.add_option("-t", "--timeout", help="Timeout in seconds", default=60, type="int") result.add_option("--arch", help='The architecture to run tests for', default='none') result.add_option("--snapshot", help="Run the tests with snapshot turned on", default=False, action="store_true") result.add_option("--special-command", default=None) result.add_option("--node-args", dest="node_args", help="Args to pass through to Node", default=[], action="append") result.add_option("--expect-fail", dest="expect_fail", help="Expect test cases to fail", default=False, action="store_true") result.add_option("--valgrind", help="Run tests through valgrind", default=False, action="store_true") result.add_option("--cat", help="Print the source of the tests", default=False, action="store_true") result.add_option("--flaky-tests", help="Regard tests marked as flaky (run|skip|dontcare)", default="run") result.add_option("--warn-unused", help="Report unused rules", default=False, action="store_true") result.add_option("-j", help="The number of parallel tasks to run", default=1, type="int") result.add_option("-J", help="Run tasks in parallel on all cores", default=False, action="store_true") result.add_option("--time", help="Print timing information after running", default=False, action="store_true") result.add_option("--suppress-dialogs", help="Suppress Windows dialogs for crashing tests", dest="suppress_dialogs", default=True, action="store_true") result.add_option("--no-suppress-dialogs", help="Display Windows dialogs for crashing tests", dest="suppress_dialogs", action="store_false") result.add_option("--shell", help="Path to V8 shell", default="shell") result.add_option("--store-unexpected-output", help="Store the temporary JS files from tests that fails", dest="store_unexpected_output", default=True, action="store_true") result.add_option("--no-store-unexpected-output", help="Deletes the temporary JS files from tests that fails", dest="store_unexpected_output", action="store_false") result.add_option("-r", "--run", help="Divide the tests in m groups (interleaved) and run tests from group n (--run=n,m with n < m)", default="") result.add_option('--temp-dir', help='Optional path to change directory used for tests', default=False) result.add_option('--repeat', help='Number of times to repeat given tests', default=1, type="int") return result def ProcessOptions(options): global VERBOSE VERBOSE = options.verbose options.arch = options.arch.split(',') options.mode = options.mode.split(',') options.run = options.run.split(',') if options.run == [""]: options.run = None elif len(options.run) != 2: print "The run argument must be two comma-separated integers." return False else: try: options.run = map(int, options.run) except ValueError: print "Could not parse the integers from the run argument." return False if options.run[0] < 0 or options.run[1] < 0: print "The run argument cannot have negative integers." return False if options.run[0] >= options.run[1]: print "The test group to run (n) must be smaller than number of groups (m)." return False if options.J: # inherit JOBS from environment if provided. some virtualised systems # tends to exaggerate the number of available cpus/cores. cores = os.environ.get('JOBS') options.j = int(cores) if cores is not None else multiprocessing.cpu_count() if options.flaky_tests not in ["run", "skip", "dontcare"]: print "Unknown flaky-tests mode %s" % options.flaky_tests return False return True REPORT_TEMPLATE = """\ Total: %(total)i tests * %(skipped)4d tests will be skipped * %(pass)4d tests are expected to pass * %(fail_ok)4d tests are expected to fail that we won't fix * %(fail)4d tests are expected to fail that we should fix\ """ def PrintReport(cases): def IsFailOk(o): return (len(o) == 2) and (FAIL in o) and (OKAY in o) unskipped = [c for c in cases if not SKIP in c.outcomes] print REPORT_TEMPLATE % { 'total': len(cases), 'skipped': len(cases) - len(unskipped), 'pass': len([t for t in unskipped if list(t.outcomes) == [PASS]]), 'fail_ok': len([t for t in unskipped if IsFailOk(t.outcomes)]), 'fail': len([t for t in unskipped if list(t.outcomes) == [FAIL]]) } class Pattern(object): def __init__(self, pattern): self.pattern = pattern self.compiled = None def match(self, str): if not self.compiled: pattern = "^" + self.pattern.replace('*', '.*') + "$" self.compiled = re.compile(pattern) return self.compiled.match(str) def __str__(self): return self.pattern def SplitPath(s): stripped = [ c.strip() for c in s.split('/') ] return [ Pattern(s) for s in stripped if len(s) > 0 ] def GetSpecialCommandProcessor(value): if (not value) or (value.find('@') == -1): def ExpandCommand(args): return args return ExpandCommand else: pos = value.find('@') import urllib prefix = urllib.unquote(value[:pos]).split() suffix = urllib.unquote(value[pos+1:]).split() def ExpandCommand(args): return prefix + args + suffix return ExpandCommand BUILT_IN_TESTS = [ 'sequential', 'parallel', 'pummel', 'message', 'internet', 'addons', 'gc', 'debugger', 'doctool', ] def GetSuites(test_root): def IsSuite(path): return isdir(path) and exists(join(path, 'testcfg.py')) return [ f for f in os.listdir(test_root) if IsSuite(join(test_root, f)) ] def FormatTime(d): millis = round(d * 1000) % 1000 return time.strftime("%M:%S.", time.gmtime(d)) + ("%03i" % millis) def PrintCrashed(code): if utils.IsWindows(): return "CRASHED" else: return "CRASHED (Signal: %d)" % -code def Main(): parser = BuildOptions() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not ProcessOptions(options): parser.print_help() return 1 ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) logger.addHandler(ch) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if options.logfile: fh = logging.FileHandler(options.logfile, mode='wb') logger.addHandler(fh) workspace = abspath(join(dirname(sys.argv[0]), '..')) suites = GetSuites(join(workspace, 'test')) repositories = [TestRepository(join(workspace, 'test', name)) for name in suites] repositories += [TestRepository(a) for a in options.suite] root = LiteralTestSuite(repositories) if len(args) == 0: paths = [SplitPath(t) for t in BUILT_IN_TESTS] else: paths = [ ] for arg in args: path = SplitPath(arg) paths.append(path) # Check for --valgrind option. If enabled, we overwrite the special # command flag with a command that uses the run-valgrind.py script. if options.valgrind: run_valgrind = join(workspace, "tools", "run-valgrind.py") options.special_command = "python -u " + run_valgrind + " @" shell = abspath(options.shell) buildspace = dirname(shell) processor = GetSpecialCommandProcessor(options.special_command) context = Context(workspace, buildspace, VERBOSE, shell, options.node_args, options.expect_fail, options.timeout, processor, options.suppress_dialogs, options.store_unexpected_output, options.repeat) # Get status for tests sections = [ ] defs = { } root.GetTestStatus(context, sections, defs) config = Configuration(sections, defs) # List the tests all_cases = [ ] all_unused = [ ] unclassified_tests = [ ] globally_unused_rules = None for path in paths: for arch in options.arch: for mode in options.mode: vm = context.GetVm(arch, mode) if not exists(vm): print "Can't find shell executable: '%s'" % vm continue archEngineContext = Execute([vm, "-p", "process.arch"], context) vmArch = archEngineContext.stdout.rstrip() if archEngineContext.exit_code is not 0 or vmArch == "undefined": print "Can't determine the arch of: '%s'" % vm print archEngineContext.stderr.rstrip() continue env = { 'mode': mode, 'system': utils.GuessOS(), 'arch': vmArch, } test_list = root.ListTests([], path, context, arch, mode) unclassified_tests += test_list (cases, unused_rules, all_outcomes) = ( config.ClassifyTests(test_list, env)) if globally_unused_rules is None: globally_unused_rules = set(unused_rules) else: globally_unused_rules = ( globally_unused_rules.intersection(unused_rules)) all_cases += cases all_unused.append(unused_rules) if options.cat: visited = set() for test in unclassified_tests: key = tuple(test.path) if key in visited: continue visited.add(key) print "--- begin source: %s ---" % test.GetLabel() source = test.GetSource().strip() print source print "--- end source: %s ---" % test.GetLabel() return 0 if options.warn_unused: for rule in globally_unused_rules: print "Rule for '%s' was not used." % '/'.join([str(s) for s in rule.path]) tempdir = os.environ.get('NODE_TEST_DIR') or options.temp_dir if tempdir: try: os.makedirs(tempdir) os.environ['NODE_TEST_DIR'] = tempdir except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: print "Could not create the temporary directory", options.temp_dir sys.exit(1) if options.report: PrintReport(all_cases) result = None def DoSkip(case): if SKIP in case.outcomes or SLOW in case.outcomes: return True return FLAKY in case.outcomes and options.flaky_tests == SKIP cases_to_run = [ c for c in all_cases if not DoSkip(c) ] if options.run is not None: # Must ensure the list of tests is sorted before selecting, to avoid # silent errors if this file is changed to list the tests in a way that # can be different in different machines cases_to_run.sort(key=lambda c: (c.case.arch, c.case.mode, c.case.file)) cases_to_run = [ cases_to_run[i] for i in xrange(options.run[0], len(cases_to_run), options.run[1]) ] if len(cases_to_run) == 0: print "No tests to run." return 1 else: try: start = time.time() if RunTestCases(cases_to_run, options.progress, options.j, options.flaky_tests): result = 0 else: result = 1 duration = time.time() - start except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Interrupted" return 1 if options.time: # Write the times to stderr to make it easy to separate from the # test output. print sys.stderr.write("--- Total time: %s ---\n" % FormatTime(duration)) timed_tests = [ t.case for t in cases_to_run if not t.case.duration is None ] timed_tests.sort(lambda a, b: a.CompareTime(b)) index = 1 for entry in timed_tests[:20]: t = FormatTime(entry.duration) sys.stderr.write("%4i (%s) %s\n" % (index, t, entry.GetLabel())) index += 1 return result if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(Main())