'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); if (!common.opensslCli) { common.skip('node compiled without OpenSSL CLI.'); return; } // This is a rather complex test which sets up various TLS servers with node // and connects to them using the 'openssl s_client' command line utility // with various keys. Depending on the certificate authority and other // parameters given to the server, the various clients are // - rejected, // - accepted and "unauthorized", or // - accepted and "authorized". const testCases = [{ title: 'Do not request certs. Everyone is unauthorized.', requestCert: false, rejectUnauthorized: false, renegotiate: false, CAs: ['ca1-cert'], clients: [{ name: 'agent1', shouldReject: false, shouldAuth: false }, { name: 'agent2', shouldReject: false, shouldAuth: false }, { name: 'agent3', shouldReject: false, shouldAuth: false }, { name: 'nocert', shouldReject: false, shouldAuth: false } ] }, { title: 'Allow both authed and unauthed connections with CA1', requestCert: true, rejectUnauthorized: false, renegotiate: false, CAs: ['ca1-cert'], clients: [{ name: 'agent1', shouldReject: false, shouldAuth: true }, { name: 'agent2', shouldReject: false, shouldAuth: false }, { name: 'agent3', shouldReject: false, shouldAuth: false }, { name: 'nocert', shouldReject: false, shouldAuth: false } ] }, { title: 'Do not request certs at connection. Do that later', requestCert: false, rejectUnauthorized: false, renegotiate: true, CAs: ['ca1-cert'], clients: [{ name: 'agent1', shouldReject: false, shouldAuth: true }, { name: 'agent2', shouldReject: false, shouldAuth: false }, { name: 'agent3', shouldReject: false, shouldAuth: false }, { name: 'nocert', shouldReject: false, shouldAuth: false } ] }, { title: 'Allow only authed connections with CA1', requestCert: true, rejectUnauthorized: true, renegotiate: false, CAs: ['ca1-cert'], clients: [{ name: 'agent1', shouldReject: false, shouldAuth: true }, { name: 'agent2', shouldReject: true }, { name: 'agent3', shouldReject: true }, { name: 'nocert', shouldReject: true } ] }, { title: 'Allow only authed connections with CA1 and CA2', requestCert: true, rejectUnauthorized: true, renegotiate: false, CAs: ['ca1-cert', 'ca2-cert'], clients: [{ name: 'agent1', shouldReject: false, shouldAuth: true }, { name: 'agent2', shouldReject: true }, { name: 'agent3', shouldReject: false, shouldAuth: true }, { name: 'nocert', shouldReject: true } ] }, { title: 'Allow only certs signed by CA2 but not in the CRL', requestCert: true, rejectUnauthorized: true, renegotiate: false, CAs: ['ca2-cert'], crl: 'ca2-crl', clients: [ { name: 'agent1', shouldReject: true, shouldAuth: false }, { name: 'agent2', shouldReject: true, shouldAuth: false }, { name: 'agent3', shouldReject: false, shouldAuth: true }, // Agent4 has a cert in the CRL. { name: 'agent4', shouldReject: true, shouldAuth: false }, { name: 'nocert', shouldReject: true } ] } ]; if (!common.hasCrypto) { common.skip('missing crypto'); return; } const tls = require('tls'); const SSL_OP_NO_SESSION_RESUMPTION_ON_RENEGOTIATION = require('crypto').constants.SSL_OP_NO_SESSION_RESUMPTION_ON_RENEGOTIATION; const assert = require('assert'); const fs = require('fs'); const spawn = require('child_process').spawn; function filenamePEM(n) { return require('path').join(common.fixturesDir, 'keys', n + '.pem'); } function loadPEM(n) { return fs.readFileSync(filenamePEM(n)); } const serverKey = loadPEM('agent2-key'); const serverCert = loadPEM('agent2-cert'); function runClient(prefix, port, options, cb) { // Client can connect in three ways: // - Self-signed cert // - Certificate, but not signed by CA. // - Certificate signed by CA. const args = ['s_client', '-connect', '' + port]; // for the performance issue in s_client on Windows if (common.isWindows) args.push('-no_rand_screen'); console.log(prefix + ' connecting with', options.name); switch (options.name) { case 'agent1': // Signed by CA1 args.push('-key'); args.push(filenamePEM('agent1-key')); args.push('-cert'); args.push(filenamePEM('agent1-cert')); break; case 'agent2': // Self-signed // This is also the key-cert pair that the server will use. args.push('-key'); args.push(filenamePEM('agent2-key')); args.push('-cert'); args.push(filenamePEM('agent2-cert')); break; case 'agent3': // Signed by CA2 args.push('-key'); args.push(filenamePEM('agent3-key')); args.push('-cert'); args.push(filenamePEM('agent3-cert')); break; case 'agent4': // Signed by CA2 (rejected by ca2-crl) args.push('-key'); args.push(filenamePEM('agent4-key')); args.push('-cert'); args.push(filenamePEM('agent4-cert')); break; case 'nocert': // Do not send certificate break; default: throw new Error(prefix + 'Unknown agent name'); } // To test use: openssl s_client -connect localhost:8000 const client = spawn(common.opensslCli, args); let out = ''; let rejected = true; let authed = false; let goodbye = false; client.stdout.setEncoding('utf8'); client.stdout.on('data', function(d) { out += d; if (!goodbye && /_unauthed/g.test(out)) { console.error(prefix + ' * unauthed'); goodbye = true; client.kill(); authed = false; rejected = false; } if (!goodbye && /_authed/g.test(out)) { console.error(prefix + ' * authed'); goodbye = true; client.kill(); authed = true; rejected = false; } }); //client.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); client.on('exit', function(code) { //assert.equal(0, code, prefix + options.name + // ": s_client exited with error code " + code); if (options.shouldReject) { assert.strictEqual(true, rejected, prefix + options.name + ' NOT rejected, but should have been'); } else { assert.strictEqual(false, rejected, prefix + options.name + ' rejected, but should NOT have been'); assert.strictEqual(options.shouldAuth, authed, prefix + options.name + ' authed is ' + authed + ' but should have been ' + options.shouldAuth); } cb(); }); } // Run the tests let successfulTests = 0; function runTest(port, testIndex) { const prefix = testIndex + ' '; const tcase = testCases[testIndex]; if (!tcase) return; console.error(prefix + "Running '%s'", tcase.title); const cas = tcase.CAs.map(loadPEM); const crl = tcase.crl ? loadPEM(tcase.crl) : null; const serverOptions = { key: serverKey, cert: serverCert, ca: cas, crl: crl, requestCert: tcase.requestCert, rejectUnauthorized: tcase.rejectUnauthorized }; /* * If renegotiating - session might be resumed and openssl won't request * client's certificate (probably because of bug in the openssl) */ if (tcase.renegotiate) { serverOptions.secureOptions = SSL_OP_NO_SESSION_RESUMPTION_ON_RENEGOTIATION; } let renegotiated = false; const server = tls.Server(serverOptions, function handleConnection(c) { c.on('error', function(e) { // child.kill() leads ECONNRESET errro in the TLS connection of // openssl s_client via spawn(). A Test result is already // checked by the data of client.stdout before child.kill() so // these tls errors can be ignored. }); if (tcase.renegotiate && !renegotiated) { renegotiated = true; setTimeout(function() { console.error(prefix + '- connected, renegotiating'); c.write('\n_renegotiating\n'); return c.renegotiate({ requestCert: true, rejectUnauthorized: false }, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); c.write('\n_renegotiated\n'); handleConnection(c); }); }, 200); return; } if (c.authorized) { console.error(prefix + '- authed connection: ' + c.getPeerCertificate().subject.CN); c.write('\n_authed\n'); } else { console.error(prefix + '- unauthed connection: %s', c.authorizationError); c.write('\n_unauthed\n'); } }); function runNextClient(clientIndex) { const options = tcase.clients[clientIndex]; if (options) { runClient(prefix + clientIndex + ' ', port, options, function() { runNextClient(clientIndex + 1); }); } else { server.close(); successfulTests++; runTest(port, nextTest++); } } server.listen(port, function() { port = server.address().port; if (tcase.debug) { console.error(prefix + 'TLS server running on port ' + port); } else { if (tcase.renegotiate) { runNextClient(0); } else { let clientsCompleted = 0; for (let i = 0; i < tcase.clients.length; i++) { runClient(prefix + i + ' ', port, tcase.clients[i], function() { clientsCompleted++; if (clientsCompleted === tcase.clients.length) { server.close(); successfulTests++; runTest(port, nextTest++); } }); } } } }); } let nextTest = 0; runTest(0, nextTest++); runTest(0, nextTest++); process.on('exit', function() { assert.strictEqual(successfulTests, testCases.length); });