'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const util = require('util'); const fs = require('fs'); let tests_ok = 0; let tests_run = 0; function stat_resource(resource) { if (typeof resource === 'string') { return fs.statSync(resource); } else { // ensure mtime has been written to disk fs.fsyncSync(resource); return fs.fstatSync(resource); } } function check_mtime(resource, mtime) { mtime = fs._toUnixTimestamp(mtime); const stats = stat_resource(resource); const real_mtime = fs._toUnixTimestamp(stats.mtime); // check up to single-second precision // sub-second precision is OS and fs dependant return mtime - real_mtime < 2; } function expect_errno(syscall, resource, err, errno) { if (err && (err.code === errno || err.code === 'ENOSYS')) { tests_ok++; } else { console.log('FAILED:', 'expect_errno', util.inspect(arguments)); } } function expect_ok(syscall, resource, err, atime, mtime) { if (!err && check_mtime(resource, mtime) || err && err.code === 'ENOSYS') { tests_ok++; } else { console.log('FAILED:', 'expect_ok', util.inspect(arguments)); } } // the tests assume that __filename belongs to the user running the tests // this should be a fairly safe assumption; testing against a temp file // would be even better though (node doesn't have such functionality yet) function testIt(atime, mtime, callback) { let fd; // // test synchronized code paths, these functions throw on failure // function syncTests() { fs.utimesSync(__filename, atime, mtime); expect_ok('utimesSync', __filename, undefined, atime, mtime); tests_run++; // some systems don't have futimes // if there's an error, it should be ENOSYS try { tests_run++; fs.futimesSync(fd, atime, mtime); expect_ok('futimesSync', fd, undefined, atime, mtime); } catch (ex) { expect_errno('futimesSync', fd, ex, 'ENOSYS'); } let err = undefined; try { fs.utimesSync('foobarbaz', atime, mtime); } catch (ex) { err = ex; } expect_errno('utimesSync', 'foobarbaz', err, 'ENOENT'); tests_run++; err = undefined; try { fs.futimesSync(-1, atime, mtime); } catch (ex) { err = ex; } expect_errno('futimesSync', -1, err, 'EBADF'); tests_run++; } // // test async code paths // fs.utimes(__filename, atime, mtime, common.mustCall(function(err) { expect_ok('utimes', __filename, err, atime, mtime); fs.utimes('foobarbaz', atime, mtime, common.mustCall(function(err) { expect_errno('utimes', 'foobarbaz', err, 'ENOENT'); // don't close this fd if (common.isWindows) { fd = fs.openSync(__filename, 'r+'); } else { fd = fs.openSync(__filename, 'r'); } fs.futimes(fd, atime, mtime, common.mustCall(function(err) { expect_ok('futimes', fd, err, atime, mtime); fs.futimes(-1, atime, mtime, common.mustCall(function(err) { expect_errno('futimes', -1, err, 'EBADF'); syncTests(); callback(); })); tests_run++; })); tests_run++; })); tests_run++; })); tests_run++; } const stats = fs.statSync(__filename); // run tests const runTest = common.mustCall(testIt, 6); runTest(new Date('1982-09-10 13:37'), new Date('1982-09-10 13:37'), function() { runTest(new Date(), new Date(), function() { runTest(123456.789, 123456.789, function() { runTest(stats.mtime, stats.mtime, function() { runTest(NaN, Infinity, function() { runTest('123456', -1, common.mustCall(function() { // done })); }); }); }); }); }); process.on('exit', function() { console.log('Tests run / ok:', tests_run, '/', tests_ok); assert.strictEqual(tests_ok, tests_run); });