'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const dgram = require('dgram'); if (!common.hasIPv6) { common.skip('no IPv6 support'); return; } const client = dgram.createSocket('udp6'); const toSend = [Buffer.alloc(256, 'x'), Buffer.alloc(256, 'y'), Buffer.alloc(256, 'z'), 'hello']; const received = []; client.on('listening', common.mustCall(() => { const port = client.address().port; client.send(toSend[0], 0, toSend[0].length, port); client.send(toSend[1], port); client.send([toSend[2]], port); client.send(toSend[3], 0, toSend[3].length, port); })); client.on('message', common.mustCall((buf, info) => { received.push(buf.toString()); if (received.length === toSend.length) { // The replies may arrive out of order -> sort them before checking. received.sort(); const expected = toSend.map(String).sort(); assert.deepStrictEqual(received, expected); client.close(); } }, toSend.length)); client.bind(0);