var test = require('tap').test var rpt = require('../rpt.js') var path = require('path') var fs = require('fs') var archy = require('archy') var fixtures = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures') var roots = [ 'root', 'other', 'selflink', 'noname' ] var cwd = path.resolve(__dirname, '..') var symlinks = { 'selflink/node_modules/@scope/z/node_modules/glob': '../../../foo/node_modules/glob', 'other/node_modules/glob': '../../root/node_modules/@scope/x/node_modules/glob', 'linkedroot': 'root', 'deep/root': '../root', 'deeproot': 'deep' } function cleanup () { Object.keys(symlinks).forEach(function (s) { var p = path.resolve(cwd, 'test/fixtures', s) try { fs.unlinkSync(p) } catch (er) {} }) } test('setup symlinks', function (t) { cleanup() Object.keys(symlinks).forEach(function (s) { var p = path.resolve(cwd, 'test/fixtures', s) fs.symlinkSync(symlinks [ s ], p, 'dir') }) t.end() }) roots.forEach(function (root) { var dir = path.resolve(fixtures, root) var expectedtxt = path.resolve(dir, 'archy.txt') var expectedre = path.resolve(dir, '') test(root, function (t) { rpt(dir, function (er, d) { if (er && er.code !== 'ENOENT') throw er var actual = archy(archyize(d)).trim() // console . log ('----', dir) console.log(actual) // console . log (require ('util') . inspect (d, { // depth: Infinity // })) try { var expect = fs.readFileSync(expectedtxt, 'utf8').trim() t.equal(actual, expect, root + ' tree') } catch (e) { var expect = new RegExp(fs.readFileSync(expectedre, 'utf8').trim()), expect, root + ' tree') } t.end() }) }) }) test('linkedroot', function (t) { var dir = path.resolve(fixtures, 'linkedroot') var out = dir + '-archy.txt' rpt(dir, function (er, d) { if (er && er.code !== 'ENOENT') throw er var actual = archy(archyize(d)).trim() console.log(actual) var expect = fs.readFileSync(out, 'utf8').trim() t.equal(actual, expect, 'linkedroot tree') t.end() }) }) test('deeproot', function (t) { var dir = path.resolve(fixtures, 'deeproot/root') var out = path.resolve(fixtures, 'deep') + '-archy.txt' rpt(dir, function (er, d) { if (er && er.code !== 'ENOENT') throw er var actual = archy(archyize(d)).trim() console.log(actual) var expect = fs.readFileSync(out, 'utf8').trim() t.equal(actual, expect, 'deeproot tree') t.end() }) }) test('broken json', function (t) { rpt(path.resolve(fixtures, 'bad'), function (er, d) { t.ok(d.error, 'Got an error object') t.equal(d.error && d.error.code, 'EJSONPARSE') t.ok(d, 'Got a tree') t.end() }) }) test('missing json does not obscure deeper errors', function (t) { rpt(path.resolve(fixtures, 'empty'), function (er, d) { var error = d.error t.ok(error, 'Error reading json of top level') t.equal(error && error.code, 'ENOENT') var childError = d.children.length===1 && d.children[0].error t.ok(childError, 'Error parsing JSON of child node') t.equal(childError && childError.code, 'EJSONPARSE') t.end() }) }) test('missing folder', function (t) { rpt(path.resolve(fixtures, 'does-not-exist'), function (er, d) { t.ok(er, 'Got an error object') t.equal(er && er.code, 'ENOENT') t.ok(!d, 'No tree on top level error') t.end() }) }) function archyize (d, seen) { seen = seen || {} var path = d.path if ( { path = } var label = d.package._id ? d.package._id + ' ' : ? + (d.package.version ? '@' + d.package.version : '') + ' ' : '' label += path.substr(cwd.length + 1) if (d . target) { return { label: label + ' (symlink)', nodes: [] } } return { label: label, nodes: (kid) { return archyize(kid, seen) }) } } test('cleanup', function (t) { cleanup() t.end() })