'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const readable = new Readable({ read: common.noop }); // Initialized to false. assert.strictEqual(readable._readableState.emittedReadable, false); readable.on('readable', common.mustCall(() => { // emittedReadable should be true when the readable event is emitted assert.strictEqual(readable._readableState.emittedReadable, true); readable.read(); // emittedReadable is reset to false during read() assert.strictEqual(readable._readableState.emittedReadable, false); }, 4)); // When the first readable listener is just attached, // emittedReadable should be false assert.strictEqual(readable._readableState.emittedReadable, false); // Each one of these should trigger a readable event. process.nextTick(common.mustCall(() => { readable.push('foo'); })); process.nextTick(common.mustCall(() => { readable.push('bar'); })); process.nextTick(common.mustCall(() => { readable.push('quo'); })); process.nextTick(common.mustCall(() => { readable.push(null); })); const noRead = new Readable({ read: common.noop }); noRead.on('readable', common.mustCall(() => { // emittedReadable should be true when the readable event is emitted assert.strictEqual(noRead._readableState.emittedReadable, true); noRead.read(0); // emittedReadable is not reset during read(0) assert.strictEqual(noRead._readableState.emittedReadable, true); })); noRead.push('foo'); noRead.push(null); const flowing = new Readable({ read: common.noop }); flowing.on('data', common.mustCall(() => { // When in flowing mode, emittedReadable is always false. assert.strictEqual(flowing._readableState.emittedReadable, false); flowing.read(); assert.strictEqual(flowing._readableState.emittedReadable, false); }, 3)); flowing.push('foooo'); flowing.push('bar'); flowing.push('quo'); process.nextTick(common.mustCall(() => { flowing.push(null); }));